For happiness does not need to go far - everything is already in you! The phenomenon of the thymus gland.
Did you know that the body of each person has «point of happiness» ? And look for it for a long time do not need it - the thymus or thymus. It is situated at the base of the sternum, two fingers below the clavicular notch. This place is the center of happiness in the human body! The name of the iron was due to the appearance of a healthy body resembles drills plug. A second name - thymus , in Greek means - "life force».
Thymus - the main organ of the immune system of our body, but the problem is that the 30 years he virtually ceases to work and remain in an atrophied state. Someone that happens before someone - later. Why - it is not known, whether it is a genetic predisposition, or dealing in lifestyle.
But experience is not necessary, there are several ways that you can bring back life to the thymus. If you have depression or a bad mood, you can stimulate her at home: tap the thymus for 10-20 seconds with your fingertips or a fist hand , as in the movie Tarzan. Only strongly do not zealous, in all good measure. The main thing - do it with pleasure and pick a comfortable rhythm for himself. When your thymus gland is activated, you can feel the goose bumps all over the body, a surge of joy and happiness.
Also thymus loves thermal procedures, you can go to the sauna or soak up the sunshine. So if you suffer from depression every morning activates the "point of happiness" and repeat this procedure several times during the day. After a short time you will feel stronger, you can restore the balance of life. You can add in this affirmation, for example, this: «I - a young, healthy, beautiful»
Oh, how little we need to be happy! Take advantage of the knowledge of the thymus and normalize the status of their nervous system. In an era of constant stress is so important ...
via takprosto cc
Thymus - the main organ of the immune system of our body, but the problem is that the 30 years he virtually ceases to work and remain in an atrophied state. Someone that happens before someone - later. Why - it is not known, whether it is a genetic predisposition, or dealing in lifestyle.

But experience is not necessary, there are several ways that you can bring back life to the thymus. If you have depression or a bad mood, you can stimulate her at home: tap the thymus for 10-20 seconds with your fingertips or a fist hand , as in the movie Tarzan. Only strongly do not zealous, in all good measure. The main thing - do it with pleasure and pick a comfortable rhythm for himself. When your thymus gland is activated, you can feel the goose bumps all over the body, a surge of joy and happiness.
Also thymus loves thermal procedures, you can go to the sauna or soak up the sunshine. So if you suffer from depression every morning activates the "point of happiness" and repeat this procedure several times during the day. After a short time you will feel stronger, you can restore the balance of life. You can add in this affirmation, for example, this: «I - a young, healthy, beautiful»
Oh, how little we need to be happy! Take advantage of the knowledge of the thymus and normalize the status of their nervous system. In an era of constant stress is so important ...
via takprosto cc
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