How to make apple cookies

My whole family loves apples, so they are always guests of honor in my kitchen. I like to eat them raw, but my daughter and husband love them. apple-baking. That’s why two years ago I introduced the tradition of making apple cookies every Saturday in November.

After all, it is in November that we most want home warmth and coziness, and what, if not the aroma of delicious apple pastries, and even in combination with cinnamon, creates comfort.


Apple biscuits today edition "Site" He will tell you how to make sweet and sweet. Apple cookies. It doesn't take more than half an hour!


The ingredients
  • 1 apple
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 0.5 tbsp sugar
  • 50g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon
  • 15 g vanilla sugar (optional)
  • pinch


  1. First, turn on the oven 180 degrees to warm up.


In a convenient container, mix the softened butter with sugar, then add the egg.

Beat everything to a lush mass with a mixer.

Add the baking powder, sifted flour, cinnamon, vanilla and a pinch of salt. Mix the dough.

Wash, peel and rub the apple on a large grater, and then mix it to a flour base.

Lubricate the tray with vegetable oil and start spooning out the dough. Bake cookies at a temperature of 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. The cookie should grab, but remain soft.

That's all, Apple cookies are ready. Bon appetit!

I also suggest you learn one of the most unusual recipes of dishes from apples. It is no secret that this fruit goes well with cinnamon, but we also suggest you add oatmeal.

The aroma of this dish will blow you away. Be sure to try to cook such baked apples!

Apple cookies require a minimum of products, and the taste is simply extraordinary! If interested, I can give advice: knead the dough 2-3 times more than indicated in the recipe.

Share this recipe with your friends, they may also like it. delicious!


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