Budget meals for every day
Psychologists say that memories of the past seem better than they actually were. Indeed, despite the eternal queues in stores, empty storefronts, coupons for sugar, oil, cereals, vodka, we remember with warmth and tenderness the life of the decadence of the 80-90s of the last century. Even the food of that time seems to have tasted 100 times better than sushi, pizza, burgers and other modern joys.
It is amazing how mothers and grandmothers managed to cook almost nothing breakfast, lunches, dinners and desserts. And this is with a total deficit, monstrous inflation and wage delays for six months! In the wake of nostalgia for the 90s, we have selected some of the wildest survival recipes, on which an entire generation of “children of perestroika” grew up.
Budget dishes
This is how the unpretentious were born. simple and cheapThat's why we survived. Moreover: they were cheerful, cheerful, resourceful, built huts, chased into “cossack robbers”, stuffed bruises and abrasions, collected inserts and did not peel off the prefixes “Subor”.
Mothers and grandmothers were able to find and write new ones. cheap meals every dayTo diversify the tired lunches and dinners. Most had children who demanded tasty or sweet, so the tradition of sharing recipes from cheap and affordable foods was firmly established among relatives and neighbors.
No matter how touching nostalgia for the 90s, no one wants a repeat of that devastation, rampant banditry, poverty and eternal economy. Do you think that the culinary perversions described above would appeal to modern children? Be sure to tell in the comments what home treats were prepared in your family in those good and troubled times.
Photo from depositphotos preview

It is amazing how mothers and grandmothers managed to cook almost nothing breakfast, lunches, dinners and desserts. And this is with a total deficit, monstrous inflation and wage delays for six months! In the wake of nostalgia for the 90s, we have selected some of the wildest survival recipes, on which an entire generation of “children of perestroika” grew up.
Budget dishes
- Cheese soup
Traditionally French dish in the post-Soviet manner, very popular among students. They cooked it like this: first they boiled carrots and onions in a pot of water until soft, then they threw potatoes and melted cheese. When the potatoes were boiled and the cheese melted in hot water, a delicious, fragrant and brewy soup was obtained. It was so appetizing that even children - ardent opponents of soups - snorted it with pleasure, sprinkling crackers. Many try to repeat cheese soup from modern products, but in vain: whether the cheese became not so, or earlier with starvation everything was tastier. - Broth cube soup
Magic broth cubes "Galina Blanca" or "Maggy" could turn any dish into a culinary masterpiece. What is it? As a child, they were all stolen from kitchen lockers and secretly bitten for nothing. Enterprising mothers still hid the cubes from premature destruction, and then prepared a delicious diet soup: vermicelle, bulb, carrots, a pair of potatoes and a coveted broth cube. Soup, depending on the contents of the cubes, could be mushroom or chicken. Quite a decent first course, no one disdained. - Beet caviar
The best lived those who had their own garden - grew potatoes, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes. But those less fortunate turned on creativity to their full potential and made a great snack of just one kind of vegetable. The cheapest and most affordable was beets. It was boiled, passed through a meat grinder, added sugar, salt, oil, citric acid and languished for 5-10 minutes on fire. In chilled form, such caviar "set" no worse than zucchini! - Onion salad only from onions
Recipes with more than five ingredients were rare in those years. Inventive housewives learned and prepared a hearty snack from only onion salad. Onions were cut with rings, scalded with boiling water, salted and filled with sour cream or vegetable oil. A simple snack could hardly feed children, but under vodka adults crunched with delight with such “vitamins”. - Oat cutlets
The most favorite delicacy of a child of the 90s was a sandwich made of a piece of rye bread and patties, in which there is more bread than meat. But it was so good! In the complete absence of meat, cunning parents cooked cutlets completely without it. They were done as follows: a broth cube was dissolved in water, a glass of Hercules, finely sliced onions, spices were added. From the resulting gruel, cutlets were sculpted and roasted in oil. Served with tomato sauce or mayonnaise. - Garlic and salt bread
This is now called the fashionable word "brusketta". Only before, instead of ciabatta or baguette, they took a scrap of black rye bread, rubbed thickly with a clove of garlic, sprinkled with salt and enjoyed it. Before the ambassador, bread could be lubricated with sunflower or butter, instead of garlic, a young green onion was used. If the house did not have cheese, sausage or salted fish, it was the cheapest and tastiest sandwich in the world! - French and egg.
Mostly our practical parents disposed of dried bread in this way. But often it was fresh for the croutons. The bread was sliced, dipped in a whipped egg and roasted in a pan. If you took a loaf, then pre-dipped in milk. Such a snack could be both sweet (then called "Poor Knight") and salty, like a snack for beer. - Homemade bread cake
The easiest and fastest to prepare a delicacy from what is always at hand. There were two types of homemade cakes: with sugar and jam. The classic basis has always been white bread with butter. In most families, there was always jam in the house. But it was unspeakably tasty to spread condensed bread or honey on it. From bread you could cook almost anything, post-Soviet culinary creativity knew no boundaries! - Sugar candy in a spoon
Only the laziest did not heat the sugar in the spoon. When overcome by a frantic desire to eat something sweet, they began to prepare an exquisite dessert with their own hands on a gas stove. And now no one prevents to create a favorite home treat at home. To do this, it is enough to lubricate a spoon with vegetable oil, pour sugar into it and hold it over the fire until the sugar thickens and becomes yellow.
This is how the unpretentious were born. simple and cheapThat's why we survived. Moreover: they were cheerful, cheerful, resourceful, built huts, chased into “cossack robbers”, stuffed bruises and abrasions, collected inserts and did not peel off the prefixes “Subor”.

Mothers and grandmothers were able to find and write new ones. cheap meals every dayTo diversify the tired lunches and dinners. Most had children who demanded tasty or sweet, so the tradition of sharing recipes from cheap and affordable foods was firmly established among relatives and neighbors.
No matter how touching nostalgia for the 90s, no one wants a repeat of that devastation, rampant banditry, poverty and eternal economy. Do you think that the culinary perversions described above would appeal to modern children? Be sure to tell in the comments what home treats were prepared in your family in those good and troubled times.
Photo from depositphotos preview