Useful properties of basil for health

The period from late summer to early autumn is the time for seasonal vegetables and herbs. A lot of people like it. basilica For its rich spicy aroma and bittersweet taste. It grows in many summer gardens near parsley and dill.

The name of this green comes from the Greek word basileus, which means “king” or “king”. You can immediately guess with what respect our ancestors treated this fragrant plant!



In India, basil represents hospitality, in ancient Italy it was used as the “grass of love”. Basil is rich in bioflavonoids – special organic compounds that stabilize the structure of chromosomes in cells and prevent them from breaking down. Thus, genetics The cells become resistant to rebirth and cancer formation.

Characteristically appetizing basil is caused by a high content of essential oils, which have a strong bactericidal effect. They destroy Pseudomonas, staphylococcal and enterococcal infection. Included in basil vitamin K increases blood clotting.

DepositPhotos Smell and basilica stimulates appetite, purple or green leaves are added to salads, soups, meat and vegetable dishes, pizza, pasta, sauces and pate. We have it grown as a garden crop, but few suspect its effectiveness in the treatment of common diseases.

While the summer season is in full swing, have time to prepare basil for the future and take note of several examples of its use for medical purposes.

Application of basil in folk medicine
  1. With inflammation of the eyes and ears
    For the treatment of eye diseases (conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma), an infusion of 1 tbsp of dry basil grass per 1 tbsp of boiling water is used. The cooled product is washed the eyes several times a day. A decoction of basil relieves pain with otitis: 2 tbsp. l of grass brew 0.5 liters of boiling water and bring it to a boil on a low heat, then let it brew for 10 minutes. The compress should be applied in a conventional way every day while the ear hurts. In addition, you can use basil essential oil, which is sold in any pharmacy. Heated oil is buried 1-2 drops in the ear - this reduces inflammation and pain.


  2. With nervous tension, joint pain, headaches
    If you want to overcome the constant weakness, fatigue, irritability, apathy, start drinking basil as tea. Just brew the grass with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Drink a drink with a circle of lemon, sugar or honey 2 times a day, and soon you will feel a surge of strength. This tea relieves headaches and muscle pain caused by tension. The pain goes away if you chew a few fresh leaves or massage whiskey with basil essential oil. The plant helps to cope with stress, strengthening the nervous system, improves well-being and increases efficiency.


  3. With inflammation of the mouth, sore throat and toothache
    This natural medicine can destroy up to 99% of the microbes in our mouth without harming the body. If there are wounds on the cheeks, tongue, gums, then basil heals them perfectly. Therefore, it is good to rinse your mouth with a decoction of basil or chew fresh leaves with stomatitis and angina. Greens are used in the fight against toothache, caries and dental stone. To soothe a toothache, it is enough to chew a couple of basil leaves and hold such a "gum" on a sore tooth. A decoction or infusion of the plant strengthens the gums. Dried basil powder is used to clean teeth.

  4. With nausea, heartburn, poisoning, gastrointestinal diseases
    The decoction of basil eliminates nausea and vomiting. If you eat something spoiled, then eating basil leaves will help to cope with poisoning. Therefore, fragrant grass is put in dishes, especially meat. This spice stimulates digestion and absorption of nutrients. Greens of basil normalizes the intestinal microflora, decoctions and infusions relieve bloating, gas formation and spasms, they are taken with colitis and gastritis. Extracts of the plant are used to treat heartburn and belching.


  5. To improve the condition of the skin and hair
    Homemade masks with basil get rid of acne, redness and withering of the skin. Thanks to a unique set of components, the plant rejuvenates the skin, cleanses the pores, tones, soothes, aligns the surface and improves complexion, treats acne, activates cell regeneration. Basil perfectly tones sagging skin. To return a clear oval face is enough 2-3 times a week to apply a gruel of crushed leaves on the skin of the face, neck and neck area.


    To make the hair thick, elastic and shiny, remove itching and dryness of the scalp, use the infusion of basil immediately after washing the head. You need to pour 100 g of dried or fresh basil 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour, strain and soak hair in this tool for 2-3 minutes.


Scientists say that health benefits of basil undeniable. Its antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties help to destroy infections, stimulate the cardiovascular system, improve the condition of the skin and hair, significantly strengthen immunity.


Experts advise eating fresh or dried basil every day to maintain resistance to colds during the cold season. It is most convenient to freeze basil leaves for the winter in the freezer. An interesting way to freeze greens in vegetable oil, we previously described in our article.

Dried basil has a richer aroma than frozen, retaining all the useful properties. The plant together with the stems should be collected before flowering, dried in a dark, ventilated room. Or warm up 1 hour in the oven with an open door at a temperature of 40 degrees. Store dried basil is best in hermetically sealed porcelain or glassware.

Experienced summer residents know that if you rub the skin with fresh basil, you can scare away bloodsucking insects. Do you only use this plant as a spice? Now you know, How useful is basil.


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