Why some people don’t think about themselves

Today, when the world is ruled by money and people put personal interests above all else, generous and soulful personalities have become rare. But what if such a seemingly wonderful person is a close relative? What if he thinks of everyone but himself?

And today we will share the story of our subscriber, who is very lucky with her mother. However, the young woman herself believes differently, seeing in the behavior of the parent more problems than really useful actions. Is that true? And when breadth Could it be a problem for your family?

It was always difficult to communicate with my mother. Especially when I became a mom and realized how much I looked like her. The problem is that the mother never needed anything. For as long as I can remember, she gave expensive gifts to close, distant and very distant relatives that she could not afford.

“Well, I won’t buy this for myself, so let me hold it in my hands,” she said, preparing to take another expensive present. Why you can't afford what you can afford to others, she didn't elaborate.

At school, I always had more clothes than I needed. With her small income, my mother managed to buy mountains of clothes at sales for me and my brother, which then simply dusted in the closet. At the same time, she did not dare to buy a new jacket, they say, and this is nothing, why spend money?

When I got married and had children of my own, I got to know the problem more. Every time I went to the store with my kids, I struggled with myself not to buy up all the beauty in a row.

As a result, I decided to go for a trick: put everything I liked in a cart, and in front of the cashier quickly postpone unnecessary things. This helped keep the children's wardrobe in relatively small size.

My mom never learned to think about herself anymore. She only buys clothes at second-hand sales. But my grandkids continue to bring mountains of unnecessary gifts. I explain that we have no place to store these things in a rented apartment and will rather have to give everything to charity or just throw it away. She will be sad, but next time history repeats itself.”

“All the best to people, all the worst to yourself. She lived on this principle for a long time until she began to go to church more often. The only thing that changed was that my mother began to give us less gifts, but began to take money more often to the church circle.

Mom is afraid to even let herself rest. She is at work and helps with her grandchildren. My brother tried to send her on vacation, but she just went and passed the ticket. Since then, we only give her what she will not give to anyone or be able to return to the store.

It seems bad to interfere in my mother’s life, trying to eradicate what I don’t like about her, but how else can I help her? I see that she is increasingly driving herself, and the health of the former is no longer there. Sometimes it feels like Mom is just trying to save the world for us, but I'm afraid her efforts are in vain. I'm trying to save her myself.”

Generosity is not without reason considered one of the most ambiguous human qualities. It can be both a virtue and a disadvantage, bring both good and force to endure deprivation. Therefore, with generosity, you should be careful and find a middle ground. Surely. generousness It means sharing what you have without hurting yourself.

In any case, everyone decides how to manage what he has. And if a person is happy to help other people (even to their own detriment), then this is his right.

Often, the beginnings of such behavior begin in deep childhood or after experiencing great deprivation. Such broad-minded You may not be able to spend money on yourself. Maybe we should try to teach him. And if mom refuses to go on vacation, then perhaps you should keep her company?


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