The everyday strangeness of China, which our people will never understand
There are ordinary people in China. People like you and me. They also eat, go to bed, fall in love, work, age. Of course, the culture of this country developed in a completely different way and in everyday life you can always find all sorts of strange things. I've been asked many times, like, How they live in China? Most of the Chinese people are happy people.
Editorial "Site" There are some interesting facts that I also met when I was in China. Let's see what's true and what's not. But much is known only in comparison. The first thing to get used to is the same question: “Hey, bark!” Where did you come from? Laovai in Chinese is a foreigner.
As the Chinese live in China, people are very sociable and willing to make contact. We are used to doing everything collectively: playing, eating, learning. Few of them complain about fate, in most cases they are happy with what they have. Blood, food, loved ones - that's all that a resident of China needs for happiness. But modernity leaves its mark.
With the development of technologies that are growing rapidly in China, addictions have arisen. Children are very exposed to the influence of the computer, up to the complete refusal to do anything else. In China, there is a rehabilitation program for gamers. Teenagers are sent to special camps, where they are returned to normal, earthly life. This is mostly private practice, but the authorities are also taking steps in this direction.
In China, Buddhism is developed, many ministers of the cult declare that they can be revived or have been revived. They are called “living Buddhas,” tulkus, and are mostly found in Tibet. In a word, Chinese government Therefore, all Buddhist temples must approve the reincarnation plan in the State Bureau of Religious Affairs and provide a list of all their living Buddhas.
Caves. How they live in China is true. In the steep slopes in the clay soil you can find houses that look like caves. In fact, these are several rooms, in such dwellings still live Chinese old people who do not want to change the usual way of life. lifestyle. By the way, in such a "cave" house in summer is quite cool, and in winter, on the contrary, it is warm. In the heat or during cold winds, such an apartment is a real salvation!
China is a very large country that covers almost four time zones. But everywhere there is one time for all, it is determined in Beijing. In Xinjiang, the westernmost point of the country, the sun does not appear in the sky until ten in the morning! This is it.
Over the past few decades, the Chinese attitude towards money has changed. The leading role of the economy is affected. Wealthy people became more, luxury is still in favor. The best gift is money, always in a red envelope. In the popular Wechat network there is even an option, the so-called Hongbao (red envelope), which allows you to give any user real money.
Number 666 We have three sixes that will cause confusion and fear, and in China, a smile and a smile. laughter. This number is considered lucky in China (in Hongbao you can get 666 yuan, for example). People in China don’t like the number 4. It happens that in the elevator, instead of the fourth floor, it says 3A, 14-13A and so on, until the floors are finished.
Chicken claws are more expensive than meat It is true that chicken paws (the clawed paws we throw away) are considered a delicacy in China. I still don’t know where this love comes from. Maybe because of the high collagen content, which, say, improves the skin. In general, legs are more expensive than pure meat. By the way, weigh in China not by a kilogram, but by a pound.
Live turtles in the windows of supermarkets And turtles, and frogs, and other useful animals that the Chinese are happy to eat. It really depends on the region. Where I lived, they love noodles very much, so I didn't see frogs very often. What is common to all Chinese food? It's very sharp. Even if a Chinese selling street food assures you it's not spicy, be prepared. It's spicy. Very sharp!
The tonal language in China is true. When you come to China, you realize that everyone around you is squeaking. The language has four tones and many similar pronunciation words. They have a saying that goes something like this: "Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi ..." Of course it's all different tones. It was about a man who loved to eat lions. That's it!
The Chinese are touchy. That's true and not true. The Chinese are a very patient people. They will endure to the last and will never allow themselves to be tempered. Of course, this happens, but often they will smile to save face. They will be offended if you openly disgrace their country. lifestyleIt is derogatory to speak of them. Even if you say they have bad food. By the way, it is impolite to refuse a treat, so be careful when you go to a traditional restaurant.
I heard a story that our girls, who prefer clothes with a neckline, like to roll rich Chinese with unequivocal offers. Like every country, there are guys in China who think everything in the world is measured by money. In order to exclude such a situation, northern beauties should not dress too defiantly. Otherwise, you can talk to the police. So watch the cutout!
Be sure to go to China for an excursion, this country will not leave anyone indifferent! Only here you can see an amazing mixture of the most modern and ancient. Follow this link to learn more about China. About how they live in China. We look forward to your impressions in the comments!

Editorial "Site" There are some interesting facts that I also met when I was in China. Let's see what's true and what's not. But much is known only in comparison. The first thing to get used to is the same question: “Hey, bark!” Where did you come from? Laovai in Chinese is a foreigner.
As the Chinese live in China, people are very sociable and willing to make contact. We are used to doing everything collectively: playing, eating, learning. Few of them complain about fate, in most cases they are happy with what they have. Blood, food, loved ones - that's all that a resident of China needs for happiness. But modernity leaves its mark.
With the development of technologies that are growing rapidly in China, addictions have arisen. Children are very exposed to the influence of the computer, up to the complete refusal to do anything else. In China, there is a rehabilitation program for gamers. Teenagers are sent to special camps, where they are returned to normal, earthly life. This is mostly private practice, but the authorities are also taking steps in this direction.

In China, Buddhism is developed, many ministers of the cult declare that they can be revived or have been revived. They are called “living Buddhas,” tulkus, and are mostly found in Tibet. In a word, Chinese government Therefore, all Buddhist temples must approve the reincarnation plan in the State Bureau of Religious Affairs and provide a list of all their living Buddhas.

Caves. How they live in China is true. In the steep slopes in the clay soil you can find houses that look like caves. In fact, these are several rooms, in such dwellings still live Chinese old people who do not want to change the usual way of life. lifestyle. By the way, in such a "cave" house in summer is quite cool, and in winter, on the contrary, it is warm. In the heat or during cold winds, such an apartment is a real salvation!

China is a very large country that covers almost four time zones. But everywhere there is one time for all, it is determined in Beijing. In Xinjiang, the westernmost point of the country, the sun does not appear in the sky until ten in the morning! This is it.

Over the past few decades, the Chinese attitude towards money has changed. The leading role of the economy is affected. Wealthy people became more, luxury is still in favor. The best gift is money, always in a red envelope. In the popular Wechat network there is even an option, the so-called Hongbao (red envelope), which allows you to give any user real money.

Number 666 We have three sixes that will cause confusion and fear, and in China, a smile and a smile. laughter. This number is considered lucky in China (in Hongbao you can get 666 yuan, for example). People in China don’t like the number 4. It happens that in the elevator, instead of the fourth floor, it says 3A, 14-13A and so on, until the floors are finished.

Chicken claws are more expensive than meat It is true that chicken paws (the clawed paws we throw away) are considered a delicacy in China. I still don’t know where this love comes from. Maybe because of the high collagen content, which, say, improves the skin. In general, legs are more expensive than pure meat. By the way, weigh in China not by a kilogram, but by a pound.

Live turtles in the windows of supermarkets And turtles, and frogs, and other useful animals that the Chinese are happy to eat. It really depends on the region. Where I lived, they love noodles very much, so I didn't see frogs very often. What is common to all Chinese food? It's very sharp. Even if a Chinese selling street food assures you it's not spicy, be prepared. It's spicy. Very sharp!

The tonal language in China is true. When you come to China, you realize that everyone around you is squeaking. The language has four tones and many similar pronunciation words. They have a saying that goes something like this: "Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi ..." Of course it's all different tones. It was about a man who loved to eat lions. That's it!

The Chinese are touchy. That's true and not true. The Chinese are a very patient people. They will endure to the last and will never allow themselves to be tempered. Of course, this happens, but often they will smile to save face. They will be offended if you openly disgrace their country. lifestyleIt is derogatory to speak of them. Even if you say they have bad food. By the way, it is impolite to refuse a treat, so be careful when you go to a traditional restaurant.
I heard a story that our girls, who prefer clothes with a neckline, like to roll rich Chinese with unequivocal offers. Like every country, there are guys in China who think everything in the world is measured by money. In order to exclude such a situation, northern beauties should not dress too defiantly. Otherwise, you can talk to the police. So watch the cutout!

Be sure to go to China for an excursion, this country will not leave anyone indifferent! Only here you can see an amazing mixture of the most modern and ancient. Follow this link to learn more about China. About how they live in China. We look forward to your impressions in the comments!
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