How to emphasize the beauty of your eyes

Soda is a universal remedy, without which in the household as without hands. Experienced housewives know that soda can be useful in the kitchen, and in cleaning, and even replace the means in the cosmetics. That's what we're gonna talk about. It turns out that soda, among other things, also removes dark circles under the eyes.

Editorial "Site" Today he will tell you how to use ordinary soda. drop out.

Dark circles are a problem for many women. As stunning as you may look, these mean circles always betray fatigue and spoil the whole view. What is it and where does this problem come from?

Circles under the eyes are vessels that shine through the thin skin of the eyelids. Due to poor blood circulation, blood in this zone stagnates, and hemoglobin changes its color. Hence the bruises.

The reasons for the appearance of these bruises are very many: lack of sleep, fatigue, insufficient amount of fluid in the body, anemia, eye fatigue. Also, bruises under the eyes can be a sign of cardiovascular disease or kidney problems.

If dark circles or bags under your eyes bother you constantly, there is a reason to see a doctor. After all, this is just a symptom, to eliminate it, you need to find the cause.

It also happens that dark circles are only a hereditary feature. Then it is too thin and light skin around the eyes. Unfortunately, there is no way to remove it. However, you can always turn it into your highlight. This is a natural smoky eye.

How to get rid of the dark circles? If this is a consequence of lifestyle, first of all you need to remove the causes. Start with rest, restoring your drinking regime and normal sleep. Drink more water, sleep 8 hours a day and walk more in the fresh air. It'll work in a week.

To this, of course, cosmetic procedures can be added. They will help to consolidate the effect and remove bruises for a long time. And today we offer you a recipe with soda.

All you need is chamomile tea and regular baking soda. Make tea and cool it to room temperature. Tea should be warm so that it is comfortable to apply it to the skin. Take a cup of this tea, add a teaspoon of soda, mix thoroughly.

Cotton swab wet in this mixture and put on the skin under the eyes. Leave it on your skin for about 15 minutes. At this time you can relax and relax, it will not be superfluous. Then remove the cotton, rinse your face and apply moisturizer.

Some women use a more concentrated solution by applying slightly diluted soda to the skin. In consistency, it should be like thick sour cream. It is possible, but the method is too radical. The delicate skin around the eyes can be affected by this. So it is better to use chamomile tea.

Chamomile gently affects the skin and moisturizes it, and soda, meanwhile, lightens the skin and relieves you of bruises. The complex turns out an excellent tool that begins to work after the first application. Make masks regularly and the effect will linger for a long time.

This is a simple and universal way. Get rid of circles under the eyes at homeOne that suits everyone. If you start to get enough sleep and drink a lot of water, the result will not be long in coming!

With the help of soda, you can put the skin of your hands in order and give it youth and beauty. Use our recipe.

We also shared with you a wonderful recipe mask made of soda and banana, which helps to get rid of wrinkles.

We also shared great skin scrub recipes that will make your face perfect.

Did you like the recipe? Be sure to share it with your friends.


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