Thymus — point of happiness in Your body
There are in our body organ, which is very little to say, but which can be called the “point of happiness”. And look for it for a long time is not necessary. It's a thymus gland (thymus). Located in the upper part of the chest, right at the base of the sternum. To spot her is very simple: you need to make two stacked fingers below the clavicle notch. This will be the approximate location of the thymus gland.
My name thymus received due to a characteristic shape resembling a Trident fork. However, it looks like the only healthy iron — damaged most often takes the form of a butterfly or sails. The thymus gland has another name — the thymus, which translated from Greek means "life force". In the 60-ies of the last century, scientists found out that the thymus gland belongs to the organs of the immune system! And not to the secondary as lymph nodes, tonsils or adenoids, and the most that neither is Central.
The function of the thymus gland.
Long-term observations have shown that this pink glands depends largely on human life, especially the lives of kids who are under five years. The fact that the thymus is a "school" accelerated learning of immune system cells (lymphocytes), which are formed from stem cells in the bone marrow. Once in the thymus, newborn "soldiers" of the immune system are converted to T-lymphocytes that can fight off viruses, infections and autoimmune diseases. Then on full alert, they enter the blood. And the most intense learning takes place in the first 2-3 years of life, and closer to five years when the defenders recruited a decent army, the function of the thymus gland begins to fade. To 30 years she dies almost completely, and closer to forty from the thymus gland, as a rule, not a trace remains.
Body antiage.
The extinction of the thymus doctors called involution, or the reverse development, although in some people the thymus gland does not disappear completely — it remains a weak track in the form of small accumulations of lymphoid and adipose tissue. Why the thymus in some people growing old and resolved early, and others late, hard to say. Maybe it's in the genetic predisposition may be, in the way of life... But the doctors are sure: the later it happens the better. And all because the thymus gland can slow the progress of the biological clock of the body, in other words, slow down the aging process.
So, during one of the experiments, two dogs (old and young) has made transplantation the thymus gland. The old animal was implanted gland the young, and the young dog — old. The result of the first beast very quickly was on the mend, was the more there are, increasingly behave and even look a few years younger. And the second quickly got old, tahleel until he died of old age.
Why is this happening? Yes, because the thymus gland not only gathers an army of T-lymphocytes, but also produces thymic hormones that stimulate the immune system, improve skin regeneration, promote rapid cell regeneration. In short, the thymus (thymus) is working on a serious rejuvenation of the whole body.
An injection of youth.
Immunologists have found a way to update the aging cancer — for this and need a little: a suspension of embryonic stem cells, the syringe and the skilled hands of the doctor who will inject them directly into the thymus. By design, this simple manipulation will force the dying body to fully recover, returning to its owner a lost youth. As proponents of the method, such a shot is much more effective than the injection of stem cells into the blood where they are quickly destroyed, giving only a momentary rush of strength, energy and youth.
The life after death.
And yet to fear the natural extinction of the thymus is not necessary. No threat to human life this natural process is not. The fact that for the first five years, the thymus manages to provide the human body with a reserve of T-lymphocytes, which is enough for a lifetime. Besides the function of the retired gland partially undertake certain skin cells, which are able to synthesize thymic hormones.
What she loves.
Like all the organs of the immune system, the thymus gland loves protein, which, on the one hand, is a building material for antibodies, and on the other enhances the activity of its own cells And preference should be given to proteins of animal origin (you can find them in fish, meat, cheese, dairy products) and plant protein (spirulina, buckwheat, and beans).
In addition to protein diet thymus loves and thermal treatments. He will love the sauna, hot compress, rubbing ointments based on essential oils or a session of physiotherapy. However, to get involved in stimulation of the thymus gland immunologists suggest, after a long period of activity will inevitably lead to the depletion of the body and this can cause the opposite effect. So warm the thymus should be no longer than 5-10 days, preferably before the period of colds.
As for the disease, occurring with fever, at this point, the stimulation of the thymus can lead to damage in the tissues of the body and the more rapid course of illness (it will go faster, but to carry it will be harder). So to attach to the thymus gland compresses best when the disease is just beginning, and the person feels weakness, lethargy, he has a runny nose, but no fever.
What she hates.
The thymus gland absolutely cannot stand the stresses (noise, temperature, anesthesia). In times of stress, iron is compressed, which leads to a reduction of vital energy. Stress require the mobilization of all T-lymphocytes, resulting in the thymus have in a hurry to prepare a new defence. Then the person is often at risk and was nervous, thymus gland wears out and gets old quickly.
Although malfunction of the thymus can be caused by a deficiency of cortisol — a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. The result of the thymus gland has to work for two, which can lead to the development of thymomegaly (enlargement of prostate) or a thymoma (tumor of thymus). Both these diseases can be suspected in a sluggish, frequently sick with colds, herpes and influenza people. Accurate diagnosis can be made on the basis of the x-ray picture, ultrasound or the results of immunogram (low number of T-lymphocytes indicates a possible problem with the thymus gland).
How to stimulate the thymus?
A weakened thymus gland can be enhanced by a simple method just a few seconds.
The method is to gently 10-20 times to knock the hand at the location of the cancer. Such tapping can be made easy your fingertips or a clenched fist, choosing a pleasant rhythm. This way you can in just a few seconds to stabilise the body and fill it with life-giving energy.
But the rubbing of this place, on the contrary, there relaxing. Of course You can also just put your hand on the thymus and allow the flow of energy. This is another effective possibility of using life energy.
If every morning You will regularly activate your thymus and to repeat this procedure several times during the day, then after a short period of time will feel much stronger.
You can add this with affirmations, such as this: “I am young, healthy, beautiful”, or make up your own, only do it positive.
When your thymus gland aktiviziruyutsya you can feel the “goose bumps” and feel the feelings of joy and happiness. It may take some time until you feel something. Do this exercise every day, and you can feel it.
If you have frequent bouts of excitement, panic, stress – do it several times a day and you will be able to regain life balance.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/1077
My name thymus received due to a characteristic shape resembling a Trident fork. However, it looks like the only healthy iron — damaged most often takes the form of a butterfly or sails. The thymus gland has another name — the thymus, which translated from Greek means "life force". In the 60-ies of the last century, scientists found out that the thymus gland belongs to the organs of the immune system! And not to the secondary as lymph nodes, tonsils or adenoids, and the most that neither is Central.

The function of the thymus gland.
Long-term observations have shown that this pink glands depends largely on human life, especially the lives of kids who are under five years. The fact that the thymus is a "school" accelerated learning of immune system cells (lymphocytes), which are formed from stem cells in the bone marrow. Once in the thymus, newborn "soldiers" of the immune system are converted to T-lymphocytes that can fight off viruses, infections and autoimmune diseases. Then on full alert, they enter the blood. And the most intense learning takes place in the first 2-3 years of life, and closer to five years when the defenders recruited a decent army, the function of the thymus gland begins to fade. To 30 years she dies almost completely, and closer to forty from the thymus gland, as a rule, not a trace remains.
Body antiage.
The extinction of the thymus doctors called involution, or the reverse development, although in some people the thymus gland does not disappear completely — it remains a weak track in the form of small accumulations of lymphoid and adipose tissue. Why the thymus in some people growing old and resolved early, and others late, hard to say. Maybe it's in the genetic predisposition may be, in the way of life... But the doctors are sure: the later it happens the better. And all because the thymus gland can slow the progress of the biological clock of the body, in other words, slow down the aging process.
So, during one of the experiments, two dogs (old and young) has made transplantation the thymus gland. The old animal was implanted gland the young, and the young dog — old. The result of the first beast very quickly was on the mend, was the more there are, increasingly behave and even look a few years younger. And the second quickly got old, tahleel until he died of old age.
Why is this happening? Yes, because the thymus gland not only gathers an army of T-lymphocytes, but also produces thymic hormones that stimulate the immune system, improve skin regeneration, promote rapid cell regeneration. In short, the thymus (thymus) is working on a serious rejuvenation of the whole body.
An injection of youth.
Immunologists have found a way to update the aging cancer — for this and need a little: a suspension of embryonic stem cells, the syringe and the skilled hands of the doctor who will inject them directly into the thymus. By design, this simple manipulation will force the dying body to fully recover, returning to its owner a lost youth. As proponents of the method, such a shot is much more effective than the injection of stem cells into the blood where they are quickly destroyed, giving only a momentary rush of strength, energy and youth.
The life after death.
And yet to fear the natural extinction of the thymus is not necessary. No threat to human life this natural process is not. The fact that for the first five years, the thymus manages to provide the human body with a reserve of T-lymphocytes, which is enough for a lifetime. Besides the function of the retired gland partially undertake certain skin cells, which are able to synthesize thymic hormones.
What she loves.
Like all the organs of the immune system, the thymus gland loves protein, which, on the one hand, is a building material for antibodies, and on the other enhances the activity of its own cells And preference should be given to proteins of animal origin (you can find them in fish, meat, cheese, dairy products) and plant protein (spirulina, buckwheat, and beans).
In addition to protein diet thymus loves and thermal treatments. He will love the sauna, hot compress, rubbing ointments based on essential oils or a session of physiotherapy. However, to get involved in stimulation of the thymus gland immunologists suggest, after a long period of activity will inevitably lead to the depletion of the body and this can cause the opposite effect. So warm the thymus should be no longer than 5-10 days, preferably before the period of colds.
As for the disease, occurring with fever, at this point, the stimulation of the thymus can lead to damage in the tissues of the body and the more rapid course of illness (it will go faster, but to carry it will be harder). So to attach to the thymus gland compresses best when the disease is just beginning, and the person feels weakness, lethargy, he has a runny nose, but no fever.
What she hates.
The thymus gland absolutely cannot stand the stresses (noise, temperature, anesthesia). In times of stress, iron is compressed, which leads to a reduction of vital energy. Stress require the mobilization of all T-lymphocytes, resulting in the thymus have in a hurry to prepare a new defence. Then the person is often at risk and was nervous, thymus gland wears out and gets old quickly.
Although malfunction of the thymus can be caused by a deficiency of cortisol — a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. The result of the thymus gland has to work for two, which can lead to the development of thymomegaly (enlargement of prostate) or a thymoma (tumor of thymus). Both these diseases can be suspected in a sluggish, frequently sick with colds, herpes and influenza people. Accurate diagnosis can be made on the basis of the x-ray picture, ultrasound or the results of immunogram (low number of T-lymphocytes indicates a possible problem with the thymus gland).
How to stimulate the thymus?
A weakened thymus gland can be enhanced by a simple method just a few seconds.
The method is to gently 10-20 times to knock the hand at the location of the cancer. Such tapping can be made easy your fingertips or a clenched fist, choosing a pleasant rhythm. This way you can in just a few seconds to stabilise the body and fill it with life-giving energy.
But the rubbing of this place, on the contrary, there relaxing. Of course You can also just put your hand on the thymus and allow the flow of energy. This is another effective possibility of using life energy.
If every morning You will regularly activate your thymus and to repeat this procedure several times during the day, then after a short period of time will feel much stronger.
You can add this with affirmations, such as this: “I am young, healthy, beautiful”, or make up your own, only do it positive.
When your thymus gland aktiviziruyutsya you can feel the “goose bumps” and feel the feelings of joy and happiness. It may take some time until you feel something. Do this exercise every day, and you can feel it.
If you have frequent bouts of excitement, panic, stress – do it several times a day and you will be able to regain life balance.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/1077
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