Egg mask recipe for facial skin

Ordinary chicken eggs are a find product: in cooking, and in everyday life, and even in cosmetology, they will find a worthy application. When all sorts of store products for the care of delicate facial skin have been tried, and the result leaves much to be desired, it is time to seek help from the long-forgotten “grandmother’s” remedies.

Eggs are exactly the product that can solve many skin problems without unnecessary hassle. Excellent base for homemade masks!


Egg face mask editorially "Site" It consists of only two ingredients: eggs and milk, and nothing else is needed! Many vitamins, trace elements and nutrients that are contained in the yolk enrich dry, depleted skin at the cellular level without unnecessary additives and impurities. Shall we try?

Egg Face Mask Preparation and Application
  1. Take 1 egg, separate the yolk from the protein. In a separate dish, pour 50 ml of milk.

  2. Pull the yolk slightly with your brush, put the squirrel aside.

  3. On a clean dry face evenly apply the yolk with a brush. Let the yolk dry a little, but do not freeze.

  4. When yolkmask slightly tighten the skin, dip your fingers in milk and start massaging your face, preventing the egg from completely freezing. Continue to wet your fingers and do a light massage for 15-20 minutes.

  5. Wash the remains of the mask with warm water, dip your face with a towel and apply moisturizer. A homemade mask will effectively nourish the skin, have an antioxidant effect and return the tone to the wilting skin.

  6. Homemade mask of the yolk is suitable for owners of dry problem skin, but protein is just a find for young ladies who suffer from increased fat content of the skin. Protein in its pure form tightens and smoothes shallow wrinkles, narrows and cleanses the pores, and in the company of lemon effectively whitens the delicate skin of the face.



As you can see, penny face masks based on eggs are a worthy alternative to store creams and salon procedures. After just a few sessions of natural therapy, you will notice the result: the skin will become healthy and toned, fresh and well-groomed, wrinkles will become less noticeable, and the epidermis will strengthen at the cellular level.

Have you ever tried a natural egg mask? Share impressions in the comments.


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