The reason why a man will howl from longing for a woman

In what qualities a desirable woman possesses, men contradict themselves. In their opinion, a woman should be caring, compliant and homey. And at the same time, this woman should be passionate, cheerful and feminine. There are individuals who leave their wife because during their life together she lost her zest, became nervous and stopped taking care of herself. Let’s not say that this is a man’s fault. But the males go looking for the one, knowing that they deserve the best woman. Today I will not blame men for demanding too much. Let’s figure out what qualities a woman must retain in order to be loved and happy.

A happy woman should laugh at his jokes, even if they are not funny. Joke. In fact, women with a cheerful disposition attract much more those who rustle around the house and with a tired look meets her husband from work. He is tired and it would be nice to see a smile on the face of his beloved. You can't cook dinner, you can't even clean it, but try to be fun. To have fun with you, allow yourself little joys every day, stop doing what you do not want to do, and you will see that your man will begin to appreciate you even more.

Be that gentle, cheerful girl he fell in love with. It becomes more difficult to remain a temptress and a caring wife if there is a blockage at work, and there is no one to sit at home with children. Life steals all youth and beauty, takes away tenderness, and makes a woman rude. Do not allow yourself to become a grumpy, remember that all difficulties can be overcome with a man who looks at you with loving eyes after 20 years of living together. Allow yourself to be weak, let him open a jar of pickles, even if you have a good opener. At such moments, you become tender and vulnerable, and a man increases self-esteem and feels necessary.

A passionate woman who has a favorite activity will not put a man on a pedestal. She has her own life and passions that inspire her and him. It is difficult to describe the beauty of a brooding woman who reads a favorite book, and how interesting it is to look at her expression: anxious, relaxed, sad, inspired. How beautiful is a woman who smeared with paint while drawing an avant-garde picture and smeared all the floors with the same paint. This is a luxury that does not allow yourself a gloomy aunt who folds everything on shelves. Don't be an aunt, be an inspired artist.

A confident Desirable woman is independent, she is confident in her beauty and attractiveness. She is sure that she is intelligent and interesting. With this confidence, a man is charged, he wants to be with such a woman, to conquer her. No one wants to drag a dull woman who is always looking for flaws in herself. Even if they are not, and the beloved begins to talk about the folds on the stomach again and again, you will involuntarily notice these folds.

Who does not want to return after a hard day in the warm arms of a caring wife? Who doesn’t want to come home after a noisy party with friends and see a carefully prepared dinner and a clean bed? Care in the little things, it's very important. But putting a man in the first place is not necessary.

You need to love yourself, take care of your mental and physical health, know what you want out of this life. And if you are at peace with yourself, if you feel like a woman, then there will be a real man who adores all your advantages and loves all your shortcomings.


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