The subtleties of cooking Italian bread on leaven "Levito Madre"
Instead of making downed bread on dry yeast again, why not try to bake real Italian bread on the legendary Levito Madre sourdough?
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you all the details of this process.
It should be noted that the procedure for preparing the sourdough itself takes quite a lot of time. Therefore, before starting, you need to be patient.
As they say, the game is worth the candle. And if you are not one of the timid ten, please make sure of this personally!
Italian Bread How to Make Sourdough Ingredients
Further, during the week, 2 times a day we make repeated fertilization of the leaven, previously freeing it from the winded upper crust.
After a week and a half of regular feeding, you can start baking bread based on the resulting starter.
How to bake bread on leaven Ingredients
By the way, if you replace sugar with 15 g of rye molasses, the bread will turn out to be more fragrant and will acquire an appetizing blush hue.
As for the remaining sourdough, then with regular feeding it will be wonderfully stored in the refrigerator.
The most troublesome thing is to knead the initial sourdough from scratch. But in the end, you will have the opportunity to pamper yourself and your loved ones with fragrant Italian bread.
Have a good day and a good appetite!

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you all the details of this process.
It should be noted that the procedure for preparing the sourdough itself takes quite a lot of time. Therefore, before starting, you need to be patient.
As they say, the game is worth the candle. And if you are not one of the timid ten, please make sure of this personally!
Italian Bread How to Make Sourdough Ingredients
- fruit-yeast
- cornmeal
- water
- First, combine in a deep bowl 120 g of flour with 60 g of fruit yeast and mixing a homogeneous dough.
- Then clean the table and roll the dough into a thin layer. The resulting layer is rolled into a small roll, then place it in a clean deep bowl and pour clean water at room temperature. In this case, it is desirable to use spring or purchased table water, and not ordinary from the tap. Next, cover the bowl with leaven with a kitchen towel and leave in a warm place for a day. In no case should you replace the towel with a food film or a lid that tightly covers the bowl, since the sourdough should breathe.
At the end of the day, the sourdough should be checked. If it is at the bottom of the vessel, you need to carefully check whether it is stuck - with a spoon. If the leaven is still heavy and does not pop up, then it is not ready yet. Then you need to leave it to ripen for another day, again covered with a thin towel. - Next, you need to catch the leaven and weigh. Then pour the sourdough with water in an amount equal to 50% of the weight of the sourdough (that is, if the sourdough weighing 12 g is obtained, we add 6 ml of water). We also add flour in an amount equal to the weight of leaven (in our case - 12 g). Mix the dough and make it into a ball. After you put this ball in a jar with a wide neck. Cover the can with a napkin and leave it warm for another day.
Further, during the week, 2 times a day we make repeated fertilization of the leaven, previously freeing it from the winded upper crust.
After a week and a half of regular feeding, you can start baking bread based on the resulting starter.
How to bake bread on leaven Ingredients
- 200g leaven
- 200g of water
- 7g salt
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 350g flour
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- Ask for flour in a deep clean bowl and combine it with the rest of the ingredients.
- Then knead the dough. It should be tight, but quite squishy. Cover the resulting dough with food film and leave to stand for 2 hours in a warm place.
- After moving the dough into a pre-oiled form for baking. Cover the form with food film and leave in a warm place for another 2 hours.
- Then warm the oven to 200 degrees and send the bread to bake. After 10 minutes, reduce the temperature to 160 degrees and bake bread for another 20-25 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden sword. If the bread is ready, carefully remove it from the form and move it to the grille so that it does not fog.
In the end, you just have to wait until the bread cools down and enjoy the result of your efforts.
By the way, if you replace sugar with 15 g of rye molasses, the bread will turn out to be more fragrant and will acquire an appetizing blush hue.
As for the remaining sourdough, then with regular feeding it will be wonderfully stored in the refrigerator.

The most troublesome thing is to knead the initial sourdough from scratch. But in the end, you will have the opportunity to pamper yourself and your loved ones with fragrant Italian bread.
Have a good day and a good appetite!