Diet menu by Nicholas Perricone

Facelift is of interest to many women of mature age. That’s how I want to look like that. age that is felt in the soul. It's so unfair when you feel 25 and you look 50.

But it's fixable. Today's edition. "Site" I found the perfect diet for you, which can not only put your figure in order, but also significantly smooth out wrinkles. No surgery! Only natural and pleasant means.

It was the facelift that nutritionist Nicholas Perricone thought about when he developed his diet for stars such as Julia Roberts and Courtney Cox. Yes, your favorite Monica from Friends. glowing with beauty and youth It's because of this diet.

Dr. Perricone was one of the first to make the bold assumption that sugary This causes our skin to age prematurely. Nicholas claims that such food causes inflammatory processes and it is because of it that many skin diseases and wrinkles occur.

The nutritionist has compiled a list of products that relieve inflammatory processes, normalize metabolism and perfectly tighten the skin of the face. Lifting the skin of the face at home It's now available to you.

Menu by Nicholas Perricone
  1. Breakfast
    The first meal does not change throughout the week. The doctor advises you to start your day with 300 ml of clean water on an empty stomach, and only then start the rest of the food. Breakfast comes in An omelet of several proteins and one whole egg, 200 g of boiled salmon and half a glass of oatmeal porridge with melon. Salmon is the main source of omega-3 fatty acids in this diet, but it can be safely replaced with more economical options. For example, a sockey or a ket will be perfect.

    Dr. Perricone recommends using melon as a dessert. It is very sweet, but in general, a kilogram of melon is less calorie than in a pair of cupcakes. If you wish, you can replace it with orange or grapefruit.

    Don’t forget to make your own green tea!

  2. Lunch
    Dr. Nicholas Perricone suggests making a dinner of 200 grams of salmon or its substitutes, a salad of vegetables (lettuces, cucumbers, tomatoes with a teaspoon of olive oil and lemon juice) and 150 grams of melon. On different days, instead of salmon, you can also take chicken fillet or halibut (you can also use tuna canned in your own juice).

  3. Afternoon
    As an afternoon snack, take 150 g of boiled chicken breast, a handful of nuts (you can choose any to your taste) and be sure to add any fruits to this. Apples and kiwis are great. If possible, buy a plum.

  4. Dinner.
    The basis of dinner is the same fish. To it be sure to add baked cauliflower or broccoli. You can replace broccoli with eggplant, spinach or asparagus. Also for dinner, eat a salad of vegetables (onions, cucumbers and tomatoes with a teaspoon of olive oil and lemon juice). 81

  5. Overnight snack
    Perricone advises snacking on natural yogurt, nuts and apples. Pears are also great for such a snack. Do not forget about berries, especially raspberries and blueberries.

And although this diet is designed for Hollywood stars, you can observe it using those substitutes that our editorial board advises. Believe me, in a week or two you will notice significant improvements in the color and appearance of the skin of the face, and the pounds will go away before your eyes. This diet is the easiest answer to the question.How to make a face lift at home?

Whatever the canons of beauty, one thing will not change: beautiful smooth skin will always be in fashion.

Eat right, but do not forget about external care: this egg mask film is perfect for any type of skin and smooth even the smallest wrinkles.

An integrated approach always brings guaranteed results. Complete your facial skin care with these simple circular exercises.


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