How to light the fire of passion in marriage every day
Passionate relationships will last much longer than those in which there is only the warmth of friendship. It’s just as important, but relationships that have both work best. Unfortunately, it is with this aspect that many couples have problems. Keep up the heat It doesn’t always work, and without it, the marriage slowly fades.
Sooner or later, passion disappears in almost every way. However, do not dwell on this or think that the union has come to an end. Love is not just about the physical aspect. It has many other important dynamics. For example, mutual understanding, support, admiration, gratitude and tenderness.
But if you're worried about the disappearance of that bedtime, you can read our tips. It's not just thinking about the subject. All the things you find below, Based on the opinions of family therapists.
Do not forget that romantic evenings should be planned. Especially when you are in a long-term relationship. Marriage has a place only for what was thoughtfully. Good organization only contributes to an active intimate life in our busy world.
Sooner or later, passion disappears in almost every way. However, do not dwell on this or think that the union has come to an end. Love is not just about the physical aspect. It has many other important dynamics. For example, mutual understanding, support, admiration, gratitude and tenderness.

But if you're worried about the disappearance of that bedtime, you can read our tips. It's not just thinking about the subject. All the things you find below, Based on the opinions of family therapists.

- Stop blaming your partner for the lack of communication and put pressure on him. Perhaps the problem is that you put too much pressure on your loved one.
- Embrace and hold hands more often. Such actions Provoke the production of oxytocinwhich calms down the nervous system. Oxytocin copes well with stress and tension.
- For our brains. Expectation is much more enjoyable than the process itself.. This can be a huge advantage for you. Make foreplay longer and take your time.
- Learn. socialize. Do not talk in the bedroom about problems, everyday life and everything that has nothing to do with sex. These aspects can spoil the mood.
- Make time for each other. A well-known psychologist once said that “every good thing you do for your partner in marriage is foreplay.” Try to bring more common hobbies into your life. Don't forget groom.
- Talk to your partner about conservatism. Try to diversify your bed life. Don't be afraid to tell. about his unusual desiresShare your emotions and feelings.
Do not forget that romantic evenings should be planned. Especially when you are in a long-term relationship. Marriage has a place only for what was thoughtfully. Good organization only contributes to an active intimate life in our busy world.
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