Exercise to open the pelvis

In yoga, there is a great asana called Adho Mukha Kapotasana, or simply the dove pose. It is aimed at stretching the muscles of the hip and opening the pelvis. And also to develop the flexibility you need to do many other exercises.

Hip joints are little involved in ordinary life, which negatively affects the health of organs that are located in the pelvic region.


A sedentary lifestyle leads to minimization of rotation, bending and stretching of the hips. A person who walks a lot or rides a bike does better. But it also develops the strength of the hips, not the mobility of the hip joints.

Stress also negatively affects our health. It creates tension in the body, especially in the pelvis and hips. It needs to be dropped at least periodically.

You can return mobility to the joints by practicing the dove posture. This asana stretches the thigh-rotating muscles located in the buttocks and the long thigh-flexing muscles that are on the front surface of the thighs and pelvis.


Performing this asana involves intensive unfolding outwards the thigh of the bent leg and wrapping a straight line inside the thigh. Immediately after performing the asana, you will notice positive changes: the gait will become easy, even if you feel tension during the performance.


Pigeon pose
  1. First option
    This is an option. dove posture. Start the exercise with a posture on all fours. Put your hands right under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Push the right knee forward to touch the right wrist. Then move the right shin slightly to the left so that the foot is under the left side of the pelvis. Pull your left leg back. Keep the body flat, perpendicular to the floor. Relying on your arms, pull your spine up. Pull the pelvis down, try to press your pelvis straight to the floor. This variant of the dove pose helps to lengthen the muscles-flexors of the thigh of the straight leg and work out the dorsal deflection.

  2. Second option
    The initial position is the first option for performing the dove pose. Move your arms forward, inhale the body, and inhale bend forward. Put your elbows on the floor. If you feel too intense traction in the right thigh, lean on your palm, lifting your torso, and transfer some of the weight to your hands. To move the weight of the body to the hips, push back a little with your hands.

    If there is no discomfort, then deepen the posture. Lower and lower the hull.

    Stress from the front surface of the thigh of the straight leg should pass to the outer and buttock of the bent leg. The pelvis should remain smooth - this is the main condition for the effectiveness of the exercise.

    Hold in a tilt for 10 breathing cycles, then raise the body to a perpendicular with the floor, leaning on the palm. Say it a few times.


  3. Second option The most complex and most effective, helps to stretch the spine and open the chest. To perform it, you need to bend the outstretched leg in the knee, take your hands back, try to grab the foot with your hands.

    Performing this exercise, you need to stretch your back and head back, but the pelvis does not turn.


This exercise is quite easy, but there are some contraindications for its implementation. These are pain in the sacrum, knee injury and damaged intervertebral discs.

The main benefit of performing this exercise is to increase the mobility of the hip joints, stretch the muscle-rotator and muscle-flexor of the thigh.

This asana is especially shown to women. Its implementation has a positive effect on the functioning of the pelvic organs, improves women's health. Dove Pose in Yoga gives energy, stretches the spine, groin, strengthens the abdominal muscles, stimulates the efficiency of the abdominal organs, opens the chest. Practice well.

If you like yoga, you will also be interested in reading about the dog-down pose and erotic asanas.


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