Products for the prevention of oncological diseases

Despite the invention of new drugs and the improvement of treatment methods, the number of cancer cases is not decreasing. Many causes of tumors are still unknown to medicine, but oncologists are sure that the first among them is malnutrition.


“The fate of nations depends on the way they eat,” wrote the famous French cook Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin in his book Physiology of Taste in 1867. Experts from the National Cancer Institute (USA) agree with him.

They believe that a healthy diet is a powerful weapon for cancer prevention, able to prevent 30-40% of all cases of cancer. What components should it consist of?


"Site" It offers a list of 10 products that not only help in the prevention of cancer, but also effectively complement their treatment.

Health products
  1. Cruciferous vegetables
    Chinese cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, vegetable cabbage, cauliflower and leafy cabbage, kohlrabi, radish, brute and turnips are the best cancer-prevention, rich in special anti-cancer substances - isothiocyanates. Brussels sprouts and broccoli are especially useful. Independent studies conducted in Denmark, the UK and Finland have shown that even a small portion of broccoli (about 100 grams per day) is enough to reduce the likelihood of prostate and lung cancer.


  2. Olive oil
    The fats contained in olive oil help prevent colon cancer. This oil neutralizes bile acids, improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to tissues, protects arteries and preserves their flexibility.

  3. Forest berries
    Blueberries have long been recognized as a miracle berry in every way. In it, as in raspberries, there is ellagic acid, which prevents the germination of blood vessels into the tumor. Blueberries, blackberries and red currant also contain a pigment called anthocyanin, which gives them a dark color and is a powerful antioxidant.

  4. Nuts
    It has been proven that smokers who often eat nuts are less likely to develop lung cancer. This result is due to the fact that nuts can slow down oxidative stress in the body, which is associated with smoking. Researchers from the University of California (USA) found that regular consumption of walnuts can affect the development of an already formed cancerous tumor. In particular, animal experiments have shown the effectiveness of the nut diet in the fight against prostate cancer.

  5. Legume
    Lentils and peas are rich in nutritious fibers that effectively protect the body from bowel cancer.

  6. Flaxseed
    Flaxseed contains a large amount of phytoestrogens. These substances modulate the levels of sex hormones estrogen involved in the development of cancer and prevent the harmful effects of their excess on health.

  7. Tomatoes
    Tomatoes owe their anti-cancer effect to a special pigment, also contained in red pepper. Studies have shown that daily consumption of tomato sauces reduces cancer 20 percent prostate.

  8. Green tea
    It contains antioxidants and flavonoids that can prevent or slow the development of several types of cancer, including colon, liver, breast and prostate cancer.

  9. Garlic and onions
    Garlic and various types of onions (leaks, green, onion and others) contain allicin, which has anti-cancer properties. Garlic therapy reduces the risk of bowel cancer by almost 70%. And it is best to use garlic raw: first it must be suppressed or finely snapped and left to "breathe" for 10-15 minutes.

  10. Mandarins and oranges
    Surprising fact: citrus peel contains much more antioxidants than squeezed juice. This allows you to prevent the processes of cell mutation, protecting the body from neoplasms. It has been experimentally proven that people who consume black tea with dry tangerine and orange crusts reduce the risk of skin cancer by 50-70%.

    It's all about the content of salvestrols - substances produced by citrus fruits as a protective reaction to fungi, viruses, bacteria and have a detrimental effect on cancer cells.


There are more than 100 different forms of cancer, many of which are treatable provided they are diagnosed early. Be sure to contact an oncologist if you have the following symptoms.

  1. For a long time enlarged lymph nodes.
  2. For more than a month, the temperature is 37-37.3 degrees.
  3. The moles dramatically changed their size or color.
  4. There were lumps in the chest, unusual discharge in women.
  5. Difficulty urinating in men.

Any damage to the pancreas leads to serious consequences and long-term, sometimes lifelong, treatment. What foods should be included in your diet to avoid putting the pancreas at risk? We present a list of the most important.

Next time you buy tangerines, don’t throw away their skin. "Site" will tell you about the common health problems that these fragrant crusts cope with. Bronchitis, diabetes and cancer prevention is not a complete list.


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