How to be polite on public transport
The world is changing at superluminal speed. What seemed natural and normal 10 years ago is now losing its social and psychological value. Just yesterday, almost any woman could rely on shoulder He's not even gonna give you a seat on public transport today. It is interesting that you, a woman, now treat this situation quite calmly.
And really, what happened to the modern guys and uncles who suddenly became callous and indifferent rude, more worried about personal gain and their own appearance? The answer to this is not a rhetorical question. foreign psychology, and domestic; editorial "Site" I've also been involved in this game. The goal is concise and simple: you need to find out where those “real men” went.
Here you need to try to deal with what you are more hooked: the fact that you are tired and no one at point wants to notice this, or that he sits here and will not even think about making your life easier? What is it? self-worth Or what is stitched in the genes - a man must necessarily give way? Now think about it: after all, you expect something from a man that he is supposedly “obliged to do”.
Let's try to be fair. Each person lives in the grid of needs and desires, society forms the definition of success and benefit, these are all markers that determine a place in the hierarchy of society. It used to be easier for a woman because she was responsible for breed and make it comfortable. The man did everything else: went to war, got food, beat hooligans and, if necessary, gave his life. That was his direct task.
What has changed now? The man continues to live in the same tight grid of expectations, and everyone, especially women, tells him hourly when he will be considered "real." Let’s bend your fingers: do not give flowers – a rag, do not raise children – a weakling, do not fight with the enemy for the homeland – not a man, do not move up the career ladder – no respect for you, do not dream of an SUV from BMW – a loser. There are a lot of expectations, experts on how to be, even more.
Normal man At some point, he begins to think that all this only leads him to a dead end: it is purely mathematically impossible for everyone to become a director of Gazprom, a captain of a ship or a scientific luminary. Those who are still in demand among women with expectations. Suddenly, he wants to live and be beautiful, too.
Once again, the need for protection, muscle, food and survival is gone, we live in a completely different world where women have a voice, can call the police and take their children to school on their own. And a man with a beautiful beard is sitting on the bus, staring dreamily out the window and dreaming of a spear. As strange as that sounds. Everybody's on their own.
We're not here to protect men, listing all the things that are inherent in them as a species. One simple thing to understand is that markers no longer work. And if somewhere in the outback, where life has not fundamentally changed for decades, a man will try to behave according to generally accepted expectations, then in human anthills everything is exactly the opposite.
Therefore, the conclusion is logical and simple: the guys do not need to prove anything anymore, from now on they do not think in terms of “to be a real man, you must blah blah blah and go on.” There is no need to prove anything to women who have long since emerged from a position of dependence on men. Now you understand why your heart is so indifferent when a half-sleepy man is in no hurry to give you a seat?
Of course, this whole text does not mean that the knights have transferred and there is nowhere else to wait for simple attention. Such cases are rare and, when they occur, are truly perceived as a feat. We humans have simply drifted away from each other, but this will not always be the case, the era of convergence is looming. It will create other challenges and other values. What? Ours. commentator at your disposal.
Simple human politeness is a good start. Absolutely. psychology Individuals are endlessly amazed. There are also boys who are able to push a pregnant woman to be the first to enter the cabin of the trolleybus. Whether this has anything to do with the theses we have outlined here, you will have to decide for yourself. And don't be silent, it's time to get closer right now.

And really, what happened to the modern guys and uncles who suddenly became callous and indifferent rude, more worried about personal gain and their own appearance? The answer to this is not a rhetorical question. foreign psychology, and domestic; editorial "Site" I've also been involved in this game. The goal is concise and simple: you need to find out where those “real men” went.

Here you need to try to deal with what you are more hooked: the fact that you are tired and no one at point wants to notice this, or that he sits here and will not even think about making your life easier? What is it? self-worth Or what is stitched in the genes - a man must necessarily give way? Now think about it: after all, you expect something from a man that he is supposedly “obliged to do”.

Let's try to be fair. Each person lives in the grid of needs and desires, society forms the definition of success and benefit, these are all markers that determine a place in the hierarchy of society. It used to be easier for a woman because she was responsible for breed and make it comfortable. The man did everything else: went to war, got food, beat hooligans and, if necessary, gave his life. That was his direct task.

What has changed now? The man continues to live in the same tight grid of expectations, and everyone, especially women, tells him hourly when he will be considered "real." Let’s bend your fingers: do not give flowers – a rag, do not raise children – a weakling, do not fight with the enemy for the homeland – not a man, do not move up the career ladder – no respect for you, do not dream of an SUV from BMW – a loser. There are a lot of expectations, experts on how to be, even more.
Normal man At some point, he begins to think that all this only leads him to a dead end: it is purely mathematically impossible for everyone to become a director of Gazprom, a captain of a ship or a scientific luminary. Those who are still in demand among women with expectations. Suddenly, he wants to live and be beautiful, too.

Once again, the need for protection, muscle, food and survival is gone, we live in a completely different world where women have a voice, can call the police and take their children to school on their own. And a man with a beautiful beard is sitting on the bus, staring dreamily out the window and dreaming of a spear. As strange as that sounds. Everybody's on their own.

We're not here to protect men, listing all the things that are inherent in them as a species. One simple thing to understand is that markers no longer work. And if somewhere in the outback, where life has not fundamentally changed for decades, a man will try to behave according to generally accepted expectations, then in human anthills everything is exactly the opposite.

Therefore, the conclusion is logical and simple: the guys do not need to prove anything anymore, from now on they do not think in terms of “to be a real man, you must blah blah blah and go on.” There is no need to prove anything to women who have long since emerged from a position of dependence on men. Now you understand why your heart is so indifferent when a half-sleepy man is in no hurry to give you a seat?

Of course, this whole text does not mean that the knights have transferred and there is nowhere else to wait for simple attention. Such cases are rare and, when they occur, are truly perceived as a feat. We humans have simply drifted away from each other, but this will not always be the case, the era of convergence is looming. It will create other challenges and other values. What? Ours. commentator at your disposal.

Simple human politeness is a good start. Absolutely. psychology Individuals are endlessly amazed. There are also boys who are able to push a pregnant woman to be the first to enter the cabin of the trolleybus. Whether this has anything to do with the theses we have outlined here, you will have to decide for yourself. And don't be silent, it's time to get closer right now.