To tighten the area around the mouth, take a cork, put between the... Wake up the muscles that are not working!
Now here and there they talk about the mysterious facefitness - the simplest gymnastics for a person capable of correcting the oval and getting rid of wrinkles without expensive operations and procedures. Moreover, the trainers of the fashion direction claim that 15 minutes a day is enough to get ten years younger in just two months!
"Site" I highly recommend you try these miracles. facelift. There are only 4 of them, and the implementation will not take away valuable time. But most importantly, the result will surely please you! The skin will tighten, wrinkles will noticeably smooth out, and the oval of the face will become clear and attractive.
Facial oval correction
Simple. facebuilding at home The best way helps in the formation of a beautiful, correct oval face, and generally contributes to a peaceful and harmonious state of mind and body. Perform these enjoyable exercises daily and become beautiful, young and relaxed.
What tricks for a home facelift do you know? Be sure to share with us in the comments.
"Site" I highly recommend you try these miracles. facelift. There are only 4 of them, and the implementation will not take away valuable time. But most importantly, the result will surely please you! The skin will tighten, wrinkles will noticeably smooth out, and the oval of the face will become clear and attractive.
Facial oval correction
- The Bucket Exercise
This exercise can be done daily! It perfectly fights the asymmetry of the face, corrects its oval, and with patient and prolonged repetition can even correct some of the defects of the bite. Tightly place your palms on your cheeks, capturing the area of the lower jaw joint. Slowly lower your lower jaw down vertically. Then lift it as slowly as you are afraid to splash water from the bucket. Gentlely pressing your palms, adjust the movement of the jaw, not allowing it to move to the sides. Your task is to achieve a soft and smooth movement of the jaw strictly along the vertical axis. Perform 4 to 5 unhurried repetitions.
- The "Congestion" exercise
This exercise will noticeably soften and correct the oval of the face, help relax tense chewing muscles, improve the condition of the temporomandibular joint and noticeably smooth out wrinkles around the mouth area. To perform such gymnastics, you will need a wine cork. The spine is straightened, the cranial vault muscles are pulled back and up. While sitting or standing, place a plug between your teeth and fix this position. Look at yourself in the mirror for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the duration of the exercise to 60-90 seconds. Carefully remove the cork and return the jaws to their usual position. Perform such an exercise is enough only 3-4 times a week.
Do not combine this kind of gymnastics with other activities! You do not need to vacuum and wash dishes during the exercise, otherwise you can simply deepen the nasolabial folds. Make sure that during the performance the muscles of the face are relaxed.
- Stroking the chewing muscles
This exercise is suitable not only to correct the oval of the face, but also help the muscles to relax and relax. The mouth is wide open, the lips are gently stretched out, like you say "Oh." Hands slowly smooth the chewing muscles from the lower jaw joint down to the arch of the lower jaw and from the cheekbones to the corner of the lower jaw. Perform 6-7 strokes in each direction.
- Head turns
Stuck in traffic? This is not a reason to duck in the phone (so new wrinkles appear on the neck and old ones deepen), it is better to spend time with your beloved! Sit flat and turn your head to the right and then to the left, trying to look behind your shoulder. Perform 10 repetitions in each direction.
Then turn your head to one side or the other. 10 smooth slopes are enough.
The last stage is the lifting of the crown up with the simultaneous lowering of the shoulders (as if you shrug your shoulders). Do that 20 times. Daily implementation of such a complex will get rid of wrinkles in the neck, prevent the appearance of the second chin and help in the formation of a beautiful oval face.
Simple. facebuilding at home The best way helps in the formation of a beautiful, correct oval face, and generally contributes to a peaceful and harmonious state of mind and body. Perform these enjoyable exercises daily and become beautiful, young and relaxed.
What tricks for a home facelift do you know? Be sure to share with us in the comments.