What potatoes to cook for kebab
Which garnish is best suited to a fragrant kebabs? Of course, baked potatoes. However, a simple potato in uniforms is too boring. We have something more interesting. We reveal all the secrets of the family recipe: how much to bake potatoes, what spices to add, why add cheese.
Editorial "Site" He is happy to share the recipe for the most delicious baked potatoes. No exaggeration, perfect side dish!
The main question is to answer it at the very end. First, let's find out what is so unusual in the recipe of our potatoes. While the barbecue is fried in the yard, you can cook potatoes and crumble the salad. Here we go!
The ingredients
It's time to get out in the backyard, fry a barbecue and enjoy fragrant potatoes. Believe me, everyone will love this garnish.
And now to the main question: how much to bake potatoes? Potatoes are a side dish that is cooked very quickly. Therefore, it is not necessary to zeal with its heat treatment. The longer you bake, the less vitamins remain in the vegetable. Therefore, even cooking ordinary potatoes in a uniform, bake no more than 15-20 minutes. Culinary success to you!

Editorial "Site" He is happy to share the recipe for the most delicious baked potatoes. No exaggeration, perfect side dish!
The main question is to answer it at the very end. First, let's find out what is so unusual in the recipe of our potatoes. While the barbecue is fried in the yard, you can cook potatoes and crumble the salad. Here we go!

The ingredients
- 6 potatoes
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 100g hard cheese
- garlic
- fennel
- thyme
- vegetable-oil
- Wash the potatoes well and cook them until ready. About 20 minutes after boiling.
- Slightly chill and saucer each potato.
- Each oil and sprinkle with chopped dill.
- Garlic and thyme shredded. Put them on top of the potatoes. The smell will be amazing!
- All this composition on top of the fields with soy sauce and sprinkle hard cheese.
- Oil the tray, put our beautiful potatoes on it and send it to the oven for 15 minutes. The cheese will melt, and the spices will nourish our side dish with a wonderful aroma. It never tastes better!
It's time to get out in the backyard, fry a barbecue and enjoy fragrant potatoes. Believe me, everyone will love this garnish.
And now to the main question: how much to bake potatoes? Potatoes are a side dish that is cooked very quickly. Therefore, it is not necessary to zeal with its heat treatment. The longer you bake, the less vitamins remain in the vegetable. Therefore, even cooking ordinary potatoes in a uniform, bake no more than 15-20 minutes. Culinary success to you!