Cookie recipe without flour and sugar

In order not to go through with calories, there should always be a useful and easy snack between the main meals. But healthy food is not only kefir, oatmeal and cucumbers. I'll need it here. buckwheatEasy and tasty, and most importantly, without sugar.

Cookies without flour Buckwheat cereal is a very useful product. It is not for nothing called the queen of cereals, because in the composition of buckwheat a lot of vitamins, trace elements and complete proteins necessary for health. The calorie content of buckwheat kernels is 313 kcal per 100 g, and 100 g of porridge contains only 132 kcal. Nutritionists recommend buckwheat as a valuable protein and low-carbohydrate dietary product.

From buckwheat you can make not only porridge or soup. Today. "Site" He will tell you how to bake amazing diet cookies! Fragrant and unusual, it will appeal to all lovers of original baking.

If you're looking for a good one flourlessCongratulations, he's in front of you! For this delicacy you can use green or fried buckwheat, grind cereal in a coffee grinder. Or you can buy ready-made buckwheat flour at the store.

The ingredients
  • 100g buckwheat
  • 2 medium apples
  • 10g rye bran or instant oat flakes
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder
  • 100ml thick kefir or yogurt
  • pinch
  • 1 tbsp sesame (you can take poppy or chopped nuts)

  1. In the coffee grinder, grind the buckwheat to a powdered state and sieve through a sieve if necessary. Add the apples grated on a medium grater.

  2. Mix the mass with the remaining ingredients to a homogeneous state. Cover with film or towel and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. If after half an hour the dough became very liquid, add a little more buckwheat flour. If it becomes dry, a share of kefir.
  4. Roll the balls out of the dough and make them flat on the counter. You can use cookie forms.

  5. Warm the oven to 150 degrees and bake cookies for 30-40 minutes. Let him cool down. Bon appetit!

Healthy food can also be flourless And homemade grain bars. The process of their preparation is not cluttered, and thanks to dried fruits, you can experiment with tastes in every possible way.

Useful buckwheat cookies can be given to children without fear. This is a great idea for a children's dessert!

Write us in the comments if you cooked. buckwheat and whether you liked the result. Click "Share on Facebook" to show friends our recipe for a healthy snack.


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