Why You Should Visit Single Friends More Often
The XXI century is called the time when a person consciously choose. Despite the unprecedented opportunities for finding a soul mate and building harmonious relationships, people increasingly focus only on their own hobbies and worries. Family values are in a real crisis.
Girls are no longer in a hurry to get married. And some, having had time to burn themselves with one man, fear that subsequent attempts will be no better, and maybe even worse. Over time, they also narrow the circle of friends and acquaintances. And by choosing such voluntary isolation, people, unknowingly, expose themselves to unpleasant consequences.
Human loneliness The Problem of Human Loneliness It has been studied more than once, and therefore scientists managed to draw a lot of interesting conclusions. For example, it was found that single people suffer more from health problems.
The connection between loneliness and ailments is associated with the fact that for many centuries for our ancestors to move away from the general group meant to be at serious risk. Therefore, the body on a subconscious level begins to feel worse than usual.
Experiments are known when volunteers were isolated from any sound sources for a couple of days. Already in the first hours, the person experienced anxiety, showed excessive emotionality, and later even saw hallucinations, up to marching squirrels with backpacks on their shoulders.
The risk of depression is also significantly higher in single people. They are more likely to experience failure, more often suffer from low self-esteem. Moreover, after prolonged isolation, a person loses social skills, and subsequently it is difficult for him to build relationships with people.
Among other things, lonely Often great to launch and appearance, and even their own housing. It is believed that bachelors at home is a mess, they say, without female care, everything is dirty and dull there. But what about women themselves? Perhaps the "bachelors" also escaped not far.
This is how 29-year-old Briton Charlie lives in her apartment. The photographer was unpleasantly surprised to see that the coziness here is not even close. However, the girl herself is so comfortable. She works a lot, so there is simply no time to receive guests, and there is no one to clean up for.
But such a ugliness is happening in the house of a pretty 28-year-old Englishwoman Pat, who loves to take selfies for Instagram, but hates to clean the house. And yes, this lady is not happy with the guests either.
“I work too hard to devote time to my personal life as well. Moreover, there are so many worries and demands from the guys that it is much more comfortable to stay alone, says Tabitha, 29.
Getting used to loneliness, a person begins to compromise with himself more often - he cleans less often, he monitors his appearance less. Trying to be free from everything, even from basic housework, a person does not notice how he degrades.
And there are no people around who can point that out, push it in the right direction. Because loneliness This is a real problem that is worth getting rid of.
Psychologists say that even if you do not need a soul mate and do not want to tie the knot, you can not protect yourself from the whole world. Friends are always important, and in this mutual support, everyone can find exactly what they lack. Some people should really stay away from you. And we've already told you why.
Girls are no longer in a hurry to get married. And some, having had time to burn themselves with one man, fear that subsequent attempts will be no better, and maybe even worse. Over time, they also narrow the circle of friends and acquaintances. And by choosing such voluntary isolation, people, unknowingly, expose themselves to unpleasant consequences.

Human loneliness The Problem of Human Loneliness It has been studied more than once, and therefore scientists managed to draw a lot of interesting conclusions. For example, it was found that single people suffer more from health problems.

The connection between loneliness and ailments is associated with the fact that for many centuries for our ancestors to move away from the general group meant to be at serious risk. Therefore, the body on a subconscious level begins to feel worse than usual.
Experiments are known when volunteers were isolated from any sound sources for a couple of days. Already in the first hours, the person experienced anxiety, showed excessive emotionality, and later even saw hallucinations, up to marching squirrels with backpacks on their shoulders.

The risk of depression is also significantly higher in single people. They are more likely to experience failure, more often suffer from low self-esteem. Moreover, after prolonged isolation, a person loses social skills, and subsequently it is difficult for him to build relationships with people.

Among other things, lonely Often great to launch and appearance, and even their own housing. It is believed that bachelors at home is a mess, they say, without female care, everything is dirty and dull there. But what about women themselves? Perhaps the "bachelors" also escaped not far.
This is how 29-year-old Briton Charlie lives in her apartment. The photographer was unpleasantly surprised to see that the coziness here is not even close. However, the girl herself is so comfortable. She works a lot, so there is simply no time to receive guests, and there is no one to clean up for.

But such a ugliness is happening in the house of a pretty 28-year-old Englishwoman Pat, who loves to take selfies for Instagram, but hates to clean the house. And yes, this lady is not happy with the guests either.

“I work too hard to devote time to my personal life as well. Moreover, there are so many worries and demands from the guys that it is much more comfortable to stay alone, says Tabitha, 29.

Getting used to loneliness, a person begins to compromise with himself more often - he cleans less often, he monitors his appearance less. Trying to be free from everything, even from basic housework, a person does not notice how he degrades.

And there are no people around who can point that out, push it in the right direction. Because loneliness This is a real problem that is worth getting rid of.
Psychologists say that even if you do not need a soul mate and do not want to tie the knot, you can not protect yourself from the whole world. Friends are always important, and in this mutual support, everyone can find exactly what they lack. Some people should really stay away from you. And we've already told you why.