Gooseberry berries should be eaten directly with tails, a huge benefit for the body
Gooseberry has always been very popular. All because of the versatility of the berry, which can be added to almost any dish, be it marmalade, ice cream, jam, compote, pies, casseroles or even porridge and soups.
It is not surprising that gooseberry is common in Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and even America. There are more than 1500 varieties of this plant, the fruits of which differ in shape and size, and in taste.
And today's edition. "Site" He will tell more about the properties of gooseberry fruits, as well as about the main trouble that haunts the owners of these shrubs - powdery dew.
Many inexperienced owners ask about the nature of the origin of white plaque on gooseberry berries. This plaque is called powdery dew, and it is a fungal disease dangerous for the shrub, which gradually destroys the plant.
Fighting the powdery dew follows a radical method: the branches affected by the disease are pruned and treated with either a chemical or natural remedy at its discretion, for example, a solution of wood ash. This is necessary to save the bush and stop the spread of the fungus. In return, you will receive a harvest of delicious and useful fruits.
To the berries of the bush is easy not to get close, because they are protected by spikes on all sides. But useful. gooseberry It is worth it, despite the scratches, to collect delicious fruits.
In gooseberry there are vitamins A, B, and PP, but separately it is worth noting the presence of vitamin C, the content of which this berry can compete even with currants. Therefore, to strengthen immunity, gooseberry fruits are more useful than subtropical citrus fruits.
Also, the berries contain many trace elements necessary for the body, among which we note phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron and organic acids.
Gooseberry accelerates metabolism, differs in choleretic, laxative and diuretic action. Eating shrub berries helps strengthen blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and lower cholesterol. In addition, nutritionists recommend this product with honey for skin diseases.
The fruit of gooseberry is considered a dietary product, because its calorie content is only 40 kcal per 100 grams of product. It also has an invigorating effect, which allows you to abandon ambiguous coffee and give preference to gooseberry, which is useful in any form.
So, to strengthen immunity, it is enough to eat 1 tablespoon of berries, and more suitable gooseberry. The roots should not be torn off, because they also contain useful substances.
To consolidate the beneficial effect of the product on the body, you should drink tea infused on gooseberry leaves. Such a pleasant treatment for a couple of weeks will give not only good health, but also a stable feeling of vivacity for the whole year.
Still. gooseberry is not good for everyone. People who suffer from peptic ulcer or diabetes, this berry is contraindicated. All because of the high fiber content, which only aggravates the disease.
And those who have no contraindications, it remains only more often to include the fruits of gooseberry in the diet, enjoying great benefits and a variety of taste, which differs depending on the variety.
If the harvest of berries this year is impressive, then take on the recipe of delicious compote from gooseberry. And in order not to stay in the winter without vitamins, rather harvest jam from currants and, of course, gooseberries.
Share an article with your friends to let them know the real benefit of gooseberry They often included these healthy berries in their diet.
It is not surprising that gooseberry is common in Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and even America. There are more than 1500 varieties of this plant, the fruits of which differ in shape and size, and in taste.
And today's edition. "Site" He will tell more about the properties of gooseberry fruits, as well as about the main trouble that haunts the owners of these shrubs - powdery dew.

Many inexperienced owners ask about the nature of the origin of white plaque on gooseberry berries. This plaque is called powdery dew, and it is a fungal disease dangerous for the shrub, which gradually destroys the plant.
Fighting the powdery dew follows a radical method: the branches affected by the disease are pruned and treated with either a chemical or natural remedy at its discretion, for example, a solution of wood ash. This is necessary to save the bush and stop the spread of the fungus. In return, you will receive a harvest of delicious and useful fruits.

To the berries of the bush is easy not to get close, because they are protected by spikes on all sides. But useful. gooseberry It is worth it, despite the scratches, to collect delicious fruits.
In gooseberry there are vitamins A, B, and PP, but separately it is worth noting the presence of vitamin C, the content of which this berry can compete even with currants. Therefore, to strengthen immunity, gooseberry fruits are more useful than subtropical citrus fruits.

Also, the berries contain many trace elements necessary for the body, among which we note phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron and organic acids.
Gooseberry accelerates metabolism, differs in choleretic, laxative and diuretic action. Eating shrub berries helps strengthen blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and lower cholesterol. In addition, nutritionists recommend this product with honey for skin diseases.

The fruit of gooseberry is considered a dietary product, because its calorie content is only 40 kcal per 100 grams of product. It also has an invigorating effect, which allows you to abandon ambiguous coffee and give preference to gooseberry, which is useful in any form.
So, to strengthen immunity, it is enough to eat 1 tablespoon of berries, and more suitable gooseberry. The roots should not be torn off, because they also contain useful substances.

To consolidate the beneficial effect of the product on the body, you should drink tea infused on gooseberry leaves. Such a pleasant treatment for a couple of weeks will give not only good health, but also a stable feeling of vivacity for the whole year.
Still. gooseberry is not good for everyone. People who suffer from peptic ulcer or diabetes, this berry is contraindicated. All because of the high fiber content, which only aggravates the disease.

And those who have no contraindications, it remains only more often to include the fruits of gooseberry in the diet, enjoying great benefits and a variety of taste, which differs depending on the variety.
If the harvest of berries this year is impressive, then take on the recipe of delicious compote from gooseberry. And in order not to stay in the winter without vitamins, rather harvest jam from currants and, of course, gooseberries.
Share an article with your friends to let them know the real benefit of gooseberry They often included these healthy berries in their diet.