Everyday magic that will help to overcome night hunger
It will not be news to anyone that eating habits determine the state of our body. Moreover, not only the quality of products plays an important role, but also the amount of food and the time of its use. Information about nutrition is so much that sometimes it is difficult to get to the truth, raking up contradictory facts. Let's try to figure it out. Can I eat at night? And what lies behind the sudden attacks of hunger.
Many people believe that eating after 6 pm is harmful. Especially those who want to lose weight. In fact, this statement can be considered correct only if a person goes to bed no later than 9. If going to bed occurs about 12, then the refusal of food after 6 is fraught with a late raid on the refrigerator because of starvation.
Yes, a hearty dinner is really not good if you eat it right before bedtime. The fact is that at night all processes in our body slow down, including digestion. Because of undigested food. Sleep can become intermittent and anxious. Therefore, in the morning you will wake up not rested, but irritated and exhausted. In addition, with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
Conclusion: the last meal should occur 2-3 hours before bedtime. Then eaten will have time to digest, and putrefactive processes in the intestine will not poison the body. But what to do if suddenly overcome an attack of night hunger? It happens that even after a hearty dinner, the hand reaches for a tasty piece before going to bed. There are several ways. Control hunger and avoid late overeating.
Away from the temptation, of course, the temptation to eat something tasty increases if delicacies loom in sight. First, you should not put it in a prominent place. buns, cookies, candy, chips and so on. Motley packages and appetizing look and beckon. It can be difficult to resist, because we are always driven by instincts.
Secondly, try to buy and bring in the house. less. If this does not work, hide away or wrap all insidious products in an opaque package. If you really want to eat dessert - do not buy it for 3 days, take a single portion.
The five-hour rule is very simple: At 4-5 p.m., arrange a small snack. The fact is that it is at this time that the body acutely feels a lack of carbohydrates. This is a biological feature associated with the work of hormones. Put a new eating habit into your daily routine and watch yourself. Most likely, attacks of night hunger will become less pronounced.
Of course, at the current pace of life, not everyone has the opportunity to eat at the specified time. Take food with you that will not be unnecessary. For example, drinking yogurt without additives, nuts, banana or apple.
Eat a heavy dinner. If your dinner is balanced and hearty, then the refrigerator will not be so beckoning before bedtime. Make sure that the evening meal contains protein, fat and carbohydrates. Then you will be satisfied with everything you need and hunger will not bother you until the next day. For example, a bun or a plate of spaghetti is a bad dinner. Here. salad with fresh vegetables, chicken, avocado and egg - great idea.
Prevent later overeating will help a glass of plain water, drunk before meals. The liquid will create a feeling of satiety and fullness of the stomach, so that the risk of using excess will decrease. In fact, Sometimes we confuse thirst and hunger.. The thing is that these sensations are controlled by the same part of the brain – the hypothalamus. If hunger prevails between attacks of food, try to drink a glass of water. You may be driven by dehydration.
What is the connection between sleep and hunger? It is simple: due to lack of sleep, our body does not have time to recover and feels a lack of energy and strength. Gravity for delicious. Trying to fill in the missing energy. Note: pulls not to vegetable salads, but to harmful fatty and fried foods, like fries, hamburgers, buns, chips and chocolates. That is, with a pronounced sweet or salty taste and no benefits.
We hope that these simple recommendations will help you avoid nighttime overeating and feel better. How do you deal with late hunger attacks? Are you tempted or are you holding yourself together? Tell me in the comments!

Many people believe that eating after 6 pm is harmful. Especially those who want to lose weight. In fact, this statement can be considered correct only if a person goes to bed no later than 9. If going to bed occurs about 12, then the refusal of food after 6 is fraught with a late raid on the refrigerator because of starvation.

Yes, a hearty dinner is really not good if you eat it right before bedtime. The fact is that at night all processes in our body slow down, including digestion. Because of undigested food. Sleep can become intermittent and anxious. Therefore, in the morning you will wake up not rested, but irritated and exhausted. In addition, with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
Conclusion: the last meal should occur 2-3 hours before bedtime. Then eaten will have time to digest, and putrefactive processes in the intestine will not poison the body. But what to do if suddenly overcome an attack of night hunger? It happens that even after a hearty dinner, the hand reaches for a tasty piece before going to bed. There are several ways. Control hunger and avoid late overeating.

Away from the temptation, of course, the temptation to eat something tasty increases if delicacies loom in sight. First, you should not put it in a prominent place. buns, cookies, candy, chips and so on. Motley packages and appetizing look and beckon. It can be difficult to resist, because we are always driven by instincts.

Secondly, try to buy and bring in the house. less. If this does not work, hide away or wrap all insidious products in an opaque package. If you really want to eat dessert - do not buy it for 3 days, take a single portion.
The five-hour rule is very simple: At 4-5 p.m., arrange a small snack. The fact is that it is at this time that the body acutely feels a lack of carbohydrates. This is a biological feature associated with the work of hormones. Put a new eating habit into your daily routine and watch yourself. Most likely, attacks of night hunger will become less pronounced.

Of course, at the current pace of life, not everyone has the opportunity to eat at the specified time. Take food with you that will not be unnecessary. For example, drinking yogurt without additives, nuts, banana or apple.
Eat a heavy dinner. If your dinner is balanced and hearty, then the refrigerator will not be so beckoning before bedtime. Make sure that the evening meal contains protein, fat and carbohydrates. Then you will be satisfied with everything you need and hunger will not bother you until the next day. For example, a bun or a plate of spaghetti is a bad dinner. Here. salad with fresh vegetables, chicken, avocado and egg - great idea.

Prevent later overeating will help a glass of plain water, drunk before meals. The liquid will create a feeling of satiety and fullness of the stomach, so that the risk of using excess will decrease. In fact, Sometimes we confuse thirst and hunger.. The thing is that these sensations are controlled by the same part of the brain – the hypothalamus. If hunger prevails between attacks of food, try to drink a glass of water. You may be driven by dehydration.

What is the connection between sleep and hunger? It is simple: due to lack of sleep, our body does not have time to recover and feels a lack of energy and strength. Gravity for delicious. Trying to fill in the missing energy. Note: pulls not to vegetable salads, but to harmful fatty and fried foods, like fries, hamburgers, buns, chips and chocolates. That is, with a pronounced sweet or salty taste and no benefits.

We hope that these simple recommendations will help you avoid nighttime overeating and feel better. How do you deal with late hunger attacks? Are you tempted or are you holding yourself together? Tell me in the comments!
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