What is useful butter for dental health
In recent years, a healthy lifestyle has ruled the world. We are increasingly trying to eat healthy food, carefully read the composition of products to minimize the consumption of currently harmful gluten, lactose and meat. We take dietary supplements, but the number of dentists is growing exponentially, because the teeth of modern people begin to deteriorate even before they have fully grown.
Problem. bad teeth American dentist Weston Price, who traveled to the most isolated corners of our planet to examine the teeth of a population untouched by civilization. He watched the food of savages for 10 years.
Let’s run ahead: Aborigines have teeth in excellent condition, but candy and heredity do not affect the deplorable condition. dentality urban dwellers. Editorial "Site" Share the results of the study with you.
It turns out that tooth decay is an exclusively modern disease and there are no studies of remains that prove that it existed in primitive society. In his study, Dr. Price describes the traditional Eskimos, Native American tribes, Australian Aborigines, New Zealand Maori, indigenous African tribes, and residents of the Lecental Valley of Switzerland.
In every region of the savages that the dentist visited, he found villages where all the inhabitants were practically perfect in terms of health.
Most interestingly, they did not suffer from dental caries, and the problems of too closely planted and crooked teeth that allow orthodontists to buy pitchforks and yachts were completely absent. Even in old people, with complete compression of enamel, the pulp remained intact - this completely blocked the access of bacteria into the body. And he saw a direct dependence of the condition of the teeth on daily food.
Dr. Price found that the healthiest people were those who received fat-soluble activators from a variety of dairy products. These are Swiss Alps, Arabs, and Asian groups that feed on the milk of sheep, camels, and cows. What is the global revolt against animal milk? In second place are those who ate the internal organs of animals, eggs of domestic and wild birds.
They are followed by those who eat a variety of marine products, small animals and insects. Also, Dr. Price asks to note that in all the time of research, he never met people who had good health and good teeth, who would eat only plant foods.
All peoples consumed a lot of fermented foods and seasonings: seeds, grains and nuts were necessarily soaked, sprouted, fermented or kvasili to neutralize tannins and phytic acid.
The problem with modern city dwellers is that they do not feel hungry for minerals and vitamins, but only for heat and energy. This is due to soil quality, industrial processing of products and synthetic vitamins. Dr. Price found that in the diet of isolated from civilization residents 4 times more water-soluble vitamins, calcium and other minerals, and about 10 times more fat-soluble vitamins.
They can be obtained only from animal products, such as butter, caviar, shellfish, meat offal, eggs and fats. These are the most cholesterol-rich foods that we are used to considering harmful. But I really shouldn't. Vitamin B12 is almost always in short supply among vegetarians. Satisfy the need for this vitamin can be one serving of meat per day or one serving of shellfish per month.
Weston Price believes that the best product for the absorption of vitamins and minerals is natural butter. To achieve the best effect, mix it with an equal amount of cod liver oil. In addition, it will save you from consuming large amounts of fish oil, which can be dangerous to health (large doses contribute to depression).
Also, many foods are rich in vitamins, but poor in minerals. This should be taken into account when preparing a daily diet. For example, to get the daily rate of phosphorus, you need to eat 30 kilograms of apples or 15 oranges. The same amount is contained in 450 g of lentils. So the truth is that the healthiest food is a varied diet. And sugar, for example, can only destroy enamel that is already weakened.
Of course, there is a small percentage of people who have a congenital gluten or lactose intolerance, or an allergy to red meat. But this does not mean that they are harmful to everyone. First of all, you need to think about your health and make a diet based on the needs of the body. Just control the portion and exercise if you are afraid to gain weight.
We also told you how to make a daily diet.
Tell us in the comments if you agree with Weston Price. And also share an informative article with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Problem. bad teeth American dentist Weston Price, who traveled to the most isolated corners of our planet to examine the teeth of a population untouched by civilization. He watched the food of savages for 10 years.
Let’s run ahead: Aborigines have teeth in excellent condition, but candy and heredity do not affect the deplorable condition. dentality urban dwellers. Editorial "Site" Share the results of the study with you.
It turns out that tooth decay is an exclusively modern disease and there are no studies of remains that prove that it existed in primitive society. In his study, Dr. Price describes the traditional Eskimos, Native American tribes, Australian Aborigines, New Zealand Maori, indigenous African tribes, and residents of the Lecental Valley of Switzerland.
In every region of the savages that the dentist visited, he found villages where all the inhabitants were practically perfect in terms of health.

Most interestingly, they did not suffer from dental caries, and the problems of too closely planted and crooked teeth that allow orthodontists to buy pitchforks and yachts were completely absent. Even in old people, with complete compression of enamel, the pulp remained intact - this completely blocked the access of bacteria into the body. And he saw a direct dependence of the condition of the teeth on daily food.

Dr. Price found that the healthiest people were those who received fat-soluble activators from a variety of dairy products. These are Swiss Alps, Arabs, and Asian groups that feed on the milk of sheep, camels, and cows. What is the global revolt against animal milk? In second place are those who ate the internal organs of animals, eggs of domestic and wild birds.

They are followed by those who eat a variety of marine products, small animals and insects. Also, Dr. Price asks to note that in all the time of research, he never met people who had good health and good teeth, who would eat only plant foods.
All peoples consumed a lot of fermented foods and seasonings: seeds, grains and nuts were necessarily soaked, sprouted, fermented or kvasili to neutralize tannins and phytic acid.

The problem with modern city dwellers is that they do not feel hungry for minerals and vitamins, but only for heat and energy. This is due to soil quality, industrial processing of products and synthetic vitamins. Dr. Price found that in the diet of isolated from civilization residents 4 times more water-soluble vitamins, calcium and other minerals, and about 10 times more fat-soluble vitamins.

They can be obtained only from animal products, such as butter, caviar, shellfish, meat offal, eggs and fats. These are the most cholesterol-rich foods that we are used to considering harmful. But I really shouldn't. Vitamin B12 is almost always in short supply among vegetarians. Satisfy the need for this vitamin can be one serving of meat per day or one serving of shellfish per month.

Weston Price believes that the best product for the absorption of vitamins and minerals is natural butter. To achieve the best effect, mix it with an equal amount of cod liver oil. In addition, it will save you from consuming large amounts of fish oil, which can be dangerous to health (large doses contribute to depression).

Also, many foods are rich in vitamins, but poor in minerals. This should be taken into account when preparing a daily diet. For example, to get the daily rate of phosphorus, you need to eat 30 kilograms of apples or 15 oranges. The same amount is contained in 450 g of lentils. So the truth is that the healthiest food is a varied diet. And sugar, for example, can only destroy enamel that is already weakened.

Of course, there is a small percentage of people who have a congenital gluten or lactose intolerance, or an allergy to red meat. But this does not mean that they are harmful to everyone. First of all, you need to think about your health and make a diet based on the needs of the body. Just control the portion and exercise if you are afraid to gain weight.
We also told you how to make a daily diet.
Tell us in the comments if you agree with Weston Price. And also share an informative article with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.
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