The parable of a bad son to whom his mother did not give money

Not every mother dares to say that she has bad boyEven if there's a reason for that. After all, the categories good and bad are generally quite subjective, and their boundaries are sometimes erased. But what can really motivate a woman to describe her child in this way? You will learn about it in our history today.


When my father died, my mother was very hard. She began to spend more time in the country, hit the gardening. My husband and I supported her and helped her. And now she often repeats that she simply would not have managed without us.

I got married a year before Dad left. Artem and I had to save a lot because we took the apartment on credit. Soon we had a daughter, and the costs only increased. But I never forgot my mom because I knew she needed us.

But my younger brother always pretended that family grief does not concern him. He married a little before me, and his wife was a girl from a very wealthy family. Kolya constantly mocked me, saying how well he settled down and how bad everything is with me. To come to my mother and help on the beds, and there was never a question.

Mom never said she had a bad son or anything. She tried not to talk about Kola at all because she knew I was going to be mad. I think his indifference upsets her very much. But she tries to hold on: after all, you can not re-educate an adult.

She often calls him and offers homemade products from the garden. He just wants him to come and see her. But Kolya always refuses and slyly replies, “Mom, we can go to the store and buy anything.” We don't need to pass anything on. Let Thinka take it away, she needs it more.”

One day we came to our mother’s house to celebrate our daughter’s birthday. She turned 5 years old, and my mother offered to make a family dinner in the country. We cooked our favorite dishes together, Artem marinated barbecue. Even our daughter was involved: she helped make the cake!

The atmosphere was as pleasant and warm as possible. At the end of the evening, my mother pulled out an envelope from under the table and handed it to us saying, “This summer was a bountiful harvest, I sold a lot.” And for the last couple of years, I have been saving some money from retirement to give it to Nastya. I really want you to take your granddaughter to the sea. Please do not give up money and do my wish.”

My mother’s actions touched me and my husband. He even cried when he hugged his mother-in-law. Yes, we have been saving on everything for many years, our daughter has never been taken to the sea. I tried to save money myself, but I didn’t... This is a gift! Of course, I was very happy and grateful to my mother.

Our evening was coming to an end, and suddenly my brother came into the house. He never came to his mom without warning, so we were all very surprised. Kolya came with his wife. They sat down at the table as if nothing had happened, asking about mom's affairs. And then my brother started talking heresy.

He said he and his wife went on holiday to Turkey last year. They were fully sponsored by his wife’s parents. And this year they refused to give money for the trip, so my brother came to my mother. He says he knows she's been selling a lot of fruit and vegetables this year, and she probably has some money.

Shock! My husband and I just lost our jaw from such impudence. She comes once a year, doesn't do anything for her mother, and now she wants something from her. Unprecedented insolence!

My mother was not confused: “Son, you are not a bad child, but impudent to the point of impossibility.” Aren't you ashamed to come to your old mother and beg for vacation money? Go and make money! Next time, I won’t even go to the door. In fact, if you don't know, your niece's birthday was recently.

Kolya left, didn't even say goodbye to us. Am I upset? Pfft, hardly. To be honest, I felt a little relief.

Why do you think such different children can grow up in the same family? Boldly share your opinion in the comments!


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