The technique of performing the posture of the archer
Yoga teaches that the key to good health and a long life is a strong and flexible spine. The condition of the spine determines how healthy the entire body is. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the condition of the spine, as well as constantly develop its flexibility.
This is the best way to help akarna dhanurasana - the posture of the archer. And tonight. "Site" You will learn how to perform this simple but effective asana.
Home Yoga for the Back Archer Pose is One of the Best Yoga asanas for the back and spine. It has a complex effect on the body: strengthens the shoulders and neck, gives flexibility to the muscles of the legs, improves digestion and peristalsis. In addition, with regular performance, you are provided with a thin and beautiful waist.
Asana is very strong in terms of energy. It helps to clean energy channels and restore the nervous system. Once done, you will feel your body filled with energy and strength.
In general, it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of asana, it is simply necessary to add it to your morning and evening complex. Now it is time to begin a detailed explanation of the execution technique.
After a little warm-up, sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. It is important to take the right starting position. Slightly leaning and swaying the pelvis from side to side, try to completely press your buttocks to the floor. The lower thighs should be tightly pressed against the floor.
Now straighten your spine, straighten your shoulders and open your chest. Bend to your feet, holding your spine flat. Grab your right thumb with your right hand. With your left hand, grab your left thumb.
Returning to the vertical position, pull the right foot as close to the right ear as possible. Keep your back straight. The left leg does not come off the floor, the knee is not bent. If it is not possible to hold the left leg by the fingers, move the palm to the ankle or knee.
Set the final position for 1-2 minutes. Breathing smooth and deep, back straight. If you want to complicate the asana a little, stretch your right leg vertically up. Breathe in, stretch out and take your foot back even further to touch the feet of your right ear. Hold in this position for 10-15 seconds. In the end, it is recommended to perform the asana for 11 minutes in each direction.
When you do an exercise, imagine pulling on a bow. Focus on the target and pull the string. This is a great exercise in concentration. The ideal option is when you manage to get rid of all thoughts and concentrate completely on the exercise.
On exhalation, smoothly exit the asana, stretching your legs along the floor. Rest for a few seconds and perform the asana with the other leg. Keep your legs the same amount of time. After that, you can relax and lie on your back or in the position of the child for a minute so that the spine rests.
Immediately after performing the asana, you will feel the body filled with power. If you do the exercise regularly, over time you will notice how the spine becomes more flexible, and the back pain goes away. All muscles come to tone, become elastic and flexible.
Like any asana, the posture of the archer has contraindications. It can not be performed by hypertensive patients, pregnant women, people with heart diseases, stomach ulcers, with colitis, as well as with hernia and displacement of intervertebral discs. It is better to replace it with a more gentle garland pose - malasana.
Yoga asanas work miracles. For example, recently we wrote about the useful position of the pigeon and why it is necessary to perform it regularly.
And we shared with you a wonderful complex of morning yoga, which will help to energize the body for the whole day!

This is the best way to help akarna dhanurasana - the posture of the archer. And tonight. "Site" You will learn how to perform this simple but effective asana.
Home Yoga for the Back Archer Pose is One of the Best Yoga asanas for the back and spine. It has a complex effect on the body: strengthens the shoulders and neck, gives flexibility to the muscles of the legs, improves digestion and peristalsis. In addition, with regular performance, you are provided with a thin and beautiful waist.

Asana is very strong in terms of energy. It helps to clean energy channels and restore the nervous system. Once done, you will feel your body filled with energy and strength.
In general, it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of asana, it is simply necessary to add it to your morning and evening complex. Now it is time to begin a detailed explanation of the execution technique.

After a little warm-up, sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. It is important to take the right starting position. Slightly leaning and swaying the pelvis from side to side, try to completely press your buttocks to the floor. The lower thighs should be tightly pressed against the floor.

Now straighten your spine, straighten your shoulders and open your chest. Bend to your feet, holding your spine flat. Grab your right thumb with your right hand. With your left hand, grab your left thumb.
Returning to the vertical position, pull the right foot as close to the right ear as possible. Keep your back straight. The left leg does not come off the floor, the knee is not bent. If it is not possible to hold the left leg by the fingers, move the palm to the ankle or knee.

Set the final position for 1-2 minutes. Breathing smooth and deep, back straight. If you want to complicate the asana a little, stretch your right leg vertically up. Breathe in, stretch out and take your foot back even further to touch the feet of your right ear. Hold in this position for 10-15 seconds. In the end, it is recommended to perform the asana for 11 minutes in each direction.
When you do an exercise, imagine pulling on a bow. Focus on the target and pull the string. This is a great exercise in concentration. The ideal option is when you manage to get rid of all thoughts and concentrate completely on the exercise.

On exhalation, smoothly exit the asana, stretching your legs along the floor. Rest for a few seconds and perform the asana with the other leg. Keep your legs the same amount of time. After that, you can relax and lie on your back or in the position of the child for a minute so that the spine rests.

Immediately after performing the asana, you will feel the body filled with power. If you do the exercise regularly, over time you will notice how the spine becomes more flexible, and the back pain goes away. All muscles come to tone, become elastic and flexible.

Like any asana, the posture of the archer has contraindications. It can not be performed by hypertensive patients, pregnant women, people with heart diseases, stomach ulcers, with colitis, as well as with hernia and displacement of intervertebral discs. It is better to replace it with a more gentle garland pose - malasana.
Yoga asanas work miracles. For example, recently we wrote about the useful position of the pigeon and why it is necessary to perform it regularly.
And we shared with you a wonderful complex of morning yoga, which will help to energize the body for the whole day!