What exercises for a slim waist should be performed daily

The swimming season is not far off, and after all the holidays about the ideal figure can only dream. Oh, I wish it was all by itself: just want to - so you immediately. waistline With a perfect tummy in addition, laments the sad Marina.

Editorial "Site" advises to abandon unrealizable dreams and thoroughly take up training. Today we will tell everyone who is concerned about the same problem as our narrator. waist-work You need to do it to achieve the desired result.

How to reduce your waist
  1. The elbow bar
    Lie down, lift your torso, resting on your forearms, and position your feet so that the legs with your back form a straight line. Stand in fixed position for 20 seconds. 118994

  2. Heel touching
    Take a prone position, bend your knees and place them a little wider than your shoulders. Extend your hands with your palms down, stretch the body to the left on the exhale to touch the left heel with the fingers of your left hand, return to the original position on the inhalation and duplicate the slope to the right side. Make 30 bends both ways.

  3. V-twisting
    Lie on your right side, put your feet on top of each other and put your left hand behind your head. Raise straight legs, tearing them from the floor and raise the body to the legs, forming the letter V and focusing on the right hand, then descend back and repeat the exercise 6-8 times on the right and left sides.

  4. "A donkey laying down"
    Stand on all fours, putting your palms in line with your shoulders. Lift the left and right leg up alternately, bending the knee and keeping the foot extended, while the body must remain stationary. Keep your head straight. Repeat each leg 20 times will be enough.

  5. "Folding knife"
    Lie on your back, stretch your arms forward and raise your legs, preventing them from touching the floor, and the upper body, lingering for a few seconds in this position, then slowly descend back. Repeat it 15 times.

  6. "Jurners."
    Lie on your back and lower your arms along your body, bending your knees at a 90 degree angle. Tilt your feet to the right and then to the left without touching the floor. Repeat it 30 times.

Complex performance of these simple exercises will provide you with a chic figure and excellent health. In training, almost all muscle groups are involved, so it completely brings your tone, making it more slim and fit.

And remember that exercise must be done regularly to have time to get beautiful shapes for the summer.

Share exercises with friends on social networks to train together and support each other, because when together, it is always easier.


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