How to determine your body type

To correctly pick up clothes and choose the right diet, you need to understand features of the structure of his own body. How to determine body type? There are several ways that we offer.
There are 3 types of build. Asthenic type is characterized by a predominance of longitudinal dimensions over the cross. People belonging to this type, bone thin, limbs long and muscles are poorly developed. Body weight, as a rule, below the average of the parameters specified in the tables ratio of height and weight. Asteniki slowly gaining weight. If this happens, the extra pounds quickly leave. Normosthenic type of Constitution is considered the most harmonious. The characteristic that is proportional to the parameters of the body. Representatives of this type can have a tendency to be overweight, so they are encouraged to eat a balanced diet and limit fast carbohydrates and fatty food. Hypersthenic (endomorph) body type is characterized by big-boned skeleton. Representatives of this type even without the excess adipose tissue seem to be massive and their weight is slightly above the average of the parameters specified in the tables ratio of weight and height. In addition, gipersteniki gain weight quickly.

Methods of determining body type
Of course, by the above criteria you can easily determine the body type, but for good measure, you can resort to more accurate methods. So how to determine body type? You can do this:
— using the method of Solovyev;
— defining rib angle in the solar plexus;
— using the method of Mark Bricklin.
Method Solovyov
To determine the body type by the method of Solovyov, it is necessary to measure centimeter volume of the thinner space of the wrist.
Interpreting the results:
• Asthenic type: less than 18 cm in men and less than 15 cm – women
• Normosthenic type: 18-20 cm in men and 15-17 cm in women
• Hypersthenic type more than 20 cm in males and more than 17 cm in women
A method of determining at the rib corner
Standing in front of the mirror, attach the edges of the palms to the branching of the ribs under the breastbone, and then measure the angle (can identify by protractor or by eye). Normostenikov angle approximately equal to 90 degrees, gipersteniki characteristic obtuse angle, and asthenical – sharp.
Method Mark Bricklin
Mark Bricklin method is based on the measurement of the width of the elbow. Extend your arm forward, elbow bent to 90 degrees (fingers pointing up, open palm facing body). The thumb and index finger of the other hand determine the distance between the most protruding point of the elbow and measure it with a ruler (just attach it to the fingers). Below are the results typical of a normosthenic body type: if your rate is higher than normal, then you treat gipersteniki, and if below – astenika.
• Growth up to 159 cm – 6.35-7,32 cm
• Height up to 169 cm – 6,68-of 7.32 cm
• Growth to 179 cm of 6.99-7.62 cm
• Growing to 189 cm – 6,99-of 7.94 cm
• People who are taller than 190 cm is 7.32-8.26 centimeters
• Growth up to 145 cm of 5.72-6.35 cm
• Growth to 155 – cm of 5.72-6.35 cm
• Rise from 166 to 175 cm of 6.03 is 6.67 cm
In the table Mark Bricklin presented figures expressed in inches (1 inch=2.54 cm), the above given data, translated to centimeters (you'll have to round them).
Source: updiet.info/
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