Works with "bliss point"

Our body is designed so wisely that it is "the point of happiness." We are looking for a "point of happiness"! Find and work with it. Luckily for her to walk away is not necessary. This thymus gland, which is located in the center of the chest, it is called the "point of happiness."
This gland helps neutralize negative energy, strengthen the immune system and maintain health.

Tapping, stroking, massage this point is very effective. This helps to raise our energy vibration to a higher level.
This gland supports the energy of our body. So when our energy system is out of balance, namely the thymus can help. It is a bridge between the brain and the body. During stress gland shrinks, leading to a reduction of vital energy.
So how do you properly stimulate the thymus gland?
This can make a fist, such as Tarzan of the film, but it does not thresh with all the dope, just tap lightly.
Can tapping or stroking fingers. Do this for about 20 seconds and breathe deeply at the same time.
You can add in this affirmation, for example this one: "All is well in my world" or "I am a young, healthy, beautiful," or one of his affirmations, only necessarily positive.
How do I know that the thymus intensified?
You will know when your thymus gland is activated - you will begin to experience the "crawl" and feel a sense of joy and happiness.
It may take a while until you feel something. Do this exercise every day, and you just feel its effects.
If you have frequent bouts of anxiety, panic, stress - do it several times a day and you will be able to regain life balance.
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