How to quickly cure a hernia at home without the participation of doctors Back exercises by Shamil Alyautdinov.
The doctors calculated that herniation It is much “younger”: now even 17-year-olds suffer from the disease. What about people of mature age? After 30 years, the risk of getting a hernia increases dramatically. The main causes of the disease are sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, improper posture, excess weight, hypothermia and other factors.
Shamil Alyautdinov, Imam-Khatib of the Moscow Memorial Mosque, said: Doctors are used to patients doing nothing to get healthier. The vast majority of people simply swallow pills and give shots when they have bouts of low back pain. But this only relieves the symptoms and the problem gets worse over time.”
“If you are not disciplined in health care, expect nothing good from such a life. Immediately tune in that if you already have a problem with your back, you need to solve it competently - read about the structure of the spine and do exercises, the imam advises.
Exercises for spinal hernia
Do these. lumbar hernia exercises constantly, then the muscles will take the load and correctly distribute it on the back. The distance between the vertebrae will increase, the ridge will align, the pressure of the hernia on the nerves will disappear.
“Intervertebral discs are living matter. It is necessary that the correct metabolism takes place in them. To do this, the load on the entire ridge should be distributed evenly. The back muscles need to be strengthened daily. I suggest giving these simple exercises 20-30 minutes a day, Shamil advises.
Start doing such gymnastics, and in a week the pain will completely disappear, and in 2 months you will become a healthy person. Try to sit properly, do not slouch, get rid of excess weight.
We recommend this set of exercises for women to alleviate the condition during hormonal restructuring during menopause.
Want to try these exercises? Believe me, they are not only pleasant, but also heal the back. Your body will work like a clock! Click "Share on Facebook" if you want your friends to learn how to cure the spine on their own.

Shamil Alyautdinov, Imam-Khatib of the Moscow Memorial Mosque, said: Doctors are used to patients doing nothing to get healthier. The vast majority of people simply swallow pills and give shots when they have bouts of low back pain. But this only relieves the symptoms and the problem gets worse over time.”

“If you are not disciplined in health care, expect nothing good from such a life. Immediately tune in that if you already have a problem with your back, you need to solve it competently - read about the structure of the spine and do exercises, the imam advises.
Exercises for spinal hernia
- Lie on your stomach, hold your hands behind your lower back. On inhale, alternately raise the right, then the left leg along with the body, lower the exhale. Try to do 50 lifts of each leg.
- Lying on your stomach, put your hands behind your head, your elbows look to the sides. On inhalation, tear the chest from the floor, strain the muscles of the press, on exhalation return to the original position. Try to do it 50 times.
- Without tearing the pelvis from the floor and pushing back with your hands, slowly rotate back in the lower back. Pull the top and shoulder blades as far as possible. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. It's very nice. Exercise for hernia of the lumbar spine. During their performance, the muscles are well stretched, flexibility is developed.
- Put your buttocks on your heels, knees together. Extend your back in the opposite direction: arms are closed on the back of the head, strain the abdominal muscles on the exhalation and stretch your back until your forehead touches your knees. Hold on for 3-4 minutes.
- Squat down, heel off the floor, socks together, knees looking to the side. Skip your elbows under your knees and grab your hands at the heels below. Put your head and pelvis down. On the exhale, relax the muscles, let the head hang freely. Stay in this position for 2-3 minutes.
- Take the knee-elbow position. Take your feet off the floor. Turn the pelvis alternately to the right and then to the left. Repeat it 40 times.
- La on the floor on the stomach, legs wide apart. Extend the right hand in front of you, take the left perpendicular from the body to the side. Turn around and take your left hand back without taking your feet off the floor. Repeat the same thing with your other hand. On exhalation, relax all muscles, listen to pleasant sensations, linger in each position for 2-3 minutes. This exercise puts all the vertebrae in place, the previously tightened muscles stretch.
396122 - This exercise requires a bar. Grab the bar, pull your knees to your chest, lean back. Then return to the starting position. Do 3 sets 10 times each. Under the weight of your body, you will not only stretch the back muscles and increase the distance between the vertebrae, but also strengthen the press.
Do these. lumbar hernia exercises constantly, then the muscles will take the load and correctly distribute it on the back. The distance between the vertebrae will increase, the ridge will align, the pressure of the hernia on the nerves will disappear.
“Intervertebral discs are living matter. It is necessary that the correct metabolism takes place in them. To do this, the load on the entire ridge should be distributed evenly. The back muscles need to be strengthened daily. I suggest giving these simple exercises 20-30 minutes a day, Shamil advises.

Start doing such gymnastics, and in a week the pain will completely disappear, and in 2 months you will become a healthy person. Try to sit properly, do not slouch, get rid of excess weight.
We recommend this set of exercises for women to alleviate the condition during hormonal restructuring during menopause.
Want to try these exercises? Believe me, they are not only pleasant, but also heal the back. Your body will work like a clock! Click "Share on Facebook" if you want your friends to learn how to cure the spine on their own.
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