10 rules from the Bible that can make any family happy
We all dream of a happy marriage. But the statistics of recent years are not cheerful: more than half of marriages registered worldwide, break up.
Many marriages break down only because one or both spouses adhere to some erroneous rules, which leads to the rejection of the needle of the compass of their relationship.
Of all earthly unions, marriage is the most intimate: “...and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Its importance requires us to reconcile our rules of life with the most authoritative criterion of truth, the Word of God.
If false principles can destroy marriage, then faith in inspired truths will certainly help restore the happiness of the marital relationship. Here are 10 verses from the Bible that will help you find marital.
Marriage rules
Many couples who have been together forever will agree that marriage It requires hard work on the relationship on both sides. We have collected for you 15 rules of happy family life, shared by experienced couples.
A quiet family life, happy and peaceful is the dream of many people. Why are so many children growing up in dysfunctional families? It is a pity that we were not taught in school what love is and what pitfalls marriage is fraught with.

Many marriages break down only because one or both spouses adhere to some erroneous rules, which leads to the rejection of the needle of the compass of their relationship.

Of all earthly unions, marriage is the most intimate: “...and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Its importance requires us to reconcile our rules of life with the most authoritative criterion of truth, the Word of God.

If false principles can destroy marriage, then faith in inspired truths will certainly help restore the happiness of the marital relationship. Here are 10 verses from the Bible that will help you find marital.
Marriage rules
- Never remember the mistakes of the past.
Stop criticizing others, or the criticism will come back to you... goodbye and you will be forgiven (Luke 6:37).
DepositPhotos - Neglect the blessings of this world, not one another.
For what good is it to a man if, having acquired the whole world, he loses his life? (Mark 8:36).
DepositPhotos - Never go to bed without making up.
You may be angry, but do not sin. You must get rid of anger before the sun goes down (Ephesians 4:26).
DepositPhotos - At least once a day, try to say something nice to your spouse.
The meek tongue is the tree of life, but the unbridled is the crushing of the spirit (Proverbs 15:4).
DepositPhotos - Greet each other warmly when you meet.
From the incense of your suits your name is like a spilled myrrh; therefore the girls love you (Songs of Songs 1:2).
DepositPhotos - In riches and in poverty, rejoice in every moment God has given you to live together.
Better is a dish of green, and with it love, than a fattened bull, and with it hatred (Proverbs 15:17).
DepositPhotos - If you have a choice between please yourself or a life partner, make a choice in his favor.
Do not deny good to those in need, when it is in your hand to do it (Proverbs 3:27).
DepositPhotos - Learn to forgive.
Watch yourself. But if your brother sins against you, reprimand him; and if he repents, forgive him; and if he sins against you seven times a day, and turns seven times a day, and says, “I repent,” forgive him (Luke 17:3-4).
DepositPhotos - Do not use faith, the Bible or God as a weapon.
For God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him (John 3:17). - Let love be your guide.
Love endures long, is merciful, does not envy, does not exalt itself, is not proud, does not deprave, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; it covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).
Many couples who have been together forever will agree that marriage It requires hard work on the relationship on both sides. We have collected for you 15 rules of happy family life, shared by experienced couples.
A quiet family life, happy and peaceful is the dream of many people. Why are so many children growing up in dysfunctional families? It is a pity that we were not taught in school what love is and what pitfalls marriage is fraught with.
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