Recipe antiparasitarian agents Doctor Ivanchenko

In the course of numerous studies, the famous naturopathic doctor from the United States Hilda Clark came to the following conclusion: approximately 90% of chronic diseases are caused by two causes - parasites and toxins that somehow got into the human body.

Experimentally, Dr. Clark identified three substances that can cleanse the human body of most parasites, and called the resulting collection “triple”. Subsequently, Doctor of Medical Sciences Valery Andreyevich Ivanchenko replaced the scarce tincture of black nuts from Hilda Clark’s triplet with tanning available to us.

Thus, the composition of the Russian Ivanchenko triplet No. 1 included the most common and potent antiparasitic herbs: the color of ordinary tans, the herb of wormwood bitter and cloves powder.

How to get rid of parasites

The risk of infection with parasites remains constant. Their invisible eggs are on fruits, vegetables, various surfaces, money! There is a risk of infection with the usual touch of the door handle in a public place. Uninvited guests adversely affect the health of people.

The harm of parasites
  1. They poison the body with toxins.
  2. They spoil the blood.
  3. Interfering with bowel function.
  4. They inhibit the work of the liver and gallbladder.
  5. They are a common cause of allergies.
  6. Reduce immunity.
  7. They cause tumors.

Russian triplet Ivanchenko copes with virtually all types of parasites, destroys larvae and eggs of worms. Its components have an helminthic, antipyretic, antimicrobial and antiseptic effect.

A single dose of tangy flowers is 1 grams, and the daily dose is respectively 3 grams. For the herb of wormwood, a single dose is 300 milligrams, and a daily dose is 1 grams. For cloves powder, respectively, 0.5 and 1.5 grams.

Scheme of reception of Russian triplet No 1 Ivanchenko triplet - a very effective tool in the fight against parasites, but it is very important to know how to take the drug so as not to harm yourself.

The powder is always taken half an hour before meals. On the first day, a single dose is taken 1 time in the morning. On the second day, the remedy is taken 2 times (morning and lunch). From the 3rd day and all week you need to take triplets 3 times a day. Then take a daily dose 1 time per week for several months.

Russian triplet No. 1 is not recommended for peptic ulcer, pregnancy and erosive gastritis, and for hypertension with caution, since clove increases blood pressure.

Considering that not everyone can use triplet No. 1, Dr. Ivanchenko developed its replacement - Russian triplet No. 2. It also includes three natural ingredients.

  1. Cumin is common
    Cumin powder ordinary (daily dose of 1.5 grams) has the ability to destroy the shells of helminth eggs and inhibit the reproductive system of adult parasites.

  2. Calendula medicinal
    Powder of medicinal calendula flowers (up to 3 grams per day) promotes healing of mucous membranes damaged by worms.

  3. The roots of the common aira
    Powder roots of ordinary aira (up to 1.5 grams per day) expels parasites from the liver.

Russian triplet No. 2 should be taken as well as No. 1, only the daily intake should be extended to 2 weeks. And then, as a prophylaxis, take a daily dose 1 time per week.

Treatment is recommended for all family members. If necessary, the course can be repeated in two weeks. Before using triplets, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Analyses, unfortunately, can not always show the presence of parasites in the body. Carefully read the list of these symptoms, if you find yourself at least 4 of them, you should definitely consult a doctor and conduct a diagnosis.

Due to the presence of the amino acid cucurbitin, pumpkin seeds help fight helminths. "Site" It will tell about this and other useful properties of this nutritious product.

Doctors are convinced that an adult is simply obliged to consume up to 4 cloves of garlic daily to feel cheerful and healthy. Explain why.


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