Six budget New Year decorations for the kitchen
There is an abundance of Christmas decorations in the shops. And they're all so pretty, so cute, you want to buy the whole department. The prices do bite a bit, though. To decorate the whole house, you will have to spend a tidy sum. We do not skimp on Christmas toys, but we do the rest ourselves.
Today's edition. "Site" Share some budget ideas with you to create Christmas. I usually make them to decorate the kitchen, because in every corner of the house there should be a holiday.
How to make New Year’s decorations
Budget, simple, but tasteful. What else is needed New Year's decoration? Some 2 hours and the kitchen will be filled with festive mood. In such an atmosphere, even cooking on a festive table is a thousand times more pleasant. Have you decorated the kitchen yet?

Today's edition. "Site" Share some budget ideas with you to create Christmas. I usually make them to decorate the kitchen, because in every corner of the house there should be a holiday.
How to make New Year’s decorations
- Decorating the fridge
Why spend money on jewelry when you can turn a refrigerator into a snowman? It doesn’t require much spending or talent. All you need is colored paper, scotch and scissors. Cut out cardboard blanks for eyes, nose, mouth and buttons. You can also add a snowman scarf or other items of clothing. Isn't it lovely?
Pinterest - Cone garlands
The most comfortable jewelry is obtained from natural materials. Therefore, safely use cones in the decor. I cook them in advance so I can make garlands later. You can paint the cones and sprinkle them with sequins, then sew everything with a thread and hang a garland on the windows.
Pinterest - The patterns on the windows
You can also decorate the kitchen windows. Everything here is simple: you just need to paint them. The New Year’s Eve and the people who pass by. You can just decorate the glass with snowflakes of paper. But I love to experiment and create, so I prefer to paint snowmen, deer and snowflakes. You can paint with paint or toothpaste mixed with water. Sponges and tassels to help you.
Pinterest - Branches
And again to natural materials - to branches. From ordinary branches, you can make jewelry for any taste and color. For example, make a wreath or Christmas toy. Or simply create compositions from branches, cones and Christmas toys on a windowsill or hood. All that matters is your imagination.
Pinterest - chandelier
For the completeness of the picture, you should not bypass the chandelier. It can be decorated with fluffy tinsel, best green under the color of spruce branches. The main thing is to make sure that jewelry does not come into contact with light bulbs. The decoration can be supplemented with Christmas toys.
Pinterest - Spruce branches in vases
There is no place for a real Christmas tree in the kitchen, but there is a secluded corner for spruce twigs. You can fold the branches into a beautiful vase, add a couple of drops of mandarin essential oil to them and admire the aroma and beauty. As a decoration, you can add Christmas toys or beads. To your taste.
Budget, simple, but tasteful. What else is needed New Year's decoration? Some 2 hours and the kitchen will be filled with festive mood. In such an atmosphere, even cooking on a festive table is a thousand times more pleasant. Have you decorated the kitchen yet?