Ballet dancers eat a lot and stay light.
Many people think that ballerinas eat only salad, washing it down with water and lemon. But that's far from the truth. After all, these elegant women work hard, and therefore have to eat a lot to get enough energy. However, they do follow some of the proper nutrition They deny themselves heavy food.
The fact that ballerinas eat one spinach is a myth. But the fact that after 30, the metabolism slows down is true. And therefore I at this age began to pay more attention to proper nutrition, began to approach my diet more carefully, says the soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre Kristina Kretova.
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What do ballerinas eat? One of the most popular questions... The biggest misconception is that ballerinas don’t eat anything. It seems to everyone that we starve ourselves for weeks, and if we eat, then completely tasty food! Of course not! Our diet is very diverse and no less tasty than everyone else. I can’t afford to eat a huge and high-calorie cake, but I can make a carrot cake! It will be as tasty, but at the same time very useful and will not hurt my figure! And my favorite protein maffins? – it’s just incredibly delicious! As you can see, ballerinas even eat pastries, not to mention a wide variety of other dishes? There are two very important rules: 1️ The food has to be right. It is necessary to exclude harmful food from your diet and switch to a healthy diet; 2️е Everything has to be measured. Everyone has their own, but it is important not to overeat. Listen to your body, it always knows when to stop. If at first you find it difficult to control your diet, then there are many sites and applications that will help you calculate the required number of calories and meals. And on the page @kkristina_kretova_daily I share my recipes for delicious and healthy eating. Have all the recipes been tried and approved by me and my family? Eat tasty and right - this is the key to health and a beautiful figure! #cretova #prode #ballerina #big theater #health #beauty #pp #proper nutrition
A post shared by Kristina Kretova (@kkristinabalerina) on May 13, 2020 at 2:04am PDT
She was not only a professional but also a happy mother and wife. She also built a career on television as a leading culinary show, where she explained to the audience how to eat and tasty, and at the same time useful.
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Yay, comrades! Peace, labor, May!!! In honor of the holiday, did a percussion workout? ballet ?? pumping muscles ??????????????????cardio And polished everything with protein from @ucandy_ru (vanilla cream ?) Muscles grateful, stomach happy? vitamins obtained? There will be no kebabs today in honor of the holiday, but on my food page @kkristina_kretova_daily there is a recipe for protein muffins from @ucandy_ru with peanut paste ??? 15% discount KKR70 All good home holidays! Yay! Comrades!!!! #myrtrudmay #holiday #ballerina #kretova #protein #simdoma #quarantine #ucandy #yukendi #yukendi
A post shared by Kristina Kretova (@kkristinabalerina) on May 1, 2020 at 5:43am PDT
The ballerina even started a blog where she began to share her options of popular recipes. It simply removes all the “unhealthy” ingredients and replaces them with healthier foods. In her performance, sweets are harmless, and even blueberries do not harm the figure.
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Recipe @timina.mama? Ingredients for 10 candies 15 small dates Coconut oil 2stl Cocoa or carob 2stl I made 2 types of flour Coconut 1stl Almond 1stl Coconut shavings Sesame at the request of Good Appetite ️
A post shared by Kristina Kretova? (@kkristina_kretova_daily) on May 3, 2020 at 7:53am PDT
Feeding a ballerina, I tried different food options. I tried breakfast at 10 a.m., then dinner at 16 a.m., then nothing to eat until the next morning. But after 2 weeks, she abandoned such a regime. The hunger strikes are not mine, Kristina said.
But balanced nutrition is an option that the ballerina has always liked. The abundance of vegetables, fish, turkey, chicken, cottage cheese - that regularly appears in the diet of this elegant woman.
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A week before the storm of passions?? I will prepare and tune in to my favorite performances. а️ "Karenina" 27.02 ?Winter fairy tale" 29.02 Come?. #big theater #kretova #ballerina #karenina #winter fairy tale
A post shared by Kristina Kretova (@kkristinabalerina) on Feb 18, 2020 at 1:50am PST
Kristina Kretova is sure that if you replace all heavy foods with those rich in vitamins, you will not have to limit yourself. And even sweets can be allowed without harm to the figure.
The woman confidently calls herself a sweet tooth. She makes truffles herself: mixes dates with coconut flour, coconut oil and cocoa. Sometimes makes ice cream with banana, peanut paste and soy milk. And in order for her culinary masterpieces to gain new fans, Kretova shares recipes on her Instagram.
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I have nothing to do... I hear these words all the time, from different people since the beginning of self-isolation. My workload has decreased significantly, more free time has appeared, but I do not feel that I am bored and have nothing to do. I always find things for myself. At the beginning of the quarantine I gave myself some time to rest, but a week later I began to adjust my life to new realities. Were ballet classes held on video communication?, I began to cook more? and devote time to family? In order not to stop leading an active social life even within the house, I began to go live on Instagram. I started to spend more time on myself and my development. Have I finally read the books that have been waiting for their time? Watch movies that everyone has already seen, and I didn’t have time for them. During this time, I came up with a couple of ideas that I will definitely implement in the future. Most importantly, was I able to fulfill my long-held goal and dream? I started my own online ballet school! Not just a ballet school, but a non-professional school. For people who have always dreamed of touching this magical world of dance, but believed that it was too late and they would not succeed. There are more than 50 students in my school, the youngest are under 12 and the oldest are over 50. During the quarantine, I and many girls were able to fulfill their dreams! Maybe this is the time to make your dreams come true? Photo by @alisaaslanova for my collection #clothes for ballet along with @ballet_maniacs е️.. #christinaballerina #ballet #ballet #ballerina #dream come true #beauty #art #greattheatre
A post shared by Kristina Kretova (@kkristinabalerina) on May 31, 2020 at 3:34am PDT
Readers cook according to my recipes, offer their ideas, write reviews. Recently laughed the comment of the subscriber, who noted: “I never thought that I would take recipes from the ballerina,” laughs Kristina Kretova.
As you can see, beauties engaged in ballet, eat much better than you think. Large loads and constant activity are simply impossible without abundant nutrition.
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I could be a makeup artist... Did I love makeup when I was a teenager? From the age of 14, I began to get interested in makeup. Constantly experimenting and choosing different makeup? This love of cosmetics has not gone away yet. I almost always wear makeup myself, whether it’s a normal day or a performance on stage. Only during filming on television? I paint professional makeup artists, because makeup for working with the camera? is different from everyday or stage. ? Everyday makeup is very simple and natural, I try to use a minimum of cosmetics. Do I usually focus on my eyes or lips? The makeup for the stage is completely different. For me, this is not just makeup, but the image of my heroine. Each heroine has its own special makeup and at the time of self-application of makeup, I immerse myself in my heroine. It's a very important ritual for me. Stage makeup more dense, persistent and bright? During the performance, I often change clothes and after each change of image, makeup artists adjust my makeup to put a new layer on top of the old one? Am I washing it off long and carefully? When I’m at home, I don’t wear makeup. I give my face a full rest and recovery. I make tonic, moisturizing masks and do facebuilding ня️ #christinaballerina #ballet #ballerina #big theater #images
A post shared by Kristina Kretova (@kkristinabalerina) on Jun 11, 2020 at 5:15am PDT
And at a more mature age, when the metabolism is not the same, and regular loads stop, there are all chances to gain extra pounds. Therefore, you have to carefully monitor the diet, so as not to disappoint either long-time fans or yourself.

The fact that ballerinas eat one spinach is a myth. But the fact that after 30, the metabolism slows down is true. And therefore I at this age began to pay more attention to proper nutrition, began to approach my diet more carefully, says the soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre Kristina Kretova.
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What do ballerinas eat? One of the most popular questions... The biggest misconception is that ballerinas don’t eat anything. It seems to everyone that we starve ourselves for weeks, and if we eat, then completely tasty food! Of course not! Our diet is very diverse and no less tasty than everyone else. I can’t afford to eat a huge and high-calorie cake, but I can make a carrot cake! It will be as tasty, but at the same time very useful and will not hurt my figure! And my favorite protein maffins? – it’s just incredibly delicious! As you can see, ballerinas even eat pastries, not to mention a wide variety of other dishes? There are two very important rules: 1️ The food has to be right. It is necessary to exclude harmful food from your diet and switch to a healthy diet; 2️е Everything has to be measured. Everyone has their own, but it is important not to overeat. Listen to your body, it always knows when to stop. If at first you find it difficult to control your diet, then there are many sites and applications that will help you calculate the required number of calories and meals. And on the page @kkristina_kretova_daily I share my recipes for delicious and healthy eating. Have all the recipes been tried and approved by me and my family? Eat tasty and right - this is the key to health and a beautiful figure! #cretova #prode #ballerina #big theater #health #beauty #pp #proper nutrition
A post shared by Kristina Kretova (@kkristinabalerina) on May 13, 2020 at 2:04am PDT
She was not only a professional but also a happy mother and wife. She also built a career on television as a leading culinary show, where she explained to the audience how to eat and tasty, and at the same time useful.
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Yay, comrades! Peace, labor, May!!! In honor of the holiday, did a percussion workout? ballet ?? pumping muscles ??????????????????cardio And polished everything with protein from @ucandy_ru (vanilla cream ?) Muscles grateful, stomach happy? vitamins obtained? There will be no kebabs today in honor of the holiday, but on my food page @kkristina_kretova_daily there is a recipe for protein muffins from @ucandy_ru with peanut paste ??? 15% discount KKR70 All good home holidays! Yay! Comrades!!!! #myrtrudmay #holiday #ballerina #kretova #protein #simdoma #quarantine #ucandy #yukendi #yukendi
A post shared by Kristina Kretova (@kkristinabalerina) on May 1, 2020 at 5:43am PDT
The ballerina even started a blog where she began to share her options of popular recipes. It simply removes all the “unhealthy” ingredients and replaces them with healthier foods. In her performance, sweets are harmless, and even blueberries do not harm the figure.
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Recipe @timina.mama? Ingredients for 10 candies 15 small dates Coconut oil 2stl Cocoa or carob 2stl I made 2 types of flour Coconut 1stl Almond 1stl Coconut shavings Sesame at the request of Good Appetite ️
A post shared by Kristina Kretova? (@kkristina_kretova_daily) on May 3, 2020 at 7:53am PDT
Feeding a ballerina, I tried different food options. I tried breakfast at 10 a.m., then dinner at 16 a.m., then nothing to eat until the next morning. But after 2 weeks, she abandoned such a regime. The hunger strikes are not mine, Kristina said.
But balanced nutrition is an option that the ballerina has always liked. The abundance of vegetables, fish, turkey, chicken, cottage cheese - that regularly appears in the diet of this elegant woman.
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A week before the storm of passions?? I will prepare and tune in to my favorite performances. а️ "Karenina" 27.02 ?Winter fairy tale" 29.02 Come?. #big theater #kretova #ballerina #karenina #winter fairy tale
A post shared by Kristina Kretova (@kkristinabalerina) on Feb 18, 2020 at 1:50am PST
Kristina Kretova is sure that if you replace all heavy foods with those rich in vitamins, you will not have to limit yourself. And even sweets can be allowed without harm to the figure.
The woman confidently calls herself a sweet tooth. She makes truffles herself: mixes dates with coconut flour, coconut oil and cocoa. Sometimes makes ice cream with banana, peanut paste and soy milk. And in order for her culinary masterpieces to gain new fans, Kretova shares recipes on her Instagram.
View this post on Instagram
I have nothing to do... I hear these words all the time, from different people since the beginning of self-isolation. My workload has decreased significantly, more free time has appeared, but I do not feel that I am bored and have nothing to do. I always find things for myself. At the beginning of the quarantine I gave myself some time to rest, but a week later I began to adjust my life to new realities. Were ballet classes held on video communication?, I began to cook more? and devote time to family? In order not to stop leading an active social life even within the house, I began to go live on Instagram. I started to spend more time on myself and my development. Have I finally read the books that have been waiting for their time? Watch movies that everyone has already seen, and I didn’t have time for them. During this time, I came up with a couple of ideas that I will definitely implement in the future. Most importantly, was I able to fulfill my long-held goal and dream? I started my own online ballet school! Not just a ballet school, but a non-professional school. For people who have always dreamed of touching this magical world of dance, but believed that it was too late and they would not succeed. There are more than 50 students in my school, the youngest are under 12 and the oldest are over 50. During the quarantine, I and many girls were able to fulfill their dreams! Maybe this is the time to make your dreams come true? Photo by @alisaaslanova for my collection #clothes for ballet along with @ballet_maniacs е️.. #christinaballerina #ballet #ballet #ballerina #dream come true #beauty #art #greattheatre
A post shared by Kristina Kretova (@kkristinabalerina) on May 31, 2020 at 3:34am PDT
Readers cook according to my recipes, offer their ideas, write reviews. Recently laughed the comment of the subscriber, who noted: “I never thought that I would take recipes from the ballerina,” laughs Kristina Kretova.
As you can see, beauties engaged in ballet, eat much better than you think. Large loads and constant activity are simply impossible without abundant nutrition.
View this post on Instagram
I could be a makeup artist... Did I love makeup when I was a teenager? From the age of 14, I began to get interested in makeup. Constantly experimenting and choosing different makeup? This love of cosmetics has not gone away yet. I almost always wear makeup myself, whether it’s a normal day or a performance on stage. Only during filming on television? I paint professional makeup artists, because makeup for working with the camera? is different from everyday or stage. ? Everyday makeup is very simple and natural, I try to use a minimum of cosmetics. Do I usually focus on my eyes or lips? The makeup for the stage is completely different. For me, this is not just makeup, but the image of my heroine. Each heroine has its own special makeup and at the time of self-application of makeup, I immerse myself in my heroine. It's a very important ritual for me. Stage makeup more dense, persistent and bright? During the performance, I often change clothes and after each change of image, makeup artists adjust my makeup to put a new layer on top of the old one? Am I washing it off long and carefully? When I’m at home, I don’t wear makeup. I give my face a full rest and recovery. I make tonic, moisturizing masks and do facebuilding ня️ #christinaballerina #ballet #ballerina #big theater #images
A post shared by Kristina Kretova (@kkristinabalerina) on Jun 11, 2020 at 5:15am PDT
And at a more mature age, when the metabolism is not the same, and regular loads stop, there are all chances to gain extra pounds. Therefore, you have to carefully monitor the diet, so as not to disappoint either long-time fans or yourself.
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