How to develop willpower
Sometimes you meet a person, he seems to be good and witty, and his eyes shine. At first everything is fine, and then, after a month or two, the person disappears and goes ... into a binge. Unfortunately, such situations are not uncommon, but they can be prevented. For example, learn to understand that you are a dependent person.
Editorial "Site" I was seriously concerned about this and decided to share with you Dr. Vlad's advice on this.
Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of developed willpower. Many, for whatever reason, are addicted. This is not a sentence, now all this is effectively treated, but you still need to want it. Until this happens, with a dependent person there are many problems and troubles.
Why and to whom can this information be useful? Actually, anyone. We only think that you can identify someone with an addiction at a glance, but in fact it is much more difficult. When you meet a new person, hire him or just going to do something with him, it will not be superfluous to look at him and find out if he has a hidden addiction.
In this we will help the advice of Dr. Vlad, who has long worked with addicted people and knows their habits. There are a couple of signs that give a person who likes to drink, with a head.
How to recognize a drinking person
In general, that's all you need to know about it. Thanks to these signs and test, you will be able to accurately recognize a person with an unhealthy craving for alcohol. If you want to know more, check out Dr. Vlad’s video of him telling life stories and sharing his experiences.
Getting rid of addiction is not easy, but it is always possible. Dr. Vlad has a video on how to quit drinking and start a new happy life.
It is not just men who are affected by this problem. Earlier we told why female alcoholism is much worse than men.
We also shared the story of the man who managed to abandon this lost cause. Very instructive!
And we talked about how the body reacts to the refusal of alcohol and why you should do it now.
If you have something to say, share your story in the comments. Maybe you have your own ways of learning about a person’s addiction by talking. You can also share tips on how to tie and strength. We'll welcome every story!

Editorial "Site" I was seriously concerned about this and decided to share with you Dr. Vlad's advice on this.
Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of developed willpower. Many, for whatever reason, are addicted. This is not a sentence, now all this is effectively treated, but you still need to want it. Until this happens, with a dependent person there are many problems and troubles.

Why and to whom can this information be useful? Actually, anyone. We only think that you can identify someone with an addiction at a glance, but in fact it is much more difficult. When you meet a new person, hire him or just going to do something with him, it will not be superfluous to look at him and find out if he has a hidden addiction.
In this we will help the advice of Dr. Vlad, who has long worked with addicted people and knows their habits. There are a couple of signs that give a person who likes to drink, with a head.

How to recognize a drinking person
- External signs
If a person drinks a lot, it will be noticeable. Usually, such people are very thin, even skinny. It may have a characteristic complexion: red and with dark circles under the eyes. Although it may not be, each person’s body is different, this must be taken into account. There may not be any external signs at all. - Talking about alcohol
So that there is no doubt, start a conversation with a person about alcohol. Do it as if by accident: tell me that you were handed a good drink, invite to have a drink or start a topic about your favorite drink. A person with an addiction will react to such a conversation very violently. You will immediately see the brightness in your eyes and hear the excitement in your voice. For such people, alcohol is an object of dependence, which means they cannot talk about it calmly. Even a casual conversation can reveal addiction. - Lies out of thin air
This is a trait that unites all people with dependence on alcohol. If you catch him drinking, he'll come up with a thousand and one stories about why he did it. He will say that he has confused champagne with lemonade, that he was forced to drink, or even tell a fantastic story, which Stephen King will envy. If you see a person trying to make up stories, know that he has serious problems. If a person drinks but is not addicted, they won’t make stupid excuses. That has to be kept in mind. - Palcenosal test
It is this test that will help to accurately determine whether a person has an addiction. The only trouble is that at the first acquaintance it is hardly possible to ask a person to make a palcenose test. Except as a joke. When applying for a job, you can without shame offer a person such a test. The essence of the test to banality is simple: a person should stand up, take his hand aside, and, closing his eyes, touch the tip of his nose with his finger. For people who are doing well with coordination, this test will not be difficult. If on the approach to the nose, the hand begins to tremble and a person cannot get in, he has problems with alcohol.
Palcenos test works in most cases. At one time I worked in a small psychiatric hospital where alcoholics lay, treated and worked. I am confident that it will take at least a year for a former alcoholic to pass this test. Or more.
In general, that's all you need to know about it. Thanks to these signs and test, you will be able to accurately recognize a person with an unhealthy craving for alcohol. If you want to know more, check out Dr. Vlad’s video of him telling life stories and sharing his experiences.
Getting rid of addiction is not easy, but it is always possible. Dr. Vlad has a video on how to quit drinking and start a new happy life.
It is not just men who are affected by this problem. Earlier we told why female alcoholism is much worse than men.
We also shared the story of the man who managed to abandon this lost cause. Very instructive!
And we talked about how the body reacts to the refusal of alcohol and why you should do it now.
If you have something to say, share your story in the comments. Maybe you have your own ways of learning about a person’s addiction by talking. You can also share tips on how to tie and strength. We'll welcome every story!