Advice for married women to save marriage

Finding family happiness is the dream and vocation of almost all women. Of course, no one has canceled their career and hobbies, but, no matter what, a caring husband and healthy children serve for the fair sex as a real motivation and a guarantee of such desired peace of mind. But not all women succeed. marriage. It is one thing to find an unreliable life partner, and another when a woman destroys her family by her behavior.


There are 6 types of wives who, by their behavior and habits, make even the most faithful and good husbands flee. Editorial "Site" It will tell you what qualities women repel men.

Wife's conduct
  1. Mommy.
    Being a mom is wonderful. But only for your child, not your husband. All this wiping snot, slugging and other motherly habits do not give the husband the opportunity to feel like a man. Even if he is a mama’s son and looking for a reflection of the main woman of life in his wife, soon either you will get tired of it and want a strong shoulder next to him, or he will go in search of a woman-lover.

  2. Saw
    There. wife With the categorical position of “you must”. She thinks her husband owes her something. In turn, he does not receive the necessary dose of motivation and inspiration. She saws him every day for every mistake or for her unfulfilled desires. It is clear that a man will leave such a wife. Remember, nobody owes anyone anything in a relationship. Just be the woman for whom he will do things.

  3. jade
    Everything is not enough for her, she chases after small things and is constantly unhappy. He gave a fur coat - he already wants another one and more expensive, took it on vacation - it would be possible to go to the islands somewhere, bought a car - and why not from the salon ... A woman who does not know how to enjoy life and what she has. Wanting the best is good. But stop and thank your husband for what he gave you now.

  4. Jealousy
    Jealousy killed more than one family. A sense of ownership and a reluctance to share your husband with anyone else is normal for every woman, and it even comforts men. But when the wife regularly arranges scenes of jealousy for no reason - it is already a problem. Find yourself first and love yourself. Then the husband will not look at others. And if he walks by nature, then it is better to go away and not break your nerves either to yourself or to him.

  5. careerist
    Men are quickly moving away from workaholic women. More specifically, their absence. You need to set priorities correctly, and if you have decided on a family, then you need to work on relationships in it. A man needs a woman’s affection, not her movement up the career ladder.

  6. Lazier
    On the other hand, a woman who does not do anything all day, does not take care of herself, does not cook and does not do much about the house, also annoys a man. Even if you're not working, you have to be interesting. Read books, go to various trainings, take care of yourself, pump women’s energy. After all, there should be something to talk about with you, and it is the woman in a relationship who is responsible for positive emotions.


Every relationship is unique. But selfishness is the evil that destroys even strong marriages. Before you talk about a bad husband, think about maybe you're the one who's not being very feminine. Gentle words, a gentle look and a simple dialogue are the best ways to save a relationship. If you are jealous, go to work, do not know how to be happy, then there is a problem.

Maybe an old resentment or a psychological block comes from childhood. Try to understand yourself and be the wife for whom the husband is ready to do anything.

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