How I defeated an intervertebral hernia: a propolis canvas for hernia and protrusions
Intervertebral hernia is the main disease of avid summer residents. But now the disease is "younger" and occurs even in adolescents. Diclofenac, MRI, surgery This is the algorithm of modern treatment. Conservative methods are not considered by neurosurgeons. And it is very in vain, because the experience of those who avoided surgery proves otherwise.
How to treat a spinal hernia? When my sister was diagnosed with this, surgery was not even discussed. It's because our family has long known, How to treat a lumbar hernia. Our grandfather is a village beekeeper, always helped fellow villagers to overcome this ailment. In mid-May, people from all over the region came to him for honey shelves - propolis canvases, which, as my grandfather said, cope with any disease.
Propolis canvas This is a cotton or linen section of fabric, which covers the bee family in the hive. Bees do not like crevices and drafts, so they seal the fabric with wax, propolis and other useful enzymes.
The canvas changes once a year, in May on the eve of swarming. To throw away such a valuable cloth does not raise the hand of any beekeeper. The shelf has the strongest. phytoncidal It copes perfectly with diseases of ENT organs, non-healing wounds and burns, joint pain, neuralgia and intervertebral hernias.
Propolis is undoubtedly a miraculous remedy. This is not just bee glue, but a whole storehouse of healing substances. It contains all the most useful biologicals: excretion from the buds of trees, buds, pollen. Propolis disinfects and heals wounds, restores the skin, anesthetizes and kills the fungus.
Useful enzymes, penetrating through the skin, have a beneficial effect on soft tissues and joints. Propolis has an antitumor effect, is strong antibioticIt stimulates the production of T-lymphocytes and suppresses viruses.
For medicinal purposes propolis use as follows: first, the fabric is cut into several parts, the cut is heated by steam, and then applied to the sore spot by the side with propolis. From above, the fabric should be covered with a film and wrapped well, preferably with a wool fabric.
Heated from the body, propolis will begin to be actively absorbed through the skin. With a vertebral hernia, such a compress is recommended to be done at night. And during exacerbation, with severe pain attacks, it is better to wear without removing.
Besides spinalPropolis canvas is used in the fight against fungal diseases of the legs. From the fabric are made therapeutic insoles and socks. To burns heal faster, they are attached to a sheath lubricated with ghee butter.
We can do it. steam: In a teapot with hot water, you need to place a piece of propolis fabric. The healing vapor should be inhaled very carefully, through the rolled paper. The canvas can be flavored and disinfect indoors. To do this, a piece of fabric should be placed near the heat source.
Buying a propolis canvas springtime And verified beekeepers. Keep in mind that the darker and fragrant the canvas, the more useful substances there are on it. You can use it repeatedly until the fabric ends with a proposly layer.
But there's one caveat. In spinal hernia It is necessary to use an integrated approach, lead an active lifestyle and necessarily strengthen the muscles of the back.
Many people were saved from the operation. medical gymnastics of Dr. BubnovskyIt consists of a set of simple exercises that instantly relieve back pain. So that your back does not hurt, get rid of a sedentary lifestyle, walk more, run, swim and exercise.
Write to us in the comments how you managed herniate. The experience of each reader is very important to us. If you liked the article, tell your friends. How to treat hernia at homeTo avoid surgery.

How to treat a spinal hernia? When my sister was diagnosed with this, surgery was not even discussed. It's because our family has long known, How to treat a lumbar hernia. Our grandfather is a village beekeeper, always helped fellow villagers to overcome this ailment. In mid-May, people from all over the region came to him for honey shelves - propolis canvases, which, as my grandfather said, cope with any disease.

Propolis canvas This is a cotton or linen section of fabric, which covers the bee family in the hive. Bees do not like crevices and drafts, so they seal the fabric with wax, propolis and other useful enzymes.
The canvas changes once a year, in May on the eve of swarming. To throw away such a valuable cloth does not raise the hand of any beekeeper. The shelf has the strongest. phytoncidal It copes perfectly with diseases of ENT organs, non-healing wounds and burns, joint pain, neuralgia and intervertebral hernias.

Propolis is undoubtedly a miraculous remedy. This is not just bee glue, but a whole storehouse of healing substances. It contains all the most useful biologicals: excretion from the buds of trees, buds, pollen. Propolis disinfects and heals wounds, restores the skin, anesthetizes and kills the fungus.
Useful enzymes, penetrating through the skin, have a beneficial effect on soft tissues and joints. Propolis has an antitumor effect, is strong antibioticIt stimulates the production of T-lymphocytes and suppresses viruses.

For medicinal purposes propolis use as follows: first, the fabric is cut into several parts, the cut is heated by steam, and then applied to the sore spot by the side with propolis. From above, the fabric should be covered with a film and wrapped well, preferably with a wool fabric.
Heated from the body, propolis will begin to be actively absorbed through the skin. With a vertebral hernia, such a compress is recommended to be done at night. And during exacerbation, with severe pain attacks, it is better to wear without removing.

Besides spinalPropolis canvas is used in the fight against fungal diseases of the legs. From the fabric are made therapeutic insoles and socks. To burns heal faster, they are attached to a sheath lubricated with ghee butter.
We can do it. steam: In a teapot with hot water, you need to place a piece of propolis fabric. The healing vapor should be inhaled very carefully, through the rolled paper. The canvas can be flavored and disinfect indoors. To do this, a piece of fabric should be placed near the heat source.

Buying a propolis canvas springtime And verified beekeepers. Keep in mind that the darker and fragrant the canvas, the more useful substances there are on it. You can use it repeatedly until the fabric ends with a proposly layer.

But there's one caveat. In spinal hernia It is necessary to use an integrated approach, lead an active lifestyle and necessarily strengthen the muscles of the back.
Many people were saved from the operation. medical gymnastics of Dr. BubnovskyIt consists of a set of simple exercises that instantly relieve back pain. So that your back does not hurt, get rid of a sedentary lifestyle, walk more, run, swim and exercise.
Write to us in the comments how you managed herniate. The experience of each reader is very important to us. If you liked the article, tell your friends. How to treat hernia at homeTo avoid surgery.
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