Why the thyroid gland begins to flop
The thyroid gland is the guardian of health in our body. If she starts to flop, everything in the body goes wrong. After all, it is the thyroid gland that is responsible for our metabolism, thermoregulation and many other processes. And the chance that it will fail is very high.
Why is this happening? Why does such an important organ fail and how can it be prevented? Editorial "Site" He shares with you the thoughts of the wise yogi Sadhguru on this subject.
Thyroid disease Every year more and more people are faced with thyroid problems: hypertheriasis and hypothyroidism. The number of people suffering from these diseases is growing every day. There are many reasons for this: some of them are visible and understandable, but others are hidden from us.
Sadhguru is a yogi, mystic and founder of a charitable foundation. The sage presents yoga as the science of the inner structure of man. His view of ordinary things is a little different than ours. But in his words is wisdom that we have yet to learn.
In his opinion, there are many reasons for the development of thyroid problems, he told about the most important and gave advice on how to get rid of their negative impact.
The yogi says that our thyroid gland is a very delicate and sensitive system. It is fully configured to regulate our lives and improve our condition. However, this is its main disadvantage.
It has long been proven that the work of the endocrine system can change only from the thought of something. You think of a tree, the endocrine system works in one way, you think of a dangerous animal in another way. The main feature of the thyroid gland is this reaction to all surrounding factors.
The Yogin says, The trouble is that you need a cart. You're the middle line. But you got the spaceship.” And indeed, our thyroid gland works like a spaceship, but often it acts to our detriment.
The modern world is hardly a quiet place. People living in big cities are exposed to stress every day, hundreds of factors that our thyroid gland responds to. We are far from the conditions in which our endocrine system arrives in its normal state.
The main source of negative effects on the thyroid gland comes from the inside. Our experiences, stress and way of thinking all trigger a response in the endocrine gland. First and foremost, this is what needs to be changed.
We need to talk about the food we eat. Now it is almost impossible to eat food that is not poisoned by chemicals. Even when we eat organic food, we are not completely protected. Almost everything depends on nutrition because it is fuel for our body.
DepositPhotos Sadhguru says: My grandmother bought vegetables from vendors who brought merchandise right to our doorstep. They pulled them off the bed in the morning and immediately carried them to sell. Grandma looked at the vegetables, and if she wanted to buy something, she wouldn’t let the vendors touch the vegetables.
She didn't do it out of fear of germs. The fact is that she specially touched vegetables, keeping them in the right balance. She looked at them, ironed them, and only then cut and cooked them. It's not stupid, it's balance. If your life is not balanced, you have to take thyroid pills.”
For everything to be good, you need to maintain that balance. If you already have it, fine, and if not, it's time to change your life a little. We can’t all pack up and go live in the woods to be in harmony with ourselves, but we can all reduce the impact of an unfavorable environment on our bodies.
You're going to experience that influence anyway, but the question is, how big will it be? You can start small, like surrounding yourself with plants. We’re used to concrete walls, air conditioners and tightly closed windows, but that needs to change.
Instead of the constant noise of the air conditioner, open a window, let air and sunlight into your home. This is exactly what we need most. Get at least one plant, even it can reduce the impact of the environment on you.
DepositPhotos Let yourself be quiet. Everything around us is constantly vibrating and noisy: cars, machinery and so on. All this creates vibrations that disorient the body. If it happens all the time, we will get used to it, but we will feel exhausted. Only in silence does the body really rest.
Also, the yogi advises one wise thing: to feel the life around you and be alive in relation to everything around you. Sadhguru says, “You should always remember the life around you.” Life other than human life. You must be aware of everything that is alive: a tree, a plant, a blade of grass or a grasshopper.
It feeds us whether we like it or not. This is the only way to live and be healthy. When you live in harmony with the life around you, there is balance in your life, and your thyroid gland is in a normal state.
The next factor is physical activity. To be honest, modern man moves very little, too little to be healthy. When we feel bad, we go to sleep, but we need to move, engage in physical activity. Without this, it is impossible to maintain balance.
Find an active activity that will bring you joy, and do it. It could be dancing, training or something else. If only you were happy and your body was in motion.
DepositPhotos Yogin says with a smile: “You can just pretend to be a grasshopper and jump on the grass.” Imagine yourself a grasshopper and jump. You never did that? That is your problem.
He says we take life too seriously, which is wrong. That's the main problem. Remember that life will end someday, but now just relax. If you relax now, the rest of your life could be completely different. Relax and you will see how everything will be fine.
You can listen to the story of the yogi in this video. A wonderful person whose speech inspires and fills with joy.
Also, the sage says that to improve the functions of the thyroid gland, you can do yoga. A lot of people got rid of the problem. There are a couple of good exercises in this video.
If you follow the recommendations of the yogi, you can improve your condition and your life in general. Treatment is only one side of the coin, do not forget about the other side of this issue. Of course, no one canceled trips to the doctor, but do not forget to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.
Learn how to detect thyroid problems in time and seek help.
Also read how you can improve the work of your endocrine system and establish processes throughout the body.
Do you like the yogi's advice? Tell me in the comments.

Why is this happening? Why does such an important organ fail and how can it be prevented? Editorial "Site" He shares with you the thoughts of the wise yogi Sadhguru on this subject.
Thyroid disease Every year more and more people are faced with thyroid problems: hypertheriasis and hypothyroidism. The number of people suffering from these diseases is growing every day. There are many reasons for this: some of them are visible and understandable, but others are hidden from us.

Sadhguru is a yogi, mystic and founder of a charitable foundation. The sage presents yoga as the science of the inner structure of man. His view of ordinary things is a little different than ours. But in his words is wisdom that we have yet to learn.
In his opinion, there are many reasons for the development of thyroid problems, he told about the most important and gave advice on how to get rid of their negative impact.

The yogi says that our thyroid gland is a very delicate and sensitive system. It is fully configured to regulate our lives and improve our condition. However, this is its main disadvantage.
It has long been proven that the work of the endocrine system can change only from the thought of something. You think of a tree, the endocrine system works in one way, you think of a dangerous animal in another way. The main feature of the thyroid gland is this reaction to all surrounding factors.

The Yogin says, The trouble is that you need a cart. You're the middle line. But you got the spaceship.” And indeed, our thyroid gland works like a spaceship, but often it acts to our detriment.
The modern world is hardly a quiet place. People living in big cities are exposed to stress every day, hundreds of factors that our thyroid gland responds to. We are far from the conditions in which our endocrine system arrives in its normal state.

The main source of negative effects on the thyroid gland comes from the inside. Our experiences, stress and way of thinking all trigger a response in the endocrine gland. First and foremost, this is what needs to be changed.
We need to talk about the food we eat. Now it is almost impossible to eat food that is not poisoned by chemicals. Even when we eat organic food, we are not completely protected. Almost everything depends on nutrition because it is fuel for our body.

DepositPhotos Sadhguru says: My grandmother bought vegetables from vendors who brought merchandise right to our doorstep. They pulled them off the bed in the morning and immediately carried them to sell. Grandma looked at the vegetables, and if she wanted to buy something, she wouldn’t let the vendors touch the vegetables.
She didn't do it out of fear of germs. The fact is that she specially touched vegetables, keeping them in the right balance. She looked at them, ironed them, and only then cut and cooked them. It's not stupid, it's balance. If your life is not balanced, you have to take thyroid pills.”

For everything to be good, you need to maintain that balance. If you already have it, fine, and if not, it's time to change your life a little. We can’t all pack up and go live in the woods to be in harmony with ourselves, but we can all reduce the impact of an unfavorable environment on our bodies.
You're going to experience that influence anyway, but the question is, how big will it be? You can start small, like surrounding yourself with plants. We’re used to concrete walls, air conditioners and tightly closed windows, but that needs to change.
Instead of the constant noise of the air conditioner, open a window, let air and sunlight into your home. This is exactly what we need most. Get at least one plant, even it can reduce the impact of the environment on you.

DepositPhotos Let yourself be quiet. Everything around us is constantly vibrating and noisy: cars, machinery and so on. All this creates vibrations that disorient the body. If it happens all the time, we will get used to it, but we will feel exhausted. Only in silence does the body really rest.
Also, the yogi advises one wise thing: to feel the life around you and be alive in relation to everything around you. Sadhguru says, “You should always remember the life around you.” Life other than human life. You must be aware of everything that is alive: a tree, a plant, a blade of grass or a grasshopper.

It feeds us whether we like it or not. This is the only way to live and be healthy. When you live in harmony with the life around you, there is balance in your life, and your thyroid gland is in a normal state.
The next factor is physical activity. To be honest, modern man moves very little, too little to be healthy. When we feel bad, we go to sleep, but we need to move, engage in physical activity. Without this, it is impossible to maintain balance.
Find an active activity that will bring you joy, and do it. It could be dancing, training or something else. If only you were happy and your body was in motion.

DepositPhotos Yogin says with a smile: “You can just pretend to be a grasshopper and jump on the grass.” Imagine yourself a grasshopper and jump. You never did that? That is your problem.
He says we take life too seriously, which is wrong. That's the main problem. Remember that life will end someday, but now just relax. If you relax now, the rest of your life could be completely different. Relax and you will see how everything will be fine.
You can listen to the story of the yogi in this video. A wonderful person whose speech inspires and fills with joy.
Also, the sage says that to improve the functions of the thyroid gland, you can do yoga. A lot of people got rid of the problem. There are a couple of good exercises in this video.
If you follow the recommendations of the yogi, you can improve your condition and your life in general. Treatment is only one side of the coin, do not forget about the other side of this issue. Of course, no one canceled trips to the doctor, but do not forget to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.
Learn how to detect thyroid problems in time and seek help.
Also read how you can improve the work of your endocrine system and establish processes throughout the body.
Do you like the yogi's advice? Tell me in the comments.