How to bake a goose in the oven

This one goose It will be a decoration not only for the New Year’s table, but also for any holiday. Relatives will appreciate the soft and juicy meat, all guests will certainly require a recipe. And it just has no complexity - no "daily" soaking and exquisite marinades.

Goose in the oven today "Site" tell you, How to cook a goose in the oven. You need to bake the bird for no more than 30 minutes. Soak for a day and marinate is not necessary! I assure you, there will be no specific smell!

The bird should be taken large and fatty, then the meat will be soft-soft. In addition to the finished goose, you will get 6 liters of excellent broth (enough for two borscht) and a liter of goose fat for troughing into squarks. In addition, goose fat can be made compresses for coughing and bronchitis.

The ingredients
  • 1 goose carcass weighing 3.8-4 kg
  • 3.5 tbsp salt
  • 4-5 pieces of bay leaf
  • 10 peas of sweet pepper
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 2 bulbs
  • 1 parsley root
  • 2 tbsp dried dill
  • 1 tsp five-pepper mixture
  • 2 heads of garlic

  1. Goose carcass thoroughly washed under running water. Pluck the remains of the feathers and lightly drop the carcass over the gas burner to remove the down.
  2. Remove the internal fat and wet the goose inside with a paper towel.

  3. To remove the specific smell and speed up goose-makingIt needs to be boiled. For this, any container is suitable, ideally a large pan or an enameled bucket.
  4. Put bay leaf, 2.5 tbsp salt, scented pepper, dill, parsley root, black pepper, onions cut in half and peeled cloves of one head of garlic.
  5. Put the bucket down and fill it with water. The water level should not be more than 5 cm from the edges of the bucket. This is usually 5.5-6 liters.

  6. On a heavy fire bring the goose to a boil and cook for 40-60 minutes (depending on the size and age of the bird). If the goose does not completely mix in the selected container, cook one part for 40 minutes, then flip, share water and cook for another 40 minutes.
  7. When the goose is cooked, turn off the fire and let it stand for 15 minutes.
  8. After pulling the goose out of the broth and rub it with garlic, a mixture of 5 peppers and 1 tbsp salt. Don't forget to salt and pepper inside. Inside the goose put a few cloves of garlic for flavor.

  9. Place the goose on the tinfoil. Tie your legs with a thread so the carcass doesn't fall apart. Pour 3-4 tbsp of broth into the pot and put it in the oven.
  10. Bake the goose. 15 minutes at 200 degrees, then another 10 minutes at 180 degrees. You don't have to, so don't overdo it! As soon as it appears golden-crustTake it out of the oven.
  11. Decorate with fresh greens and serve to the table. Bon appetit!

Be sure to try to cook this. goose. Baked bird will be the No. 1 dish on your festive table!

Meat goes well with any side dish. And do not forget about salads, guests will surely like hearty and tasty cod liver salads, they are not in vain considered popular.

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