Cake recipe with apples and honey
All my household members are incorrigible sweet tooth, and there is no greater joy for them than homemade pies. I try to surprise them all the time, looking for new recipes, but most of all they love my signature pie. At home, we called it everyday because I make it every time I want something sweet for tea.
This is a cake that is cooked quickly and never gets bored. Editorial "Site" share the recipe with you most delicious apple pie.
How to make a cake with apples Ingredients
Here's the cake. Outside it is covered with a crispy crust, but inside it is soft and airy. When you take it out of the oven, the smell spreads throughout the house. By the way, the cake does not stale for a long time, although it is unlikely to have time to stale. Be sure to try cooking!
There are thousands of recipes for apple pie, but among them you can find truly special. Here's a Cornish apple pie recipe from King Arthur's homeland.
This year, apples are deformed to fame, which means that pies can be baked at least all winter. We offer you a recipe for royal cakes with apples that will appeal to everyone.
Did you like the recipe? Be sure to share with your friends!

This is a cake that is cooked quickly and never gets bored. Editorial "Site" share the recipe with you most delicious apple pie.
How to make a cake with apples Ingredients
- 500g apples
- 250g flour
- 150g butter
- 3 tbsp honey
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 3 eggs
- 1 bag of baking powder dough
- 1 bag of vanilla sugar
- 0.5 tsp salt
- First prepare the apples: cut them into small pieces, spray with lemon juice so that they do not darken, and leave them for a while.
DepositPhotos - Now make the dough. Blow the eggs with sugar to a thick white foam, add vanilla sugar, salt and softened oil. Take it all to a homogeneous mass. Add baking powder.
DepositPhotos - Then add the honey, mix thoroughly and start gradually adding the flour. Mix the dough, it should not be thick, but not liquid. Now add apples to the dough and stir to distribute them evenly.
DepositPhotos - Put the dough in an oiled form. And now put baked in the oven heated to 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
Here's the cake. Outside it is covered with a crispy crust, but inside it is soft and airy. When you take it out of the oven, the smell spreads throughout the house. By the way, the cake does not stale for a long time, although it is unlikely to have time to stale. Be sure to try cooking!
There are thousands of recipes for apple pie, but among them you can find truly special. Here's a Cornish apple pie recipe from King Arthur's homeland.
This year, apples are deformed to fame, which means that pies can be baked at least all winter. We offer you a recipe for royal cakes with apples that will appeal to everyone.
Did you like the recipe? Be sure to share with your friends!