At first glance, you can’t tell that a man has a corps de ballet in his head.
Have you ever noticed that the lives of strange people are always much more fun and brighter than those of ordinary people? If not, today you will have the opportunity to do it, because we have prepared a selection of funny stories from life, dedicated exclusively to the strange thoughts and actions of women. We hope that they will brighten your leisure and cheer you up!
Let them say that there is no female friendship. In college, I met three girls who were always together. The whole stream knew them. The groupmates even came up with a joking name for them “Holy Trinity”. If pairs were missed - only together, if they were distributed in groups to perform the project on the offset - only three people. Any attempt to separate the girls was met with violent protest. And at first it seemed wildly strange, but over time everyone got used to it.
And 3 years after graduation, I accidentally met them in a cafe. All three were pregnant, and as it turned out during our dialogue, even at the same time. The friends said that they specifically calculated the date for conception so that their children were born at the same time.
It’s amazing what happens when it comes to women’s friendship. And they say that it does not exist...
I have been working as a sales consultant in a clothing and accessories store for 2 years. And during that time, I had a lot of funny stories about customers. Here's one of the brightest. One morning a woman in her 60s came running to us and without hesitation went to the department with bags.
Five minutes later, she was standing at the checkout and paying for a shiny pink backpack. My colleague asked if she needed a gift bag to pack the present. To which the customer replied, “Oh, no, thank you.” It's for me. Today I dreamed that I was walking around the park with such a backpack and the man of my dreams approached me! I am going to make this dream a reality.”
I wonder if this dreamer actually met her prince. Personally, I really want to believe that miracles happen and her dream came true!
I wish I could get out! One day I was on a business trip and witnessed a truly amusing story. At the moment when the plane began to descend and went to land, one of the passengers abruptly woke up, jumped from her seat and ran to the exit. When the stewardess snapped and began to sit her back in place, the excited girl sniffed: “Sorry, I was afraid to miss my stop.”
Well, I, accustomed to traveling exclusively on minibuses and trolleybuses, it is easy to understand the anxiety of this girl. Have you often fallen asleep in a transport and missed your stop?
Every day I fall in love with my wife even more. No one can make me laugh more than her! Recently, my Lyudochka read all these Instagram posts about cleansing the body and also decided to arrange a fasting day to brag to her friends about the ideal figure. It should be noted that she does not take patience! After lunch, she stayed on the water until midnight and said, “Well, hello, new day!” We can have breakfast now.”
I think you can only be envious of such an attitude! No, seriously, I will not be able to give up my favorite tasties for more than 2 hours. Do you always manage to resist the temptation to eat something delicious before bed?
My husband didn’t like the family drama from the very first meeting. So much so that she didn't talk to me until we had a baby. My mom started coming, even talking to her husband. I thought she was okay. And then I found out she was just waiting for me to come to my senses and find a better man.
These mothers always know the best. But can a mother be blamed for wishing her child happiness? Of course not.
The main thing is that the beautiful sister of my son-in-law is simply obsessed with her appearance. At 22, she has already managed to correct her nose, ear shape, put veneers and pump her lips. For a long time I tried not to touch the subject. But the interest in why a young girl would make such a dramatic change made me ask her directly. Her answer made me speechless. “I want my first child to be born beautiful, not the way I was before plastic surgery,” she told me.
What an unfortunate disappointment awaits the poor girl, if she really was as bad as she thinks.
Have you ever witnessed funny stories that happened because of outlandish actions or thoughts of strange people? We look forward to reading about your personal experience in the comments!
Let them say that there is no female friendship. In college, I met three girls who were always together. The whole stream knew them. The groupmates even came up with a joking name for them “Holy Trinity”. If pairs were missed - only together, if they were distributed in groups to perform the project on the offset - only three people. Any attempt to separate the girls was met with violent protest. And at first it seemed wildly strange, but over time everyone got used to it.
And 3 years after graduation, I accidentally met them in a cafe. All three were pregnant, and as it turned out during our dialogue, even at the same time. The friends said that they specifically calculated the date for conception so that their children were born at the same time.

It’s amazing what happens when it comes to women’s friendship. And they say that it does not exist...
I have been working as a sales consultant in a clothing and accessories store for 2 years. And during that time, I had a lot of funny stories about customers. Here's one of the brightest. One morning a woman in her 60s came running to us and without hesitation went to the department with bags.
Five minutes later, she was standing at the checkout and paying for a shiny pink backpack. My colleague asked if she needed a gift bag to pack the present. To which the customer replied, “Oh, no, thank you.” It's for me. Today I dreamed that I was walking around the park with such a backpack and the man of my dreams approached me! I am going to make this dream a reality.”

I wonder if this dreamer actually met her prince. Personally, I really want to believe that miracles happen and her dream came true!
I wish I could get out! One day I was on a business trip and witnessed a truly amusing story. At the moment when the plane began to descend and went to land, one of the passengers abruptly woke up, jumped from her seat and ran to the exit. When the stewardess snapped and began to sit her back in place, the excited girl sniffed: “Sorry, I was afraid to miss my stop.”

Well, I, accustomed to traveling exclusively on minibuses and trolleybuses, it is easy to understand the anxiety of this girl. Have you often fallen asleep in a transport and missed your stop?
Every day I fall in love with my wife even more. No one can make me laugh more than her! Recently, my Lyudochka read all these Instagram posts about cleansing the body and also decided to arrange a fasting day to brag to her friends about the ideal figure. It should be noted that she does not take patience! After lunch, she stayed on the water until midnight and said, “Well, hello, new day!” We can have breakfast now.”

I think you can only be envious of such an attitude! No, seriously, I will not be able to give up my favorite tasties for more than 2 hours. Do you always manage to resist the temptation to eat something delicious before bed?
My husband didn’t like the family drama from the very first meeting. So much so that she didn't talk to me until we had a baby. My mom started coming, even talking to her husband. I thought she was okay. And then I found out she was just waiting for me to come to my senses and find a better man.

These mothers always know the best. But can a mother be blamed for wishing her child happiness? Of course not.
The main thing is that the beautiful sister of my son-in-law is simply obsessed with her appearance. At 22, she has already managed to correct her nose, ear shape, put veneers and pump her lips. For a long time I tried not to touch the subject. But the interest in why a young girl would make such a dramatic change made me ask her directly. Her answer made me speechless. “I want my first child to be born beautiful, not the way I was before plastic surgery,” she told me.

What an unfortunate disappointment awaits the poor girl, if she really was as bad as she thinks.
Have you ever witnessed funny stories that happened because of outlandish actions or thoughts of strange people? We look forward to reading about your personal experience in the comments!
My husband gave the apartment to another woman, thanks to my mother-in-law who told me everything.
Begged a novice in the church recipe glaze and learned to make flowers on the curls that do not spread.