It is advised by the day of the priesthood
Mikhail Labkovsky is an unusual psychologist. He always has. personalization Every situation and every person.
Today we have selected some of his tips to help improve your life and get started. joy.
How often have you put off some joy or pleasure for later? Told yourself you didn't deserve it, and then lived your life. joyless? Enough!
Stop denying yourself everything and being afraid of everything. Mikhail Labkovsky will tell you how to do this and why it is so important.
How to develop a healthy pofigism in yourself
Don't put off your life until tomorrow.! Be happy now. Be sure to learn to enjoy any pleasant little things.
Mikhail Labkovsky often talks about such things. He copes with psychological problems and has learned to help others cope with them.
His main advice is to be able to adapt. Category and stubbornness are the qualities of a stupid person.
A smart person is a flexible person. He is able to adapt to circumstances quickly and comfortably for himself.

Today we have selected some of his tips to help improve your life and get started. joy.

How often have you put off some joy or pleasure for later? Told yourself you didn't deserve it, and then lived your life. joyless? Enough!

Stop denying yourself everything and being afraid of everything. Mikhail Labkovsky will tell you how to do this and why it is so important.
How to develop a healthy pofigism in yourself
- The most important principle of healthy pofigism is not to confuse it with irresponsibility. It's very important to be able prioritize And highlight the things that really matter.
It is necessary to deal with such problems, but it should be done calmly and without panic, slowly. There are a lot of things in your life, but not all of them matter to you.
Sit down and write down everything you think you care about on a piece of paper. Now, put numbers from one and above next to all these things. Determine. crucial And you take it first, and then you take everything else down in order of number. - In order to properly prioritize and highlight the really important things, you need not lose sight of your life-goal.
Only by starting from it, you will be able to understand what is really important and what can be postponed for later. - What else is hindering the formation healthy? Obsession with unnecessary things or events.
It happens that even nuisance They've been following us all day. Someone stepped on the foot, the saleswoman in the store responded unpleasantly, or someone gave an angry look at you. The event has already happened, it has no negative consequences, but you can't stop thinking about it.
Get rid of negative thoughts immediately, and do not accumulate them in yourself. Why not put off life Afterwards, focusing on unpleasant incidents?
The fact is that there are many such incidents every day. If you pay attention to each of them, you simply do not have time for joyful events and enjoy them. - Try to complain less. No complaints The indicator of a happy person. Make a habit of solving problems at once, rather than whining about them. Over time, you will realize that your quality of life and emotional state will improve significantly.
Don't put off your life until tomorrow.! Be happy now. Be sure to learn to enjoy any pleasant little things.
Mikhail Labkovsky often talks about such things. He copes with psychological problems and has learned to help others cope with them.

His main advice is to be able to adapt. Category and stubbornness are the qualities of a stupid person.
A smart person is a flexible person. He is able to adapt to circumstances quickly and comfortably for himself.