Magic on each branch: the secrets of Christmas toys

The secrets of Christmas toys. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
Glittering balls, colored cones, garlands, tinsel and all this beauty mount on a slender, green beauty, which is breathtaking smell the forest freshness and needles... life Changes, the whole era thing of the past, but the tradition of decorating a tree for the New year remains.
Did you know that the ornaments on a Christmas tree better than any encyclopedia will tell you about what we have lived a whole generation, how successful was the outgoing year and what people, and whole countries, I dream to achieve in the future?
About the bread vital. No need to be a philosopher or a historian to understand that at all times people first and foremost want to live in the elemental abundance, to have food, clothing and shelter. The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree appeared in medieval Europe as a symbol of such material prosperity. Branches on the tree are arranged so that they resemble the roof of a house. The decorations on them at that time attached only edible – honey cakes, candy, nuts in Golden paper. Besides, a pleasant pine aroma interrupted odors, which are known to be reigned in any medieval town due to the lack of sanitation and very conditional rules of hygiene. And no matter how much I struggled with the new harsh custom of the Church, considering the pagan ritual that Christmas tree still won. And later people as a sign of reconciliation with the Church began to decorate the Christmas tree with figures of angels and other Christian subjects. The poorer was the yield in the past year, the harder people decorated the Christmas tree with treats – to the new year surely has become plentiful.

The Christmas tree was decorated with angels, pine cones and incredibly huge balls. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
By the way, the most popular Christmas toy – elegant, sparkling balls – came to light thanks to the ingenuity of Europeans and their ability to work through adversity. In 1848 in the small town Laws in Thuringia had a poor harvest of apples, and such that for the New year, not a single Apple to hang it on the tree. And then the local glassmakers produced instead of apples glass bowls. They were heavy and thick, for the Shine, they were covered with harmful lead, and cost money – they could afford only wealthy people. But the goal was achieved: the apples on the tree still managed to find a replacement. However, the yield of local apples for the next year, history is silent.
Tradition to replace the present abundance of artificial Christmas tree then was used many times, not only in Europe but in the Soviet Union. In the 1950-ies, when the country had serious problems with food, the Soviet industry produced a series of toys in the form of fruits, vegetables, and fruit that was supposed to symbolize prosperity and rich harvest.

Interior designers advise to buy a few Christmas decorations each year. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
In our is not the most stable, time edible Christmas tree decorations has not lost its relevance. Although total hunger of the modern civilized world is not threatened in the Christmas confectionery gifts we often find Goodies in the form of Christmas toys, in beautiful wrappers and even attached them with ribbons or thread – to make it easier to hang on the Christmas tree.

In the 60-ies of the toy space rockets were on each tree in every home

The Christmas tree was decorated with shiny multi-colored cones on thin cords or "rain"

Grapes, corn, apples and pears enjoyed incredible popularity. They actively decorated and ate at home

On new year trees "soared" up rockets, spaceships and astronauts

Colored ice went on sale 80 years and then became a hit Christmas sales

These colorful balloons with a red star in the center decorated Christmas trees in all kindergartens and schools

Birds of Paradise, parrots and seahorses – it was all on the trees of our mothers and grandmothers
The symbols of the era. Old Christmas decorations better than any historian will tell what the country lived in a particular era. At the end of the nineteenth century, when Europe began the era of technical progress, on the new year parties there were decorations in the form of airships, glass steamers. Progressive transportation has provided people with more freedom of movement, in Vogue travel, and Christmas trees were decorated with figures in the form of exotic animals – elephants, pheasants and other overseas animals and birds. With regard to Soviet history – the most vivid symbols of the era remain, perhaps, Christmas toys, early 1960-ies. The country has conquered space, and on new year trees "soared" up rockets and space ships. Moreover, they are usually side by side with the Golden cobs of corn – it was the most popular crop at that time, her breeding was very insistent the then Soviet leaders, headed by Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev.
Toy late 1980s and early 1990s also reflected the trends of the era. The inhabitants of the perestroika, food stamps trying to escape from reality into the world of horoscopes – so new year trees appeared dragons, snakes, tigers and other symbols of the Eastern calendar. But in the 1990s, the highlight of the program was "new Russian" father frost "under Gzhel", a mobile phone and a purse.
Hand made orhaute couture? Decoration modern Christmas trees is the epitome of the boldest creative ideas. And for someone and an indicator of status. In Germany, for example, created a Christmas ornament that fit to store in a Bank vault. Bright red glass ball enclosed in an openwork mesh of 12 carat gold and 120 diamonds of a total weight of 5.1 carats, worth 20 thousand euros. Is hung on the Christmas tree in just 50 balls, and you have a ready "tree on one million Euro".
But ultimately it doesn't matter who dressed green beauty of the famous designer or you – "to itself the couturier", and maybe an outfit for the main character of the new year is a collective work of the entire family. This tree will also tell about many things. Simply solid balls in one or two colors, concise garland and no ornaments will be given a reserved aristocrat. Homemade snowflakes and lanterns, paper garlands, balloons, tied with crochet or fabric trimmed with fun polka dots decorate a cozy home, where you can warm up in the evenings by the fireplace in a warm sweater with deer. Tree in the style of techno, decorated with old CDs, DVDs, and unnecessary drives – budget and stylish Express option for the youth of the company.

Toy robots will especially enjoy the boys. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
And finally – a big family tree where touching kids crafts side by side with colorful balloons, fun figurines rare, but the surviving symbols of past eras – balls with the image of the Kremlin, the same missiles or corn, tells the story of a big and friendly family where cherished traditions and tenderly, with love, treat your loved ones.
May the tree of our childhood are not like those that love on to our children. New fashion, new technology, more opportunities... But we all have something in common: for any generation the New year remains the most magical holiday. And elegant, sparkling Christmas tree – its main and most beautiful character.
Source: domashniy.ru/
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