Instructions for cooking hot blackcurrant sauce
When I have a harvest of fruits or berries, I like to treat them to neighbors. It’s always nice to share and see a genuine smile in people’s eyes. And my neighbor, Oleg Pavlovich, in response to a basket of currants given to him, invited our whole family to a picnic.
There, among the delicious dishes from the grill, the neighbor gave us a taste of the delicious sauce he made from our own. blackcurrant. To be honest, I have never tasted the sauce better! I immediately asked him about the recipe.
For more than 4 years, as without this sauce can not do any of our family feast! It turns out that it is sharp, at the same time sour and sweet, and it is quite simple and quick to prepare.
Sauce from currant Today editorial office "Site" He will tell you how to cook. blackcurrant. “Ah, what a treat!” my friends say and ask for more.
The ingredients
Sauce editorial advice is a small detail that can add a zest to dishes and completely change their taste. I suggest you find out 5 more recipes of the most popular sauces that you should learn to cook each hostess.
This sauce is just the perfect addition to vegetables - fresh or baked, to meat, cheeses. It can also be used as a salad dressing.
When I go out to nature, friends often call us and say, “Don’t come without sauce!” Today, by the way, I collected currantsI'm cooking, it'll be ready by morning.
Did you like the recipe? Share it with your friends on social media, they will be grateful for it!
There, among the delicious dishes from the grill, the neighbor gave us a taste of the delicious sauce he made from our own. blackcurrant. To be honest, I have never tasted the sauce better! I immediately asked him about the recipe.
For more than 4 years, as without this sauce can not do any of our family feast! It turns out that it is sharp, at the same time sour and sweet, and it is quite simple and quick to prepare.

Sauce from currant Today editorial office "Site" He will tell you how to cook. blackcurrant. “Ah, what a treat!” my friends say and ask for more.

The ingredients
- 250g currants
- 150ml of red wine
- 150g sugar
- peel
- 2-3 leaf of mint
- salt, pepper to taste

- Fresh currants are washed, dried and transferred to a deep bowl. Grind the currants with a blender.
- In the container to currants add sugar, salt and pour wine. Stir thoroughly. Put the currant in a pan and put it on the fire. Don't forget to throw some mint in the pan. Cook the future sauce on medium heat until the volume is halved, stirring periodically.
- Rub the finished mass through a sieve. Or you can just grind a blender.
- Add the pepper and lemon peel. If desired, you can replace the peel of lemon with several crushed cloves of garlic.
- Stir it up carefully. Before serving the sauce, you need to brew a little.
Sauce editorial advice is a small detail that can add a zest to dishes and completely change their taste. I suggest you find out 5 more recipes of the most popular sauces that you should learn to cook each hostess.
This sauce is just the perfect addition to vegetables - fresh or baked, to meat, cheeses. It can also be used as a salad dressing.
When I go out to nature, friends often call us and say, “Don’t come without sauce!” Today, by the way, I collected currantsI'm cooking, it'll be ready by morning.
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