Common mistakes in cooking
Many cooking We get it from grandmas and moms. After all, the phrase “Taste as a child” warms us so much. Parents should be treated with respect, but not all of them are true. There are many common kitchen misconceptions that we inherited.
Editorial "Site" 9 Kitchen Mistakes That Make Your Food Less Tasty
Home cooking
The kitchen routine can actually be easier. We often repeat what my mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother did. So be aware of these culinary blunders and start doing the right thing so that the cooking process becomes faster and the dishes taste better.
Tell us in the comments what you make of this list of kitchen habits. Share a useful article with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Editorial "Site" 9 Kitchen Mistakes That Make Your Food Less Tasty
Home cooking
- Hot pastries.
Grandmothers always called to eat while the bun is hot, only from the oven, and the milk is steamy. The habit of admiring hot pastries passed from childhood to adulthood. Now we are happy to find hot bread in the store. But in fact, baked goods are considered ready after cooling. Hot pastries curl up in the stomach with lumps that are poorly digested. In addition, its frequent consumption can lead to inflammatory processes.
DepositPhotos - Soda and vinegar
To make the dough rise and be more lush, our ancestors mixed soda and vinegar, and the foam formed during quenching was added to the dough. But this cooking-stunt It's completely useless. The carbon dioxide produced by the reaction immediately evaporates. The same effect can be achieved by mixing flour and vinegar. Just mix some soda with flour and mix the dough. And then add a little lemon juice. So carbon dioxide will stay in the test and actually make it airy.
DepositPhotos - Meat defrosting
Let's say you decided to cook a meat dish tonight. There's a good piece of meat in the freezer, and you think it's a good idea to have it defrosted while you're at work. But thawing meat outdoors at room temperature is a big mistake, and even dangerous to health. After all, in such conditions, bacteria multiply in it. The correct option is to leave the meat thawed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in cold water.
DepositPhotos - Rinse meat
Washing the meat well under a stream of cold water is correct. But we're not going to clean it up that way. Fluids, dust, blood, yes. On the contrary, microorganisms will feel great, multiplying in splashes from rinsing on the sink, dishes and your hands. Only heat treatment kills harmful bacteria. How to wash chicken or pork properly? Pour cold water into a pan, rinse the meat in it, and then wet it with a dry towel or napkins. Wash your hands with soap. Now start cooking.
DepositPhotos - Washing of dried fruit
The most famous way to wash dried fruits before cooking compote is to put in a coop and rinse under a stream of cold or warm water: the products are whole and washed. But that's wrong. It is no secret that to maintain the attractiveness of dried fruits are well fed with chemistry. To wash off harmful substances, soak the dried fruit for 40 minutes in water, and then thoroughly wash.
DepositPhotos - Onion harvesting
Remember: onions should be cut strictly before throwing into the dish. Slicing it and going to breathe fresh air is a mistake. After 10 minutes in the open air, sliced onions become bitter, which can distort the taste of the dish.
DepositPhotos - Roaster.
Roasted onions with carrots make the soup more appetizing, and with black bread such tandem is also nothing. But it is a big mistake to fry onions and carrots together, because they have different cooking times. Luke needs more time to prepare. So send it to the pan first, wait until it is slightly transparent and only then add the carrot. Nothing will burn, and the passer will be delicious.
DepositPhotos - Size of board
All these little painted boards look so homely. Many housewives have survived since Soviet times. But these little pieces aren't really rational for cutting products. It is much more convenient to cut tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers for salad at once than to free the board of products every time, especially if vegetables need to be thrown into the dish at the same time. There is, of course, a rule that the board should fit the knife: a small knife is a small board, and vice versa. But in fact, the more the better.
DepositPhotos - Long marination of meat
Marinating meat for barbecue all night is an old habit that we don’t even think about. But it's actually a waste of time. If you want to soften the meat, long marination makes sense. But even in this case, pork, for example, needs to be marinated for about 5 hours. Chicken will take 1 hour to soak in aromas and become soft. And the fish do not need to marinate at all: dipped in spices and straight on the grill or grill.
The kitchen routine can actually be easier. We often repeat what my mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother did. So be aware of these culinary blunders and start doing the right thing so that the cooking process becomes faster and the dishes taste better.
Tell us in the comments what you make of this list of kitchen habits. Share a useful article with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.