How Women Designate Their Territory
That everything female proprietors to the bone, we've known for a long time. But few people know that the fair sex marks their territory, often even unconsciously. As in the wild, this behavior is also associated with the process of obtaining life benefits and providing for children, so for such an interesting occupation, scientists noticed women.
Editorial "Site" It will tell you how women define their territory, and most importantly, what purpose they are pursuing.
Women's territory
There are many labels that women leave behind. From the most banal photos in your wallet to apples with bright lipstick. This is a good way to claim your rights to a man and everything that belongs to him. After all, competition has existed and will always exist, and no one wants to share an important person.
Earlier we talked about how to make a man think about your relationship.
Tell us in the comments if you have little things that you always leave in your husband’s house, car or pocket. Share this article with your friends on social media!
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Editorial "Site" It will tell you how women define their territory, and most importantly, what purpose they are pursuing.
Women's territory
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Researcher Edward Twitchell Hall in the early 60s of the last century drew attention to how women from different economic strata behave in the male personal space. Since in those days the girls were dependent on men and mostly did not work, being in the house of the gentleman, they immediately tried to leave their traces, and when living together, marked the house to the maximum.
And it wasn’t just long hairs dropped on the floor or allegedly accidentally forgotten on a shelf in a lipstick bathroom. Women managed to leave their rings, earrings in the crevices of the sofa or splashed on furniture and tablecloth with their perfume. This was not only to remind the man of his chosen one, but also to indicate to the competitors that the territory is occupied and it is worth giving up their intentions.
Even in our world of equality, women subconsciously place in the house more of their little things that help them feel like the mistress of the territory. It smells especially like a woman in the bedroom.
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Canadian researchers told about the amazing pattern of cluttering the most expensive cars. The more expensive, prestigious the car and the richer its owner, the more of everything. girly In the glove compartment, in the back seat, armrests, door stands. With the perfect cleanliness of the salons themselves, in their hidden from the eyes secret corners, details of women's underwear, decorative cosmetics and personal hygiene are all the time.
It can even be a paper coffee cup stained with lipstick. Women put things in the car that remind them. Very often they pour a lot of perfume so that its aroma hangs in the cabin for a long time.
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Psychologists report that women from the post-Soviet space leave marks not only in the house, car, office of the husband, but also on the man himself. After all, our husband is still considered a guarantor of a good life and security, despite the global feminization. Of course, not everyone leaves traces of lipstick on the collar. Note that only married men, who are very much taken care of by their faithful, wear ironed clothes, all the other people, without paying attention to this, walk in what they took out of the drying after washing.
But every single woman, evaluating a potential partner, instantly reads the state of his clothes. And the presence of ironed trousers and a neat haircut should inform her that this gentleman is busy. Whether or not you wear a wedding ring doesn’t matter.
There are many labels that women leave behind. From the most banal photos in your wallet to apples with bright lipstick. This is a good way to claim your rights to a man and everything that belongs to him. After all, competition has existed and will always exist, and no one wants to share an important person.
Earlier we talked about how to make a man think about your relationship.
Tell us in the comments if you have little things that you always leave in your husband’s house, car or pocket. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.