When I was forty, I became a grandmother, the best gift that fate gave me.

No one knows when they will meet someone with whom they will live a happy life for the rest of their lives. People fall in love and get married at 20, 40, and even 70, why not? But the difference in the behavior of a young couple and a couple in adulthood is different. Someone thinks that the young couple will divorce early, because they have no life experience, they will not withstand a common life. Someone is sure that if you get married, it is only because of youth, stupidity or love. And the older people get, the harder it is for them to let strangers into their lives.


In youth, people come together very easily. They have not yet accumulated a box of principles in their subconscious. And this feature of lightness and excitement allows people with a completely different worldview to converge. Life takes up most of our lives, and it is very important to reconcile with each other in some small things, to compromise.

Newlyweds who are 20 years old, it is easier to get used to the strangeness of a loved one. But for those people who get married or start living together after 40, it is difficult to make concessions. For example, twenty-year-old Olya will forgive her husband not washed after dinner plate, although they agreed to share duties. But Olya at 45 after two failed marriages will not let an unscrupulous man into her house.

Agree, at the age of 20 you feel omnipotent. Only in youth you can study and earn extra money, at the same time take care of the baby. The older a person gets, the less he can perform tasks at the same time. It just doesn't have the strength. And then suddenly you realize that you yourself live comfortably: you do not need to clean up for anyone, negotiate, waste energy on disputes and someone’s opinion.

People who postpone the birth of children in a long box, doom themselves to misunderstanding. The sooner a couple decides to become parents, the better the parents and child will have a relationship. The line between different perceptions of reality is blurred, young parents get along well with children. But everything has a second side of the coin. In youth, it is difficult to make a reasonable decision or give wise advice to your child.

In early marriages, people share their experiences, try to solve the difficulties together. They begin their life together on equal terms. In later marriages, everyone has acquired property during his life, with which he does not want to part. In an unequal marriage, one of the spouses sooner or later will think, and not at the expense of his beloved person decided to live with him.

There are also many advantages in mature relationships. One should never ask a man when he is getting married or having children. They don't plan, they live. In fact, everyone has a different life, you can not try your relationship on someone or compare your marriage with others. Live and enjoy life, I say. What couples do you think live long and happy lives?


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