What guarantees a cheerful rosy offspring
If you ask a question, What attracts women to menYou can get quite banal answers: “A firm press, excellent manners and a large salary will help.” To do this, you can pump up the press, learn to say thank you and find a job. But scientists have recently explained the phenomenon virility biological processes and indicate the importance of the length of one parameter.
And not the one that makes many males complex.
Editorial "Site" He will tell you what really attracts women.
There is a version that women choose men who look like fathers or brothers. Another version says it's all about pheromones. But the latest study says it's all about the limbs. The study was published in the online scientific publication of the Royal Society of London. It was attended by 9 thousand soldiers, who were evaluated by women.
So, for the study took people with different ratios of limb length and body. Then the photos of the subjects were changed on the computer: one lengthened the arms, the other shortened the body, the third lengthened the legs. Then they showed it to the beautiful ladies.
Almost all women preferred men with long legs. At the same time, growth did not matter much, the main thing is proportion. Scientists attribute this to the fact that some inherited diseases, such as type II diabetes and high blood pressure, are characteristic of people with short legs. And the desire to choose a healthy male for the production of strong offspring has not yet been canceled by any achievements of civilization.
So legs are not just two roads to the happiness of ladies. For men, they are also important, it is simply not customary to focus on the appearance of the fair sex. Perhaps, on a subconscious level, long male legs really signal health, strong aging and the ability to move quickly in the process of hunting. But there are many examples when the best women went clearly not long-legged handsome.
All studies of this kind are always subjective, because for a real result you need to interview all women in the world. Earlier we talked about what attracts men to women.
Tell us in the comments if you agree with the results. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.
And not the one that makes many males complex.

Editorial "Site" He will tell you what really attracts women.
There is a version that women choose men who look like fathers or brothers. Another version says it's all about pheromones. But the latest study says it's all about the limbs. The study was published in the online scientific publication of the Royal Society of London. It was attended by 9 thousand soldiers, who were evaluated by women.

So, for the study took people with different ratios of limb length and body. Then the photos of the subjects were changed on the computer: one lengthened the arms, the other shortened the body, the third lengthened the legs. Then they showed it to the beautiful ladies.

Almost all women preferred men with long legs. At the same time, growth did not matter much, the main thing is proportion. Scientists attribute this to the fact that some inherited diseases, such as type II diabetes and high blood pressure, are characteristic of people with short legs. And the desire to choose a healthy male for the production of strong offspring has not yet been canceled by any achievements of civilization.

So legs are not just two roads to the happiness of ladies. For men, they are also important, it is simply not customary to focus on the appearance of the fair sex. Perhaps, on a subconscious level, long male legs really signal health, strong aging and the ability to move quickly in the process of hunting. But there are many examples when the best women went clearly not long-legged handsome.

All studies of this kind are always subjective, because for a real result you need to interview all women in the world. Earlier we talked about what attracts men to women.
Tell us in the comments if you agree with the results. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.