Should I Divorce If My Husband Didn't Congratulate on March 8?
Life after marriage is a challenge for many. Especially if you haven’t lived under the same roof. There comes a period when you need to learn about all the habits and habits of the husband and introduce him to your own. However, this process does not always go smoothly: you just have to accept and tolerate something. However, it is hardly possible to call such a model of relationships healthy. In that case, How to achieve mutual understanding in the family?
Today's story is a vivid example of this. how not. We hope that this story about a poor woman will serve as food for thought. And if you recognize yourself in heroin, let this be the starting point for changes in your life.
I started living with my husband right after the wedding. It was hard at first because we had to get used to our new life together. Household, you know. But it was difficult because Andrew has strange habits. For example, he never eats yesterday's food.
We both work full time, but I get home a little before he does. After work, I immediately stand at the stove and make a fresh dinner, otherwise my husband will not eat. We’ve talked about it many times, but Andrew is impenetrable. I decided once again not to climb and just cook every day, but little by little.
On March 8, I wanted to make a dinner party. I thought through an interesting menu, bought all the products, and started cooking early in the morning. A couple of salads, baked meat, mushroom pie, blueberries... I didn't have time to look back, it was evening. As usual, he sat down at the table in silence. Ate, got up and left. I didn't even say thank you!
He never thanks me for the food. It used to hurt me, but now I just accept it. However, that day I was offended by another: he not only did not say thank you, but did not even congratulate me on the holiday! He didn’t say a single warm word... Is that normal?
The next day we had a little party at work. Our male colleagues set the table, prepared gifts. I decided to stay for a while, I wanted to spend time in good company. We had dinner at home, so much food left. I thought my husband wouldn't make a scandal and eat a celebratory piece of meat from the fridge.
But no miracle happened. The phone rang, “Where are you?” Nothing to eat in the house! Should I make dinner for myself or what? Tears came to my throat, I could barely restrain myself so as not to burst into tears in front of colleagues. One of them, Alla, heard my husband's cries and was very surprised.
“I always cook for a few days so as not to stick around the stove afterward. And if my husband doesn't like something, he may not eat, I won't force him to. Let him cook. Sometimes he makes dinner for the whole family. Maybe you will offer your own option, too? said Alla.
“You know, Andrew is incorrigible. I talked to him a hundred times and tried to understand him. “No,” I tried to defend myself. A colleague looked at me meaningfully and said, "Lena, he's acting like this because you let him do it." If he doesn't like something, let him order food at home. You are a woman, not a scrap horse.”
I envied the courage and courage of my colleague. But I couldn't do that. I came home after the party and made a fresh dinner. I'm afraid to imagine how angry my husband would have been if I hadn't. Maybe I need to change something in my life.
Editorial How to achieve mutual understandingIf someone close to you can’t hear you? Unfortunately, a conversation between two people doesn’t always help them dot the i. If your husband ignores your requests and behaves consumeristically towards you, maybe it's just not your man.
Sometimes it is very difficult to figure it out on your own. A specialist, a family psychologist, can come to the rescue, who will open your eyes to many things. Or maybe he'll save your marriage by talking to your husband and trying to understand him. The main thing is not to be silent and not to swallow tears, but to talk about your problems.
Do you know how to achieve mutual understanding in a family? Boldly shared their tricks in the comments. Wait for you!

Today's story is a vivid example of this. how not. We hope that this story about a poor woman will serve as food for thought. And if you recognize yourself in heroin, let this be the starting point for changes in your life.
I started living with my husband right after the wedding. It was hard at first because we had to get used to our new life together. Household, you know. But it was difficult because Andrew has strange habits. For example, he never eats yesterday's food.

We both work full time, but I get home a little before he does. After work, I immediately stand at the stove and make a fresh dinner, otherwise my husband will not eat. We’ve talked about it many times, but Andrew is impenetrable. I decided once again not to climb and just cook every day, but little by little.
On March 8, I wanted to make a dinner party. I thought through an interesting menu, bought all the products, and started cooking early in the morning. A couple of salads, baked meat, mushroom pie, blueberries... I didn't have time to look back, it was evening. As usual, he sat down at the table in silence. Ate, got up and left. I didn't even say thank you!

He never thanks me for the food. It used to hurt me, but now I just accept it. However, that day I was offended by another: he not only did not say thank you, but did not even congratulate me on the holiday! He didn’t say a single warm word... Is that normal?
The next day we had a little party at work. Our male colleagues set the table, prepared gifts. I decided to stay for a while, I wanted to spend time in good company. We had dinner at home, so much food left. I thought my husband wouldn't make a scandal and eat a celebratory piece of meat from the fridge.

But no miracle happened. The phone rang, “Where are you?” Nothing to eat in the house! Should I make dinner for myself or what? Tears came to my throat, I could barely restrain myself so as not to burst into tears in front of colleagues. One of them, Alla, heard my husband's cries and was very surprised.
“I always cook for a few days so as not to stick around the stove afterward. And if my husband doesn't like something, he may not eat, I won't force him to. Let him cook. Sometimes he makes dinner for the whole family. Maybe you will offer your own option, too? said Alla.

“You know, Andrew is incorrigible. I talked to him a hundred times and tried to understand him. “No,” I tried to defend myself. A colleague looked at me meaningfully and said, "Lena, he's acting like this because you let him do it." If he doesn't like something, let him order food at home. You are a woman, not a scrap horse.”
I envied the courage and courage of my colleague. But I couldn't do that. I came home after the party and made a fresh dinner. I'm afraid to imagine how angry my husband would have been if I hadn't. Maybe I need to change something in my life.
Editorial How to achieve mutual understandingIf someone close to you can’t hear you? Unfortunately, a conversation between two people doesn’t always help them dot the i. If your husband ignores your requests and behaves consumeristically towards you, maybe it's just not your man.

Sometimes it is very difficult to figure it out on your own. A specialist, a family psychologist, can come to the rescue, who will open your eyes to many things. Or maybe he'll save your marriage by talking to your husband and trying to understand him. The main thing is not to be silent and not to swallow tears, but to talk about your problems.
Do you know how to achieve mutual understanding in a family? Boldly shared their tricks in the comments. Wait for you!
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