Exercises for weight loss at home

Almost every woman dreams of losing a few extra pounds. To do this, hundreds of methods, techniques, diets and exercises are invented every day. But all the new and fashionable things came to us from the distant past. Today we will tell you about one of them.


Everyone knows that geishas were considered the standard of beauty, but not everyone knows how they managed to keep slim. So today's editorial office. "Site" He will tell you about an exercise that will help. lose weight quickly at home. Geisha knew a lot about it.

We are all accustomed to believe that the process of losing weight is only diet and exercise. But these are only two of the many elements. Few people know that you can lose extra pounds with the help of proper breathing. Not much, thanks. breathing You can improve your health, cure some diseases and just bring the body to tone.

Today we will tell you about the exercise that is performed with the help of a regular bottle. The exercise is quite simple to perform and does not require much time. So, first, stand on all fours, between your teeth, hold the neck of an empty plastic bottle. This is our starting position, now we start breathing properly.

DepositPhotos You need to take slow breaths and exhales using abdominal breathing. Take a normal breath through the nose, and then exhale the air into the bottle with force, straining the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. If the heart and lungs are fine, you can take a breath the same way, through a bottle. It is important to breathe slowly with little effort. Take 15 of those breaths. Or you can just breathe for 10-15 minutes, not counting.

Watch your health, in any case do not bring yourself to dizziness. If you feel that there is not enough air or any discomfort, you need to stop the exercise and return to it later.

Diaphragmatic breathing is useful not only for weight loss, although it has been repeatedly proven that the weight goes away very well during regular training. Among other things, exercise helps improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism and increase the amount of nutrients that are absorbed by the body. Also, breathing exercises help to cleanse the body of toxins that are contained in adipose tissue.


After regular exercises, you will feel the body filled with energy, muscles come tone, and centimeters on the waist and hips gradually go away. In addition, this exercise helps to get rid of stress and chronic fatigue. And also very positively affects the condition of the skin, because it helps fill cells with oxygen. Thus, one simple exercise helps not only to lose weight, but also completely rejuvenate the body!


If you want to lose weight, you should not forget about breathing. And it is also important to choose a diet and physical activity that will suit you. If you don’t have the opportunity to do it yourself, we recommend you take advantage of the amazing healthy weight loss program that will help you get your body in shape in just 12 weeks!

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