How body type affects weight loss
Women in the modern world are very dependent on other people’s opinions. Most often women are women not satisfied with his figure. This is due to the ever-changing fashion that dictates what to wear, how to dress up, what body shapes are acceptable in society and what are condemned.
As silly as it may sound, a woman tries to comply with all trends, even if it is fraught with health.
“I almost do not eat anything, and still can not throw the ill-fated kilograms!” – familiar?
Do you know what your body type is?
"Fat..." you will answer in despair.
Knowing your somatotype will help to understand the mistakes made and will greatly facilitate your life. Somatotype - (from the Greek. "soma" - genus. p., "somatos" - body) type of human physique. William Sheldon is a famous anthropologist whobuild-up.
William Sheldon's Theory
How to determine your somatotype
Individual ration
If a trip to a nutritionist is repeatedly postponed indefinitely, follow some recommendations. Ectomorphs, although not inherent in completeness, but in this case, the phrase “eat everything and not get fat” does not fully justify itself. Yes, you will not turn into a lump, but at this rate without a proper diet of fats will accumulate Where you shouldn't.
You should use only high-quality fats, complex carbohydrates. Due to the fact that such people do not differ in animal appetite, food should be monitored: you still need to eat. Therefore, meals should be fractional: 4-5 times a day. If you are an ectomorph, your diet should include about 25% fat, 25% protein and 50% carbohydrates.
The goal of the endomorph in the case of excess weight should not be exhaustion by hunger, but metabolism! Fats and carbohydrates should be consumed in the most moderate amount, and lean on protein.
To succeed in weight loss, the endomorph needs 20% fat, 20% complex carbohydrates, 60% protein. It should be noted that endomorph proteins are not fully absorbed, so you can buy proteins in pure form in a sports nutrition store.
DepositPhotos Mesomorphs, despite the fact that they can easily lose weight.It is not recommended to often torture yourself with diets.This is bad for the heart and stomach. The recommended ratio of food components is 60% protein, 25% fat, 15% carbohydrates.
You need to make sure that harmful products do not get into your refrigerator. As a result, you can correctly lose weight in 5 days and do not harm your health.
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As silly as it may sound, a woman tries to comply with all trends, even if it is fraught with health.

“I almost do not eat anything, and still can not throw the ill-fated kilograms!” – familiar?
Do you know what your body type is?
"Fat..." you will answer in despair.
Knowing your somatotype will help to understand the mistakes made and will greatly facilitate your life. Somatotype - (from the Greek. "soma" - genus. p., "somatos" - body) type of human physique. William Sheldon is a famous anthropologist whobuild-up.
William Sheldon's Theory
- ectomorph
A man with narrow shoulders is tall and thin. Models on the covers of popular magazines have “perfect” shapes that fashion designers prefer (costs for expensive fabrics are minimal). These lucky women are always jealousy: high height, thin waist, elegant sharp facial features. But to achieve such a figure, no matter how hard you try, it will not work if you are the owner of the endomorph type.
DepositPhotos - endomorph
The absolute opposite of an ectomorph. This somatotype is characterized by low growth, large bones, a tendency to fullness.
Such people need such people. dietto avoid many diseases that provoke obesity: thrombosis, diabetes, diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system, problems with the cardiovascular system.
DepositPhotos - mesomorph
The type of physique, which is characterized by a strong muscle corset, medium height, rapid metabolism. Mesomorphs, if desired, They can quickly lose weight and gain weight..
How to determine your somatotype
- There are several ways in which you can determine physique. One of them is the determination of the somatotype by the wrist: circling the wrist with the index and thumb of the second hand, if the fingers go behind each other, your type is an ectomorph, do not reach each other - an endomorph, converge at one point - a mesomorph.
DepositPhotos - Another way. intercostalization: feel the lower border of the ribs, apply the index and thumb of both hands to the intercostal space so that a triangle is obtained. The degree of divergence of the angle will be an indicator of the somatotype: the right angle is a mesomorph, the blunt angle is an endomorph, the sharp angle is an ectomorph.
Individual ration
- To achieve the desired results, each somatotype must adhere to an individual diet. Therefore, if your girlfriend advised you on a diet that she tried herself, make sure that your somatotypes are the same. But the best solution in case of excess weight for your health will be dietician, which will accurately determine the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates you need.
If a trip to a nutritionist is repeatedly postponed indefinitely, follow some recommendations. Ectomorphs, although not inherent in completeness, but in this case, the phrase “eat everything and not get fat” does not fully justify itself. Yes, you will not turn into a lump, but at this rate without a proper diet of fats will accumulate Where you shouldn't.
You should use only high-quality fats, complex carbohydrates. Due to the fact that such people do not differ in animal appetite, food should be monitored: you still need to eat. Therefore, meals should be fractional: 4-5 times a day. If you are an ectomorph, your diet should include about 25% fat, 25% protein and 50% carbohydrates.
The goal of the endomorph in the case of excess weight should not be exhaustion by hunger, but metabolism! Fats and carbohydrates should be consumed in the most moderate amount, and lean on protein.
To succeed in weight loss, the endomorph needs 20% fat, 20% complex carbohydrates, 60% protein. It should be noted that endomorph proteins are not fully absorbed, so you can buy proteins in pure form in a sports nutrition store.

DepositPhotos Mesomorphs, despite the fact that they can easily lose weight.It is not recommended to often torture yourself with diets.This is bad for the heart and stomach. The recommended ratio of food components is 60% protein, 25% fat, 15% carbohydrates.
You need to make sure that harmful products do not get into your refrigerator. As a result, you can correctly lose weight in 5 days and do not harm your health.
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